Martin Barthel & Ewelina Barthel
Exploring Subbordia – the impact of suburbanisation in cross-border metropolitan regions. The case study of Szczecin and its German hinterland Urban Development Issues, vol. 60, 5–13 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0031
Keywords: suburbanisation, planning, metropolitan region, border, Germany, Poland
This paper focuses on the largely unexamined phenomenon of the developing trans-national suburban area west of Szczecin. Sadly the local communities in this functionally connected area struggle with national planning policies that are unsuitable for the region. The paper examines the impact of those processes on the border region in general and on the localities in particular. The paper investigates the consequences for local narratives and the cohesive development of the Euroregion and what position Polish and German communities took to develop the region, even without the necessary planning support. The region has succeeded in establishing grass-roots planning mechanisms which have helped to create a metropolitan-region working from the bottom up.
This paper focuses on the largely unexamined phenomenon of the developing trans-national suburban area west of Szczecin. Sadly the local communities in this functionally connected area struggle with national planning policies that are unsuitable for the region. The paper examines the impact of those processes on the border region in general and on the localities in particular. The paper investigates the consequences for local narratives and the cohesive development of the Euroregion and what position Polish and German communities took to develop the region, even without the necessary planning support. The region has succeeded in establishing grass-roots planning mechanisms which have helped to create a metropolitan-region working from the bottom up.
Aischmann, B. (2012) Der Nachbar aus Papier. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Pomorze Zachodnie – Eine Nachbarschaft im Spiegel der regionalen Presse. Teil 1 1945-1980. Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin [In German with Polish abstracts].
Balogh, P. (2013) Sleeping abroad but working at home: Cross-border residential mobility between transnationalism and (re)bordering, Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, 95(2), 189–204.
Balogh, P. (2014) Perpetual Borders. German-Polish cross-border contacts in the Szczecin area. Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm.
Barthel, F. (2010) Auswirkungen der Immigration polnischer Bürger auf den Landkreis Uecker-Randow am Beispiel von Löcknitz: im Fokus: Wohnungsmarkt, Siedlungsentwicklung sowie Bildungs- und Erziehungseinrichtungen, Band 9 von Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Neubrandenburg, Hochschule Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg [in German].
Besier, G. (2012) German-Polish Neighbourhood Relations on the Shared Border, [in:] M. Lähteenmäki, ed., Imagined, Negotiated, Remembered: Constructing European Borders and Borderlands, Vol. 11, LIT Verlag, Münster, 197−214.
Beurskens, K., Creutziger, C. & Miggelbrink, J. (2016) Securitisation from below?: civil engagement within processes of bordering in international EU borderlands, [in:] U. Grabski-Kieron, I. Mose et. al eds., European rural peripheries revalued: governance, actors, impacts, LIT, Berlin, 172−195.
Brambilla, C. (2015) Exploring the Critical Potential of the Borderscapes Concept, Geopolitics, 20(1), 14−34. DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2014.884561.
Bürkner, H.-J. (2015) Beyond Constructivism: Europeanisation and Bordering under the Impact of Power and Imaginaries [in:] C. Brambilla, J. Laine & J. W. Scott, eds., Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making, Ashgate, London, 27−40.
Eberhardt, P. (2011) Political migrations on Polish territories (1939-1950), Monografie-Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Geografii
The case study of Szczecin and its German hinterland i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego, Warsaw.
European Commission (2015) 25 Years of Interreg.
Available from:
[accessed 16.06.2018].
European Spatial Planning Observation Network (2017) Polycentric Territorial Structures and Territorial Cooperation, ESPON Policy Brief 6. ESPON, Lux-
EUROSTAT (2016) Statistical Yearbook 2016. Chapter 2.3 Crude rate of total population change.
Available from:,20&o=1,1¢er=48.22791,15.91677,4& [accessed: 16.06.2018].
Gorker, D. (2006) Introduction: The Study of the Linguistic Landscape as a New Approach to Multilingualism, [in:] D. Gorker, ed., Linguistic Landscape A New Approach to Multilingualism, Multilingual Matters, Bristol, 1−7.
Grzechnik, M. (2017) ‘Recovering’ Territories: The Use of History in the Integration of the New Polish Western Borderland after World War II, Europe-Asia Studies, 69(4), 668−692. DOI:10.1080/09668136.2017.1297386.
Hinrichsen, K. (2015) Oder-Neisse-Grenze. Bis auf Widerruf? [in:] H. Hahn, R. Traba, eds., Deutsch-Polnische Erinnerungsorte. Band 1: Geteilt /Gemeinsam, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, 497−521 [in German with Polish abstracts].
Jańczak, J. (2017) Cross-Border urbanism on the German-Polish border – Between spatial de-Boundarization and social (re-)frontierization, [in:] E. Boesen & G. Schnuer, eds., European Borderlands. Living with Barriers and Bridges, Routledge, London and New York, 47−63.
Khanna, P. (2016) Connectography – mapping the global network revolution, Orion Publishing, London.
Kimura, G. (2015) Grundzüge interlingualer Kommunikationsstrategien - dargestellt am Beispiel der deutsch-polnischen Grenzregion, Sophia Journal of European Studies, Sophia University 2015/03, 59−88 [In German and Japanese].
Kinder, S. & Roos, N. (2013) „Szczettinstan“ und „Nowa Amerika“: Regionsbildung von unten im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum, Osteuropa, Bd. 63(2013), H. 8, 3−18 [in German].
Lis, K. (2013) Perspektywy regionalnego rynku pracy w warunkach transgranicznego regionu metropolitarnego Szczecina. Niemiecki program wsparcia zawodowego dla młodych mieszkańców Szczecina i powiatu polickiego, [in:] J. Buko et al., eds., Kultura, Kreatywność i Biznes Wyzwania dla Polityki Regionalnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecinskiego, Szczecin [in Polish].
Lunden, T. (2004) On the boundary. About humans at the end of territory, Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm.
Małachowski, K. (2013) Wybrane aspekty utworzenia Szczecińskiego Obszaru Metropolitarnego. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Nr 794 2013 [in Polish].
Marszolek, I. (2014) Unforgotten Landscapes: Radio and the Reconstruction of Germany’s European Mission in the East in the 1950s, German Politics and Society, 32(1), 60−73.
Martinez, O. (1994) The dynamics of border interaction, [in:] C. H. Schofield, ed., Global boundaries, World boundaries, volume 1, Routlege, London and New York, 1−15.
Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju [MIR] (2014) IPPON. Studieder räumlichen Integration des deutsch-polnischen Grenzraumes, MIR, Warsaw [in German and Polish with English abstracts].
Musekamp, J. (2013) Między Stettinem a Szczecinem. Metamorfozy miasta od 1945 do 2005, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań [in Polish].
Neuwahl, N. (2005) What borders for which Europe? [in:] J. De Bardeleben, ed., Soft or Hard Borders? Ashgate, Aldershot, Burlington, 23−41.
Nora, P. (1997) The realms of memory: Rethinking the French past, Columbia University Press, New York.
NPD-Hochburg Löcknitz. Brücken ohne Ende, 18.11.2011, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Available from: [accessed 16.06.2018] [in German].
O’Dowd, L. (2002) The Changing Significance of European Borders, Regional & Federal Studies, 12(4), 13−36. DOI: 10.1080/714004774.
Øresundbro Konsortiet (2015) The Øresund Bridge and its Region - 15 years, Ørsesundbro Konsortiet, Malmö.
Perera, S. (2007) A Pacific Zone?: (In)Security, Sovereignty, and Stories of the Pacific Borderscape, [in:] P. Rajam, C. Grundy-Warr, eds.,
Borderscapes: Hidden Geographies and Politics at Territory’s Edge, vol. 29, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 201–228.
Schmidt, T. (2005) Cross-border regional enlargement in Øresund, GeoJournal, 64(3), 249−258. DOIi:10.1007/s10708-006-6874-5.
Scott, J.W. (2011) Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement, [in:] D. Wastl-Walter, ed., Ashgate Research Companion of Border Studies, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 123−142.
Scott, J.W. (2016) Introduction: Borders, Economy, Culture, International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences: Implications of Borders on Culture and Economics, 6, Special Issue No 1. 2016, 1−3.
Smas, L., Schmitt, P. (2015) Brave new megaregional world? Reflections from a North European perspective, [in:] J. Harrison & M. Hoyler, eds., Megaregions. Globalisation’s New Urban Form? Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Northampton, MA, 146−174.
Stokłosa, K. (2012) Neighborhood Relations on the Polish Borders: The Example of the Polish–German, Polish–Ukrainian and Polish–Russian Border Regions, Journal of Borderlands Studies, 27(3), 245−255. DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2012.750948.
Tautz, A. (2014) Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels für die Regionalplanung in der Uckermark mit besonderem Blick auf den Anpassungsbedarf innerhalb der Daseinsvorsorge, [in:] S. Maretzke, ed., Vom demografischen Wandel besonders betroffene Regionen. Ein wichtiges Thema im Kontext der Demografiestrategie, BBSR-Online-Publikation 11/2014, Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadtund Raumforschung, Bonn, 59−71 [in German].
van Houtum, H. & Eker, M. (2015) Redesigning Borderlands: Using the Janus-Face of Borders as Resources, [In:] C. Brambilla, J. Laine, J.W. Scott & G. Bocchi, eds., Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making, Ashgate, London, 41−52.
Aischmann, B. (2012) Der Nachbar aus Papier. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Pomorze Zachodnie – Eine Nachbarschaft im Spiegel der regionalen Presse. Teil 1 1945-1980. Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin [In German with Polish abstracts].
Balogh, P. (2013) Sleeping abroad but working at home: Cross-border residential mobility between transnationalism and (re)bordering, Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, 95(2), 189–204.
Balogh, P. (2014) Perpetual Borders. German-Polish cross-border contacts in the Szczecin area. Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm.
Barthel, F. (2010) Auswirkungen der Immigration polnischer Bürger auf den Landkreis Uecker-Randow am Beispiel von Löcknitz: im Fokus: Wohnungsmarkt, Siedlungsentwicklung sowie Bildungs- und Erziehungseinrichtungen, Band 9 von Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Neubrandenburg, Hochschule Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg [in German].
Besier, G. (2012) German-Polish Neighbourhood Relations on the Shared Border, [in:] M. Lähteenmäki, ed., Imagined, Negotiated, Remembered: Constructing European Borders and Borderlands, Vol. 11, LIT Verlag, Münster, 197−214.
Beurskens, K., Creutziger, C. & Miggelbrink, J. (2016) Securitisation from below?: civil engagement within processes of bordering in international EU borderlands, [in:] U. Grabski-Kieron, I. Mose et. al eds., European rural peripheries revalued: governance, actors, impacts, LIT, Berlin, 172−195.
Brambilla, C. (2015) Exploring the Critical Potential of the Borderscapes Concept, Geopolitics, 20(1), 14−34. DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2014.884561.
Bürkner, H.-J. (2015) Beyond Constructivism: Europeanisation and Bordering under the Impact of Power and Imaginaries [in:] C. Brambilla, J. Laine & J. W. Scott, eds., Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making, Ashgate, London, 27−40.
Eberhardt, P. (2011) Political migrations on Polish territories (1939-1950), Monografie-Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Geografii
The case study of Szczecin and its German hinterland i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego, Warsaw.
European Commission (2015) 25 Years of Interreg.
Available from:
[accessed 16.06.2018].
European Spatial Planning Observation Network (2017) Polycentric Territorial Structures and Territorial Cooperation, ESPON Policy Brief 6. ESPON, Lux-
EUROSTAT (2016) Statistical Yearbook 2016. Chapter 2.3 Crude rate of total population change.
Available from:,20&o=1,1¢er=48.22791,15.91677,4& [accessed: 16.06.2018].
Gorker, D. (2006) Introduction: The Study of the Linguistic Landscape as a New Approach to Multilingualism, [in:] D. Gorker, ed., Linguistic Landscape A New Approach to Multilingualism, Multilingual Matters, Bristol, 1−7.
Grzechnik, M. (2017) ‘Recovering’ Territories: The Use of History in the Integration of the New Polish Western Borderland after World War II, Europe-Asia Studies, 69(4), 668−692. DOI:10.1080/09668136.2017.1297386.
Hinrichsen, K. (2015) Oder-Neisse-Grenze. Bis auf Widerruf? [in:] H. Hahn, R. Traba, eds., Deutsch-Polnische Erinnerungsorte. Band 1: Geteilt /Gemeinsam, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, 497−521 [in German with Polish abstracts].
Jańczak, J. (2017) Cross-Border urbanism on the German-Polish border – Between spatial de-Boundarization and social (re-)frontierization, [in:] E. Boesen & G. Schnuer, eds., European Borderlands. Living with Barriers and Bridges, Routledge, London and New York, 47−63.
Khanna, P. (2016) Connectography – mapping the global network revolution, Orion Publishing, London.
Kimura, G. (2015) Grundzüge interlingualer Kommunikationsstrategien - dargestellt am Beispiel der deutsch-polnischen Grenzregion, Sophia Journal of European Studies, Sophia University 2015/03, 59−88 [In German and Japanese].
Kinder, S. & Roos, N. (2013) „Szczettinstan“ und „Nowa Amerika“: Regionsbildung von unten im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum, Osteuropa, Bd. 63(2013), H. 8, 3−18 [in German].
Lis, K. (2013) Perspektywy regionalnego rynku pracy w warunkach transgranicznego regionu metropolitarnego Szczecina. Niemiecki program wsparcia zawodowego dla młodych mieszkańców Szczecina i powiatu polickiego, [in:] J. Buko et al., eds., Kultura, Kreatywność i Biznes Wyzwania dla Polityki Regionalnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecinskiego, Szczecin [in Polish].
Lunden, T. (2004) On the boundary. About humans at the end of territory, Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm.
Małachowski, K. (2013) Wybrane aspekty utworzenia Szczecińskiego Obszaru Metropolitarnego. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Nr 794 2013 [in Polish].
Marszolek, I. (2014) Unforgotten Landscapes: Radio and the Reconstruction of Germany’s European Mission in the East in the 1950s, German Politics and Society, 32(1), 60−73.
Martinez, O. (1994) The dynamics of border interaction, [in:] C. H. Schofield, ed., Global boundaries, World boundaries, volume 1, Routlege, London and New York, 1−15.
Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju [MIR] (2014) IPPON. Studieder räumlichen Integration des deutsch-polnischen Grenzraumes, MIR, Warsaw [in German and Polish with English abstracts].
Musekamp, J. (2013) Między Stettinem a Szczecinem. Metamorfozy miasta od 1945 do 2005, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań [in Polish].
Neuwahl, N. (2005) What borders for which Europe? [in:] J. De Bardeleben, ed., Soft or Hard Borders? Ashgate, Aldershot, Burlington, 23−41.
Nora, P. (1997) The realms of memory: Rethinking the French past, Columbia University Press, New York.
NPD-Hochburg Löcknitz. Brücken ohne Ende, 18.11.2011, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Available from: [accessed 16.06.2018] [in German].
O’Dowd, L. (2002) The Changing Significance of European Borders, Regional & Federal Studies, 12(4), 13−36. DOI: 10.1080/714004774.
Øresundbro Konsortiet (2015) The Øresund Bridge and its Region - 15 years, Ørsesundbro Konsortiet, Malmö.
Perera, S. (2007) A Pacific Zone?: (In)Security, Sovereignty, and Stories of the Pacific Borderscape, [in:] P. Rajam, C. Grundy-Warr, eds.,
Borderscapes: Hidden Geographies and Politics at Territory’s Edge, vol. 29, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 201–228.
Schmidt, T. (2005) Cross-border regional enlargement in Øresund, GeoJournal, 64(3), 249−258. DOIi:10.1007/s10708-006-6874-5.
Scott, J.W. (2011) Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement, [in:] D. Wastl-Walter, ed., Ashgate Research Companion of Border Studies, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 123−142.
Scott, J.W. (2016) Introduction: Borders, Economy, Culture, International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences: Implications of Borders on Culture and Economics, 6, Special Issue No 1. 2016, 1−3.
Smas, L., Schmitt, P. (2015) Brave new megaregional world? Reflections from a North European perspective, [in:] J. Harrison & M. Hoyler, eds., Megaregions. Globalisation’s New Urban Form? Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Northampton, MA, 146−174.
Stokłosa, K. (2012) Neighborhood Relations on the Polish Borders: The Example of the Polish–German, Polish–Ukrainian and Polish–Russian Border Regions, Journal of Borderlands Studies, 27(3), 245−255. DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2012.750948.
Tautz, A. (2014) Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels für die Regionalplanung in der Uckermark mit besonderem Blick auf den Anpassungsbedarf innerhalb der Daseinsvorsorge, [in:] S. Maretzke, ed., Vom demografischen Wandel besonders betroffene Regionen. Ein wichtiges Thema im Kontext der Demografiestrategie, BBSR-Online-Publikation 11/2014, Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadtund Raumforschung, Bonn, 59−71 [in German].
van Houtum, H. & Eker, M. (2015) Redesigning Borderlands: Using the Janus-Face of Borders as Resources, [In:] C. Brambilla, J. Laine, J.W. Scott & G. Bocchi, eds., Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making, Ashgate, London, 41−52.