Agnieszka Sobala-Gwosdz*, Krzysztof Gwosdz
”Katowice effect”? Regeneration of the site of the former Katowice coal mine through prestige cultural projects Urban Development Issues, vol. 56, 27–40. DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0010
Keywords: demography, world population, urbanisation, urban population, urban demographic transition, citiesflagship projects, brownfield regeneration, Katowice urban area
This paper aims to give an in–depth account of the regeneration of the site of the former Katowice coalmine, by far the largest regeneration venture financed by the public sector on a post-industrial site in Poland, and to capture the primary outcomes and effects of this prestige project. Contrary to a simplified interpretation of a ‘Polish Bilbao effect’, the authors argue that the Culture Zone follows a unique development model that was driven by a coincidence of such factors as the situation of a major (post-) industrial conurbation seeking a new identity, the availability of external funding, chance events (with the origins of some of them dating back to WW2), and pre-existing spatial factors. The study area has been diagnosed to include all the positive effects of flagship projects, as well as most of the weaknesses associated with such a type of regeneration. All in all, it is a successful undertaking given the external conditions under which it has been implemented.
This paper aims to give an in–depth account of the regeneration of the site of the former Katowice coalmine, by far the largest regeneration venture financed by the public sector on a post-industrial site in Poland, and to capture the primary outcomes and effects of this prestige project. Contrary to a simplified interpretation of a ‘Polish Bilbao effect’, the authors argue that the Culture Zone follows a unique development model that was driven by a coincidence of such factors as the situation of a major (post-) industrial conurbation seeking a new identity, the availability of external funding, chance events (with the origins of some of them dating back to WW2), and pre-existing spatial factors. The study area has been diagnosed to include all the positive effects of flagship projects, as well as most of the weaknesses associated with such a type of regeneration. All in all, it is a successful undertaking given the external conditions under which it has been implemented.
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Temelová, J. (2007) Flagship developments and the physical upgrading of the post-socialist inner city: the Golden Angel Project in Prague, Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, 89 (2), 169–181.
The Megasite Management Guideline (2014), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig. Trumbull, N.S. (2014) Culture‐led development and conflict over urban space: reimag(in)ing St Petersburg, Russia, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 96 (1), 1–22.
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Internet sources
Central Statistical Office website [Bank Danych Lokalnych]: [accessed: 25.09.2017]
EU funding browser: [accessed 25.09.2017]
Areso, I. (2007) Bilbao’s strategic evolution. From the industrial to the post-industrial city, Proceeding. Riss Osaka.
Available from: [accessed: 25.09.2017].
Bianchini, F., Dawson, J., Evans, R. (1992) Flagship projects in urban regeneration, [in:] P. Healey, S. Davoudi, M. O’Toole, S. Tavsanoglu & D. Usher, eds., Rebuilding the City: Property-led Urban Regeneration, E. & F. N. Spon, London, 245–255.
Bienek, H. (1991) Brzozy i wielkie piece. Dzieciństwo na Górnym Śląsku, Wokół Nas, Gliwice [in Polish].
Borina, E. & Paunović, I. (2015) The case of louvre-lens: regional regeneration through cultural innovation. Paper presented at SITCON 2015 – Singidunum International Tourism Conference. doi:10.15308/sitcon-2015-248-251.
Carley, M., Chapman, M., Hastings, A., Kirk, K. & Young, R. (2000) Urban regeneration through partnership: A critical appraisal, The Policy Press, Bristol.
Clarke, N. (2012) Urban policy mobility, anti-politics, and histories of the transnational municipal movement, Progress in Human Geography, 36(1), 25–43.
Strefa Kultury (2015), Fabryka Silesia 2(9), 26–52 [in Polish].
Feldman, M. (2000) Urban waterfront regeneration and local governance in Tallinn, Europe-Asia Studies, 52 (5), 829–850.
Gehl, J. (2010) Cities for people, Island Press, Washington–Covelo–London.
Golubchikov, O., Badyina, A. & Makhrova, A. (2014), The hybrid spatialities of transition: Capitalism, legacy and uneven urban economic restructuring, Urban Studies, 51 (4), 617–633.
Hansen, H.K. & Winther, L. (2015) Employment growth, human capital and educational levels: uneven urban and regional development in Denmark 2002–2012, Journal Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 115 (2), 105–118.
Harvey, D. (2000) Spaces of hope, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Jodliński, L. (2013) Nowe Muzeum Śląskie. Architektura, rewitalizacja terenów postindustrialnych, program wystawienniczy, [in:] I. Kozina, ed., Sztuka i przemysł. Paradygmat innowacji – dziedzictwo kulturowe na obszarach przemysłowych Niemiec i Polski, Muzeum Śląskie, Katowice, 35–47 [in Polish].
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Kunzmann, K.R. (2013) Creative cities: vision, enthusiasm and reality, [in:] Revitalisation through arts and culture. New developments for 5 European industrial complexes, Second Chance, Nürnberg, 7–29.
Loftman, P. & Nevin, B. (1995) Prestige projects and urban regeneration in the 1980s and 1990s: a review of benefits and limitations, Planning Practice and Research, 10 (3/4), 299–315.
Mahoney, J. (2000) Path dependence in historical sociology, Theory and Society, 29 (4), 507–548.
Miles, S. & Paddison , R. (2005) Introduction: the rise and rise of culture-led urban regeneration, Urban Studies, 42 (5–6), 833–839.
Murzyn, M. (2003) Culture and urban revitalization. The case of Bilbao, Yearbook of the International Cultural Centre, Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Kraków, 11, 34–43.
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Nawrocki, T., 7.12.2015, Katowice i nowi mieszczanie. Kilka socjologicznych refleksji katowiczanina, Opcje. Kwartalnik kulturalny.
Available from: [accessed: 25.09.2017] [in Polish].
Oevermann, H. & Mieg, H.A. (2015) Zollverein and Sulzer: The tangible and intangible dimensions of industrial heritage sites, [in:] J. Czierpka, K. Oerters & N. Thorade, eds., Regions, Industries and Heritage. Perspectives on economy, society, and culture in modern Western Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 260–279.
Orzechowska-Wacławska, J. (2012) Sukces Bilbao możliwy tylko w Bilbao, Instytut Obywatelski, 4, 1–13 [in Polish].
Orzechowska-Wacławska, J. (2017) Katowicka Strefa Kultury. Kreatywność w modernistycznym wydaniu, [in:] P. Kubicki, B. Gierat-Bieroń & J. Orzechowska-Wacławska, eds., Efekt ESK. Jak konkurs na Europejską Stolicę Kultury 2016 zmienił polskie miasta, NOMOS, Kraków, 184–193 [in Polish].
Oslislo-Piekarska, Z. (2015) Nowi Ślązacy. Miasto, dizajn, tożsamość, ASP, Katowice [in Polish].
O’Toole, M. & Usher, D. (1992) Forms of partnership, [in:] P. Healey, S. Davoudi, M., O’Toole, S. Raisanaglu & D. Usher, eds., Rebuilding the City: property-led urban regeneration, E. & F. N. Spon, London, 215–222.
Pintér R., Csapó J. (2016) Industrial tourism as a chance for the diversification of the tourism of the Pécs-Mecsek region, Revija za Geografijo – Journal for Geography, 11–2, 2016, 57–70.
Rius-Ulldemolins, J., Gil-Manuel, H., Torres, M.F. (2015) Urban development and cultural policy ‘White Elephants’: Barcelona and Valencia, European Planning Studies, 24 (1), 61–75.
Stevenson, D. (2004) ‘Civic gold’ rush: cultural planning and the politics of the Third Way, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 10 (1), 119–131.
Stryjakiewicz, T. & Stachowiak, K. (2010) Uwarunkowania, poziom i dynamika rozwoju sektora kreatywnego w poznańskim obszarze metropolitalnym, Bogucki, Poznań [in Polish].
Sýkora, L. & Bouzarovski, S. (2012) Multiple transformations: Conceptualising the postcommunist urban transition, Urban Studies, 49 (1), 43–60.
Szychta kreatywna w Muzeum Śląskim. Społeczne aspekty rewitalizacji (2017), Muzeum Śląskie w Katowicach, 13–15 [in Polish].
Temelová, J. (2007) Flagship developments and the physical upgrading of the post-socialist inner city: the Golden Angel Project in Prague, Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, 89 (2), 169–181.
The Megasite Management Guideline (2014), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig. Trumbull, N.S. (2014) Culture‐led development and conflict over urban space: reimag(in)ing St Petersburg, Russia, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 96 (1), 1–22.
Vicario, L. & Monje, P.M.M. (2003) Another ‘Guggenheim effect’? The generation of a potentially gentrifiable neighbourhood in Bilbao, Urban Studies, 40 (12), 2383–2400.
Internet sources
Central Statistical Office website [Bank Danych Lokalnych]: [accessed: 25.09.2017]
EU funding browser: [accessed 25.09.2017]