Daria Łucka
How to build a community. New Urbanism and its critics Urban Development Issues, vol. 59, 17–26 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0025
Keywords: New Urbanism, urban planning, community
The focus of the following article will be New Urbanism, an urbanistic movement which originated in the United States and advocated the establishment and reinforcing of communities through planning activities. Its proponents claim that the proper design of space leads to the development of a local community. The article will discuss the main principles of the New Urbanism approach, such as its social doctrine and the concept of neighbourhood. Possible benefits of New Urbanism and critical arguments regarding it will also be analysed.
The focus of the following article will be New Urbanism, an urbanistic movement which originated in the United States and advocated the establishment and reinforcing of communities through planning activities. Its proponents claim that the proper design of space leads to the development of a local community. The article will discuss the main principles of the New Urbanism approach, such as its social doctrine and the concept of neighbourhood. Possible benefits of New Urbanism and critical arguments regarding it will also be analysed.
Andreescu, V. & Besel, K. (2013) Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs as Precursors of New Urbanism: Residents’ Reaction to Different Urban Visions, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 15–28.
Bellah, R. (2007) Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Besel, K. & Cherubin, H. (2013) A Tale of Two Villages: Park DuValle and West Clay, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 57–70.
Besel, K. & Vick, J. (2013) A Case for Traditional Town Planning, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 37–48.
Cozens, P. M. (2008) New Urbanism, Crime and the Suburbs: A Review of the Evidence, Urban Policy and Research, 26 (4), 429–444.
Day, K. (2003) New Urbanism and the Challenges of Designing for Diversity, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 23, 83–95.
Duany, A., Plater-Zyberk E. & Speck J. (2000) Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream, North Point, New York.
Etzioni, A. (1993) The Spirit of Community. The Reinvention of American Society, Simon & Schuster, New York.
Etzioni, A. (2004) The Common Good, Polity Press, Camebridge.
Falconer Al-Hindi, K. & Till K. E. (2001) (Re)placing the New Urbanism Debates: Toward an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda, Urban Geography, 22 (3), 189–201.
Fulton, W. (1996) The New Urbanism. Hope or Hype for American Communities?, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge.
Ganapati, S. (2008) Critical Appraisal of Three Ideas for Community Development in the United States, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 27, 382–399.
Gehl, J. (2012) Public Spaces for the 21st Century, [in:] I. Helbrecht & P. Dirksmeier, eds., New Urbanism. Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown, Ashgate, Burlington, 39–45.
Grant, J. L. (2007) Two Sides of a Coin? New Urbanism and Gated Communities, Housing Policy Debate, 18 (3), 481–501.
Gyourko, J. E. & Rybczynski, W. (2000) Financing New Urbanism Projects: Obstacles and Solutions, Housing Policy Debate, 11 (3), 733–750.
Heins, M. (2015) Finding Common Ground Between New Urbanism and Landscape Urbanism, Journal of Urban Design, 20 (3), 293–302.
Helbrecht, I. & Dirksmeier, P. (2012) New Downtowns: A New Form of Centrality and Urbanity in World Society, [in:] I. Helbrecht & P. Dirksmeier, eds., New Urbanism. Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown, Ashgate, Burlington, 1–21.
Hirt, S. A. (2009) Premodern, Modern, Postmodern? Placing New Urbanism into a Historical Perspective, Journal of Planning History, 8(3), 248–273.
Holcombe, R. G. (2004) The New Urbanism Versus the Market Process, The Review of Austrian Economics, 17 (2/3), 285–300.
Katz, P. (1998) What Makes a Good Urban Park?, [in:] A. Etzioni, ed., The Essential Communitarian Reader, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 183–186.
Kelbaugh, D. (2014) The Environmental Paradox of the City, Landscape Urbanism and New Urbanism, [in:] T. Haas, & K. Olsson, eds., (2014) Emergent Urbanism. Urban Planning and Design in Times of Structural and Systemic Change, Ashgate, Burlington, 159–173.
Lamer, Ch. (2004) Why Government Policies Encourage Urban Sprawl and the Alternatives Offered by New Urbanism, Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Spring, 1–21.
Lees, L. (2012) Planning Urbanity – A Contradiction in Terms?, [in:] I. Helbrecht & P. Dirksmeier, eds., New Urbanism. Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown, Ashgate, Burlington, 23–37.
Leinberger, Ch. B. (2008) The Option of Urbanism. Investing in a New American Dream, Island Press, Washington.
Polmateer, T. (2014) New Urbanism and Localism, Fordham Urban Law Journal, 43 (3), 1085–1139.
Putnam, R. (2001) Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon & Schuster, New York.
Putnam, R. (2004) Better Together: Restoring the American Community, Simon & Schuster, New York.
Retana, A., Pena, C. & Ortega, L. M. (2014) Critiques, Replicas and Proposals for the New Urbanism Vision, Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii, 5 (1), 3–20.
Saab, A. J. (2007) Historical Amnesia: New Urbanism and the City of Tomorrow, Journal of Planning History, 6 (3), 191–213.
Shin, Y. & Shin, D-H. (2012) Community Informatics and the New Urbanism: Incorporating Information and Communication Technologies into Planning Integrated Urban Communities, Journal of Urban Technology, 19 (1), 23–42.
Talen, E. (1999) Sense of Community and Neighbourhood Form: An Assessment of the Social Doctrine of New Urbanism, Urban Studies, 36 (8), 1361–1379.
The Charter of the New Urbanism (n.d.). Available from: https://www.cnu.org/who-we-are/charter-new-urbanism [accessed 15.12.2016].
Toker, Z. (2007) Recent Trends in Community Design: the Eminence of Participation, Design Studies, 28, 309–323.
Vick, J. & Perkins, D. (2013) Building Community: Residential Satisfaction in Conventional and Neotraditional Suburban Neighbourhoods, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 89–104.
Andreescu, V. & Besel, K. (2013) Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs as Precursors of New Urbanism: Residents’ Reaction to Different Urban Visions, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 15–28.
Bellah, R. (2007) Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Besel, K. & Cherubin, H. (2013) A Tale of Two Villages: Park DuValle and West Clay, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 57–70.
Besel, K. & Vick, J. (2013) A Case for Traditional Town Planning, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 37–48.
Cozens, P. M. (2008) New Urbanism, Crime and the Suburbs: A Review of the Evidence, Urban Policy and Research, 26 (4), 429–444.
Day, K. (2003) New Urbanism and the Challenges of Designing for Diversity, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 23, 83–95.
Duany, A., Plater-Zyberk E. & Speck J. (2000) Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream, North Point, New York.
Etzioni, A. (1993) The Spirit of Community. The Reinvention of American Society, Simon & Schuster, New York.
Etzioni, A. (2004) The Common Good, Polity Press, Camebridge.
Falconer Al-Hindi, K. & Till K. E. (2001) (Re)placing the New Urbanism Debates: Toward an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda, Urban Geography, 22 (3), 189–201.
Fulton, W. (1996) The New Urbanism. Hope or Hype for American Communities?, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge.
Ganapati, S. (2008) Critical Appraisal of Three Ideas for Community Development in the United States, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 27, 382–399.
Gehl, J. (2012) Public Spaces for the 21st Century, [in:] I. Helbrecht & P. Dirksmeier, eds., New Urbanism. Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown, Ashgate, Burlington, 39–45.
Grant, J. L. (2007) Two Sides of a Coin? New Urbanism and Gated Communities, Housing Policy Debate, 18 (3), 481–501.
Gyourko, J. E. & Rybczynski, W. (2000) Financing New Urbanism Projects: Obstacles and Solutions, Housing Policy Debate, 11 (3), 733–750.
Heins, M. (2015) Finding Common Ground Between New Urbanism and Landscape Urbanism, Journal of Urban Design, 20 (3), 293–302.
Helbrecht, I. & Dirksmeier, P. (2012) New Downtowns: A New Form of Centrality and Urbanity in World Society, [in:] I. Helbrecht & P. Dirksmeier, eds., New Urbanism. Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown, Ashgate, Burlington, 1–21.
Hirt, S. A. (2009) Premodern, Modern, Postmodern? Placing New Urbanism into a Historical Perspective, Journal of Planning History, 8(3), 248–273.
Holcombe, R. G. (2004) The New Urbanism Versus the Market Process, The Review of Austrian Economics, 17 (2/3), 285–300.
Katz, P. (1998) What Makes a Good Urban Park?, [in:] A. Etzioni, ed., The Essential Communitarian Reader, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 183–186.
Kelbaugh, D. (2014) The Environmental Paradox of the City, Landscape Urbanism and New Urbanism, [in:] T. Haas, & K. Olsson, eds., (2014) Emergent Urbanism. Urban Planning and Design in Times of Structural and Systemic Change, Ashgate, Burlington, 159–173.
Lamer, Ch. (2004) Why Government Policies Encourage Urban Sprawl and the Alternatives Offered by New Urbanism, Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Spring, 1–21.
Lees, L. (2012) Planning Urbanity – A Contradiction in Terms?, [in:] I. Helbrecht & P. Dirksmeier, eds., New Urbanism. Life, Work, and Space in the New Downtown, Ashgate, Burlington, 23–37.
Leinberger, Ch. B. (2008) The Option of Urbanism. Investing in a New American Dream, Island Press, Washington.
Polmateer, T. (2014) New Urbanism and Localism, Fordham Urban Law Journal, 43 (3), 1085–1139.
Putnam, R. (2001) Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon & Schuster, New York.
Putnam, R. (2004) Better Together: Restoring the American Community, Simon & Schuster, New York.
Retana, A., Pena, C. & Ortega, L. M. (2014) Critiques, Replicas and Proposals for the New Urbanism Vision, Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii, 5 (1), 3–20.
Saab, A. J. (2007) Historical Amnesia: New Urbanism and the City of Tomorrow, Journal of Planning History, 6 (3), 191–213.
Shin, Y. & Shin, D-H. (2012) Community Informatics and the New Urbanism: Incorporating Information and Communication Technologies into Planning Integrated Urban Communities, Journal of Urban Technology, 19 (1), 23–42.
Talen, E. (1999) Sense of Community and Neighbourhood Form: An Assessment of the Social Doctrine of New Urbanism, Urban Studies, 36 (8), 1361–1379.
The Charter of the New Urbanism (n.d.). Available from: https://www.cnu.org/who-we-are/charter-new-urbanism [accessed 15.12.2016].
Toker, Z. (2007) Recent Trends in Community Design: the Eminence of Participation, Design Studies, 28, 309–323.
Vick, J. & Perkins, D. (2013) Building Community: Residential Satisfaction in Conventional and Neotraditional Suburban Neighbourhoods, [in:] K. Besel & V. Andreescu, eds., Back to the Future. New Urbanism and the Rise of Neotraditionalism in Urban Planning, University Press of America, Lanham, 89–104.