East meets West – contemporary urban issues revisited.
International conference of the Urban Development Issues journal
Krakow (Poland), 18th October 2017
Krakow – a city between East and West – being an example of a particular intensity of many spatial phenomena and processes, seems to be a perfect meeting point for a discussion on contemporary urban development issues.
The idea of the conference is to compare and contrast ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ approaches to urban research and practice, through keynote sessions focused on particular topics related to current challenges faced by cities and towns, open call session as well as poster session. We would like to go beyond a poster exhibition: each author of a poster is expected to give a short speech illustrated by his/her poster, summarizing the key points and main ideas. There will also be the best poster award.
We warmly invite all the conference participants to submit their papers to Urban Development Issues journal. Please refer to For Authors section for details concerning our editorial policy and technical guidelines.
The idea of the conference is to compare and contrast ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ approaches to urban research and practice, through keynote sessions focused on particular topics related to current challenges faced by cities and towns, open call session as well as poster session. We would like to go beyond a poster exhibition: each author of a poster is expected to give a short speech illustrated by his/her poster, summarizing the key points and main ideas. There will also be the best poster award.
We warmly invite all the conference participants to submit their papers to Urban Development Issues journal. Please refer to For Authors section for details concerning our editorial policy and technical guidelines.
keynote speakers
- Prof. Gérard-François Dumont (UFR de Géographie et Aménagement, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne)
- Prof. Ole B. Jensen (Centre for Strategic Urban Research, University of Copenhagen)
- dr Ivan Andráško (Department of Geography, Masaryk University, Brno)
- Ágnes Erőss (Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
- Margit Noll (JPI Urban Europe, Vienna)
Organizing Team
Piotr Trzepacz ([email protected])
Agata Warchalska-Troll ([email protected])
Magdalena Bień ([email protected])
Agata Warchalska-Troll ([email protected])
Magdalena Bień ([email protected])
Go to Programme
Conference Venue
Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
ul. Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krakow
Room: P 1.0.1
ul. Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krakow
Room: P 1.0.1
Dates & deadlines
- 31.08. Registration deadline Update: DEADLINE EXTENDED until 10.09.
- 15.09. Payment deadline
- 20.09. The announcement of full programme
- 17.10. Pre-conference event: a field walking trip Current challenges of urban development in Krakow
- 18.10. The conference
Payment details
Please note: the participation fee for students and PhD students is 150 PLN (ca. 38 EUR) and for other participants is 300 PLN (ca. 75 EUR), the additional field trip fee is 60 PLN (ca. 15 EUR).
The participation fee does not cover accommodation and transport.
Please transfer the total amount [conference fee /+ optional field trip fee/] to the following bank account:
Instytut Rozwoju Miast
ul. Cieszynska 2
30-015 Krakow
IBAN: PL 54 1240 3002 1111 0000 2885 6146
The bank transfer title: "UDI Surname(s)". Please do not use any special characters.
The participation fee does not cover accommodation and transport.
Please transfer the total amount [conference fee /+ optional field trip fee/] to the following bank account:
Instytut Rozwoju Miast
ul. Cieszynska 2
30-015 Krakow
IBAN: PL 54 1240 3002 1111 0000 2885 6146
The bank transfer title: "UDI Surname(s)". Please do not use any special characters.