Toms Skadins, Janis Krumins & Maris Berzins
Delineation of the boundary of an urban agglomeration: evidence from Riga, Latvia Urban Development Issues, vol. 62, 39–46 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2019-0007
Keywords: urban spatial structure, boundary delineation, suburbanisation, Riga agglomeration
Statistical, morphological and functional approaches have long been used to delineate spatial boundaries of urban agglomerations. This research uses data from the Central Statistical Bureau and the State Revenue Service. The results indicate that morphological and functional approaches are essential when defining the agglomeration, however the outcomes are different. The most relevant consistency was observed in the territorial units adjoining the city of Riga due to the fact that they have a common labour market with Riga and share a strong functional linkage. However, the spatial extent based on the morphological approach confirms and highlights the effects of urban sprawl.
Statistical, morphological and functional approaches have long been used to delineate spatial boundaries of urban agglomerations. This research uses data from the Central Statistical Bureau and the State Revenue Service. The results indicate that morphological and functional approaches are essential when defining the agglomeration, however the outcomes are different. The most relevant consistency was observed in the territorial units adjoining the city of Riga due to the fact that they have a common labour market with Riga and share a strong functional linkage. However, the spatial extent based on the morphological approach confirms and highlights the effects of urban sprawl.
Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Slim, S. & Tiru, M. (2010) Daily rhythms of suburban commuters’ movements in the Tallinn metropolitan area: case study with mobile positioning data, Transportation Research, 18(1), 45–54. DOI:
Bauls, A. (1978) Commuting in the suburban zones of some cities of the Latvian SSR, Soviet Geography, 19(6), 406–415.
Bauls, A. & Koziols, V. (1989) Osobennosti majatnikovoj migracii selskogo naselenija v Rizhskoj aglomeracii. Rajonnaja planirovka i gradostroitelstvo, Riga Polytechnic Institute, Riga, 103–108 [in Russian].
Bauls, A., Krisjane, Z., Melbārde, Z. & Skinkis, P. (1996) Aglomerācijas formēšanas faktori, noteikšanas kritēriji, un Rīgas aglomerācijas izpētes analīze nacionālā plānojuma iespējamā modeļa izstrādāšanai, Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, Riga [in Latvian].
Boren, T. & Gentile, M. (2007) Metropolitan Processes in Post-Communist States: An Introduction, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 89, 95–110. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0467.2007.00242.x.
Burger, M. & Meijers, E. (2012) Form follows function? Linking morphological and functional polycentricity, Urban Studies, 49(5), 1127–1149.
Corvers, F., Hensen M. & Bongaerts, D. (2009) Delimitation and Co-herence of Functional and Administrative Regions, Regional Studies, 43(1), 19–31.
DOI: 10.1080/00343400701654103.
Cottineau, C., Finance, O., Hatna, E., Arcaute, E., & Batty, M. (2018) Defining urban clusters to detect agglomeration economies, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/2399808318755146.
Couch C., Leontidou, L. & Arnstberg, K.O. (2007) Introduction: Definitions, Theories and Methods of Comparative Analysis, [in:] C. Couch, L. Leontidou & G. Petschel-Held, eds., Urban Sprawl in Europe: Landscapes, Land-Use Change & Policy, Blackwell, Oxford, 3–38.
Czyż, T. (2011) Conceptions of an urban agglomeration and a metropolitan area in Poland, Geographia Polonica, 84(2), 5–17.
DOI: http://dx.doi.Org/10.7163/GPol.2011.2.1.
Fang, C & Yu, D. (2017) Urban agglomeration: An evolving concept of an emerging phenomenon, Landscape and Urban Planning, 162, 126–136.
Fedorova, V.A., Safina, R.G. & Essuman-Quainoo, B. (2018) Delimitation and analysis of the spatial structure of the Kazan urban agglomeration, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 177, 1–8. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/177/1/012008.
Filimonenko, L. (1991) Problemi razvitija Rizhskoi aglomeracii: analiz problem sovremmenogo razvitija Rizhskoi aglomeracii, Latviskij NII Stroitelstva, Riga
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Fuchs, R. J. & Demko, G. J. (1978) Commuting in the USSR, Soviet Geography, 19(6), 363–372.
Gentile, M., Tammaru, T. & van Kempen, R. (2012) Guest editorial: Heteropolitanization: social and spatial change in Central and East European cities, Cities, 29(5), 291–349.
Kabisch, N. & Haase, D. (2011) Diversifying European agglomerations: evidence of urban population trends for the 21st century, Population, Space and Place, 17, 236–253. DOI:
Kauder, B. (2015) Spatial administrative structure and intrametropolitan tax competition, Journal of Regional Science, 55, 626–643.
Klapka, P. & Halas, M. (2016) Conceptualising patterns of spatial flows: Five decades of advances in the definition and use of functional regions, Moravian Geographical Reports, 24(2), 2–11.
Kloosterman, R. C. & Musterd, S. (2001) The polycentric urban region: towards a research agenda, Urban Studies, 38(4), 623–633.
Krisjane, Z., Eglite, P., Bauls, A., Lulle, A., Berzins, M., Brants, M., Cunska, Z., Gnedovska, I., Ivbulis, B., Kruzmetra, Z., Kule, L., Markausa, I.M., Niklass, M., Pavlina, I., Titova, N. et al. (2007) Darbaspēka ģeogrāfiskā mobilitāte, Latvijas Universitāte, Riga [in Latvian].
Krisjane, Z. & Berzins, M. (2009) Commuting and the deconcentration of the post-socialist urban population: the case of the Riga agglomeration, Folia Geographica, 14, 56–74.
Krisjane, Z. & Berzins, M. (2012) Post-socialist urban trends: new patterns and motivations for migration in the suburban areas of Rīga, Latvia, Urban Studies, 49(2), 289–306.
Krisjane, Z., Berzins, M., Ivlevs, A. & Bauls, A. (2012) Who are the typical commuters in the postsocialist metropolis? The case of Riga, Latvia, Cities, 29(5), 334–340. DOI:
Liang, J., Li, F. & Mao, L. (2010) Review of the methods of delimitation for the spatial scope of urban agglomeration, presentation made at the 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing.
Morrill, R., Cromartie, J. & Hart, G. (1999) Metropolitan, urban, and rural commuting areas: Toward a better depiction of the United States settlement system, Urban Geography, 20, 727–48. DOI:
Novak, J. & Sykora, L. (2007) A city in motion: time‐space activity and mobility patterns of suburban inhabitants and the structuration of the spatial organization of the Prague metropolitan area, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 89(2), 147–168.
Novotny, L. (2016) Urban development and migration processes in the urban region of Bratislava from the post-socialist transformation until the global economic crisis, Urban Geography, 37(7), 1009–1029. DOI:
Parr, J. B. (2007) Spatial definitions of the city: four perspectives, Urban Studies, 44(2), 381–392. DOI:
Stead, D. & Marshall, S. (2001) The relationships between urban form and travel patterns. An international review and evaluation, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 1(2), 113–141. Available from:
[accessed: 17.11.2018].
Schwanen, T. Dijst, M. & Dieleman, F.M. (2002) Urban form and commuting behaviour: a cross‐European perspective, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 93(3), 336–343. DOI: Sykora, L. & Mulicek, O. (2009) The micro-regional nature of func-
tional urban areas (FUAs): lessons from the analysis of Czech urban and regional system, Urban Research and Practise, 2(3), 287–307.
Sykora, L. & Stanilov, K. (2014) The challenge of post-socialist suburbanization, [in:] K. Stanilov & L. Sykora, eds., Urban Decentralization in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 1–32.
Szczepańska, A. (2016) Urbanization processes related to the development of residential functions in gminas adjacent to the city of Olsztyn, [in:] S. Środa-Murawska & M. Dymitrow, eds., Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Torun, 131–143.
Tammaru, T. & Kontuly, T. (2011) Selectivity and destinations of ethnic minorities leaving the main gateway cities of Estonia, Population, Space and Place, 17(5), 674–688. DOI:
Thomas, I., Cotteels, C., Jones, J. & Peeters, D. (2012) Revisiting the extension of the Brussels urban agglomeration: new methods, new data... new results? Belgeo, 1(2), 1–12. Available from: [accessed 17.11.2018].
Travisi, C. M., Camagni, R., & Nijkamp, P. (2010) Impacts of urban sprawl and commuting: a modelling study for Italy, Journal of Transport Geography, 18(3), 382–392. DOI:
Vandermotten, C. (2008) Bruxelles et son hinterland économique, presentation made at the Actes du Colloque du Conseil Economique et Social de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Conference, June 2008, Brussells [in French].
Internet sources
INSEE Definition of urban unit: [accessed 17.11.2018].
INSEE Definition of urban area: [accessed 17.11.2018].
Rīgas aglomerācijas robežu noteikšana 2004. gadā: [accessed 15.11.2018] [in Latvian].
Rīgas aglomerācijas robežu precizēšana 2012. gadā: [accessed 15.11.2018] [in Latvian].
Rīgas aglomerācijas robežu precizēšana 2017. gadā: [accessed 15.11.2018] [in Latvian].
Data sources
CSB Database: [accessed 15.11.2018].
CSB Maps and spatial data: [accessed 15.11.2018].
Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta informācija par darba ņēmēju skaitu un viņu iemaksāto iedzīvotāju ienākumu nodokļu summu katrā administratīvajā teritorijā 2016. gadā [in Latvian].
Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Slim, S. & Tiru, M. (2010) Daily rhythms of suburban commuters’ movements in the Tallinn metropolitan area: case study with mobile positioning data, Transportation Research, 18(1), 45–54. DOI:
Bauls, A. (1978) Commuting in the suburban zones of some cities of the Latvian SSR, Soviet Geography, 19(6), 406–415.
Bauls, A. & Koziols, V. (1989) Osobennosti majatnikovoj migracii selskogo naselenija v Rizhskoj aglomeracii. Rajonnaja planirovka i gradostroitelstvo, Riga Polytechnic Institute, Riga, 103–108 [in Russian].
Bauls, A., Krisjane, Z., Melbārde, Z. & Skinkis, P. (1996) Aglomerācijas formēšanas faktori, noteikšanas kritēriji, un Rīgas aglomerācijas izpētes analīze nacionālā plānojuma iespējamā modeļa izstrādāšanai, Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, Riga [in Latvian].
Boren, T. & Gentile, M. (2007) Metropolitan Processes in Post-Communist States: An Introduction, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 89, 95–110. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0467.2007.00242.x.
Burger, M. & Meijers, E. (2012) Form follows function? Linking morphological and functional polycentricity, Urban Studies, 49(5), 1127–1149.
Corvers, F., Hensen M. & Bongaerts, D. (2009) Delimitation and Co-herence of Functional and Administrative Regions, Regional Studies, 43(1), 19–31.
DOI: 10.1080/00343400701654103.
Cottineau, C., Finance, O., Hatna, E., Arcaute, E., & Batty, M. (2018) Defining urban clusters to detect agglomeration economies, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/2399808318755146.
Couch C., Leontidou, L. & Arnstberg, K.O. (2007) Introduction: Definitions, Theories and Methods of Comparative Analysis, [in:] C. Couch, L. Leontidou & G. Petschel-Held, eds., Urban Sprawl in Europe: Landscapes, Land-Use Change & Policy, Blackwell, Oxford, 3–38.
Czyż, T. (2011) Conceptions of an urban agglomeration and a metropolitan area in Poland, Geographia Polonica, 84(2), 5–17.
DOI: http://dx.doi.Org/10.7163/GPol.2011.2.1.
Fang, C & Yu, D. (2017) Urban agglomeration: An evolving concept of an emerging phenomenon, Landscape and Urban Planning, 162, 126–136.
Fedorova, V.A., Safina, R.G. & Essuman-Quainoo, B. (2018) Delimitation and analysis of the spatial structure of the Kazan urban agglomeration, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 177, 1–8. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/177/1/012008.
Filimonenko, L. (1991) Problemi razvitija Rizhskoi aglomeracii: analiz problem sovremmenogo razvitija Rizhskoi aglomeracii, Latviskij NII Stroitelstva, Riga
[in Russian].
Fuchs, R. J. & Demko, G. J. (1978) Commuting in the USSR, Soviet Geography, 19(6), 363–372.
Gentile, M., Tammaru, T. & van Kempen, R. (2012) Guest editorial: Heteropolitanization: social and spatial change in Central and East European cities, Cities, 29(5), 291–349.
Kabisch, N. & Haase, D. (2011) Diversifying European agglomerations: evidence of urban population trends for the 21st century, Population, Space and Place, 17, 236–253. DOI:
Kauder, B. (2015) Spatial administrative structure and intrametropolitan tax competition, Journal of Regional Science, 55, 626–643.
Klapka, P. & Halas, M. (2016) Conceptualising patterns of spatial flows: Five decades of advances in the definition and use of functional regions, Moravian Geographical Reports, 24(2), 2–11.
Kloosterman, R. C. & Musterd, S. (2001) The polycentric urban region: towards a research agenda, Urban Studies, 38(4), 623–633.
Krisjane, Z., Eglite, P., Bauls, A., Lulle, A., Berzins, M., Brants, M., Cunska, Z., Gnedovska, I., Ivbulis, B., Kruzmetra, Z., Kule, L., Markausa, I.M., Niklass, M., Pavlina, I., Titova, N. et al. (2007) Darbaspēka ģeogrāfiskā mobilitāte, Latvijas Universitāte, Riga [in Latvian].
Krisjane, Z. & Berzins, M. (2009) Commuting and the deconcentration of the post-socialist urban population: the case of the Riga agglomeration, Folia Geographica, 14, 56–74.
Krisjane, Z. & Berzins, M. (2012) Post-socialist urban trends: new patterns and motivations for migration in the suburban areas of Rīga, Latvia, Urban Studies, 49(2), 289–306.
Krisjane, Z., Berzins, M., Ivlevs, A. & Bauls, A. (2012) Who are the typical commuters in the postsocialist metropolis? The case of Riga, Latvia, Cities, 29(5), 334–340. DOI:
Liang, J., Li, F. & Mao, L. (2010) Review of the methods of delimitation for the spatial scope of urban agglomeration, presentation made at the 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing.
Morrill, R., Cromartie, J. & Hart, G. (1999) Metropolitan, urban, and rural commuting areas: Toward a better depiction of the United States settlement system, Urban Geography, 20, 727–48. DOI:
Novak, J. & Sykora, L. (2007) A city in motion: time‐space activity and mobility patterns of suburban inhabitants and the structuration of the spatial organization of the Prague metropolitan area, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 89(2), 147–168.
Novotny, L. (2016) Urban development and migration processes in the urban region of Bratislava from the post-socialist transformation until the global economic crisis, Urban Geography, 37(7), 1009–1029. DOI:
Parr, J. B. (2007) Spatial definitions of the city: four perspectives, Urban Studies, 44(2), 381–392. DOI:
Stead, D. & Marshall, S. (2001) The relationships between urban form and travel patterns. An international review and evaluation, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 1(2), 113–141. Available from:
[accessed: 17.11.2018].
Schwanen, T. Dijst, M. & Dieleman, F.M. (2002) Urban form and commuting behaviour: a cross‐European perspective, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 93(3), 336–343. DOI: Sykora, L. & Mulicek, O. (2009) The micro-regional nature of func-
tional urban areas (FUAs): lessons from the analysis of Czech urban and regional system, Urban Research and Practise, 2(3), 287–307.
Sykora, L. & Stanilov, K. (2014) The challenge of post-socialist suburbanization, [in:] K. Stanilov & L. Sykora, eds., Urban Decentralization in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 1–32.
Szczepańska, A. (2016) Urbanization processes related to the development of residential functions in gminas adjacent to the city of Olsztyn, [in:] S. Środa-Murawska & M. Dymitrow, eds., Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Torun, 131–143.
Tammaru, T. & Kontuly, T. (2011) Selectivity and destinations of ethnic minorities leaving the main gateway cities of Estonia, Population, Space and Place, 17(5), 674–688. DOI:
Thomas, I., Cotteels, C., Jones, J. & Peeters, D. (2012) Revisiting the extension of the Brussels urban agglomeration: new methods, new data... new results? Belgeo, 1(2), 1–12. Available from: [accessed 17.11.2018].
Travisi, C. M., Camagni, R., & Nijkamp, P. (2010) Impacts of urban sprawl and commuting: a modelling study for Italy, Journal of Transport Geography, 18(3), 382–392. DOI:
Vandermotten, C. (2008) Bruxelles et son hinterland économique, presentation made at the Actes du Colloque du Conseil Economique et Social de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Conference, June 2008, Brussells [in French].
Internet sources
INSEE Definition of urban unit: [accessed 17.11.2018].
INSEE Definition of urban area: [accessed 17.11.2018].
Rīgas aglomerācijas robežu noteikšana 2004. gadā: [accessed 15.11.2018] [in Latvian].
Rīgas aglomerācijas robežu precizēšana 2012. gadā: [accessed 15.11.2018] [in Latvian].
Rīgas aglomerācijas robežu precizēšana 2017. gadā: [accessed 15.11.2018] [in Latvian].
Data sources
CSB Database: [accessed 15.11.2018].
CSB Maps and spatial data: [accessed 15.11.2018].
Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta informācija par darba ņēmēju skaitu un viņu iemaksāto iedzīvotāju ienākumu nodokļu summu katrā administratīvajā teritorijā 2016. gadā [in Latvian].