Philip Harrison
City-region governance in transitional contexts: the case of the BRICS Urban Development Issues, vol. 63, 39–49 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2019-0015
Keywords: City-regions, governance, transition, post-socialism, post-colonialism, BRICS
The bulk of the scholarly literature on city-regions and their governance is drawn from contexts where economic and political systems have been stable over an extended period. However, many parts of the world, including all countries in the BRICS, have experienced far-reaching national transformations in the recent past in economic and/or political systems. The national transitions are complex, with a mix of continuity and rupture, while their translation into the scale of the city-region is often indirect. But, these transitions have been significant for the city-region, providing a period of opportunity and institutional fluidity. Studies of the BRICS show that outcomes of transitions are varied but that there are junctures of productive comparison including the ways in which the nature of the transitions create new path dependencies, and way in which interests across territorial scales soon consolidate, producing new rigidities in city-region governance.
The bulk of the scholarly literature on city-regions and their governance is drawn from contexts where economic and political systems have been stable over an extended period. However, many parts of the world, including all countries in the BRICS, have experienced far-reaching national transformations in the recent past in economic and/or political systems. The national transitions are complex, with a mix of continuity and rupture, while their translation into the scale of the city-region is often indirect. But, these transitions have been significant for the city-region, providing a period of opportunity and institutional fluidity. Studies of the BRICS show that outcomes of transitions are varied but that there are junctures of productive comparison including the ways in which the nature of the transitions create new path dependencies, and way in which interests across territorial scales soon consolidate, producing new rigidities in city-region governance.
Addie, J. & Keil, R. (2015) Real Existing Regionalism: The Region between Talk, Territory and Technology, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(2), 407–417.
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Ballard, R., Dittgen, R., Harrison, P. & Todes, A. (2017) Megaprojects and urban visions: Johannesburg’s Corridors of Freedom and Modderfontein, Transformation, 95, 111–139.
Banerjee, T. (1996) Role of Indicators in Monitoring Growing Urban Regions The Case of Planning in India’s National Capital Region, Journal of the American Planning Association, 62(2), 222–235.
Banerjee-Guha, S. (2009) Neoliberalising the ‘Urban’: New Geographies of Power and Injustice in Indian Cities, Economic and Political Weekly, 44(22), 95–107.
Banerjee, A. & Lakshmi, I. (2005) History, Institutions, and Economic Performance: The Legacy of Colonial Land Tenure Systems in India, American Economic Review, 95(4), 1190–1213.
Bhabha, H. (1994) The Location of Culture, Routledge, London and New York.
Biekart, K. (2015) Guillermo O’Donnell’s ‘Thoughtful Wishing’ about Democracy and Regime Change, Development and Change, 46(4), 913–933.
Bratton, M. & Van der Walle, N. (1994) Neopatrimonial Regimes and Political Transitions in Africa, World Politics, 46(4), 453–489.
Brenner, N. (1999) Beyond state-centrism: space, territoriality, and geographical scale in globalization studies, Theory and Society, 28, 39–78.
Cameron, R. (1993) Regional Services Councils in South Africa: Past, Present and Future, Public Administration, 71, 417–439.
Cartier, C. (2015) Fire 火: The City That Ate China — Restructuring & Reviving Beijing, The China Story.
Available from:火-the-city-that-ate-china-restructuring-reviving-beijing/
[accessed: 28.09.2018].
Chakrabarty, D. (1992) Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for ‘Indian’ Pasts?, Representations, 37, 1–26.
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Golubchikov, O. (2010) World-city-entrepreneurialism: globalist imaginaries, neoliberal geographies, and the production of new St. Petersburg, Environment and Planning A, 42, 626–643.
Golubchikov, O. & Phelps, N. (2011) The political economy of place at the post-socialist urban periphery: Governing growth on the edge of Moscow, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36(3), 425–440.
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Harrison, J. (2010) Networks of connectivity, territorial fragmentation, uneven development: The new politics of city-regionalism, Political Geography, 29, 17–27.
Ho, B. (2008) The role of local government in China›s economic development, PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom.
Jain, M. & Siedentop, S. (2014) Is spatial decentralization in National Capital Region Delhi, India effective? An intervention-based evaluation, Habitat International, 42, 30–38.
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Kooiman J., Bavinck, M., Chuenpagdee, R., Mahon, R. & Pullin, R. (2008) Interactive governance and Governability: an introduction, The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 7(1), 1–11.
Limonov, L. (2013) St. Petersburg Metropolitan Region: Problems of Planning Coordination and Spatial Development, 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 27–31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy.
Mabin, A. (2013) The Map of Gauteng: evolution of a city-region in concept and plan, Gauteng City – Region Observatory Occasional Papers, 5, 1–58.
Marais, H. (2001) South Africa: Limits to Change: The Political Economy of Transition, Zed Books, London.
Mukherji, R. (2009) The State, Economic Growth, and Development in India, India Review, 8(1), 81–106.
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Available from: [accessed: 20.06.2018].
Nath, V. (1988) Regional Planning for Large Metropolitan Cities: A Case Study of the National Capital Region, Economic and Political Weekly, 23(5), 201–214.
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O’Donnell, G. & Schmitter, P. (1986) Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Peck, J. & Zhang, J. (2013) A variety of capitalism...with Chinese characteristics, Journal of Economic Geography, 13(3), 357–396.
Pillay, U. (2004) Are globally competitive ‘city regions’ developing in South Africa? Formulaic aspirations or new imaginations?, Urban Forum, 15(4), 340–64.
Pillay, U., Tomlinson, R., & du Toit, J. (2006) Introduction, [in:] U. Pillay, R. Tomlinson & J. du Toit, eds., Democracy and Delivery: Urban Policy in South Africa, HSRC Press, Cape Town.
Ren, X. (2013) Urban China, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Ribeiro, L., & dos Santos Junior, O. (2010) Large Cities and the Brazilian Social Question: Reflections about the ‘State of Exception’ in Brazilian Metropolises, [in:] T. McGee & E. Castro, eds., Inclusion,
Collaboration and Urban Governance: Challenges in Metropolitan Regions of Brazil and Canada, The University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver.
Salet, W., Thornley, A. & Kreukels, A. (2003) Institutional and spatial coordination in European metropolitan regions, [in:] W. Salet, A. Thornley & A. Kreukels, eds., Metropolitan Governance and Spatial Planning: Comparative case-studies of European city-regions, Spon Press, London and New York, 3–19.
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Selcher, W. (1989) A New Start toward a More Decentralized Federalism in Brazil?, Pubius, 19(3), 167–183.
Sengupta, M. (2008) How the State Changed its Mind: Power, Politics and the Origins of India’s Market Reforms, Economic and Political Weekly, 43(21), 35–42.
Shaw, A. & Satish, M.K. (2007) Metropolitan restructuring in post-liberalized India: Separating the global and the local, Cities, 24(2), 148–163.
Shilowa, M. (2006) Developing Gauteng as a global competitive city region, Umrabulo, 3rd Quarter.
Available from: [accessed: 12.03.2019].
Sivaramakrishnan, K.C (2013) Revisiting the 74th Constitutional Amendment for Better Metropolitan Governance, Review of Urban Affairs, XLVIII(13), 86–94.
Spivak, G.C. (1988) Can the Subaltern Speak?, [in:] C. Nelson & L. Grossberg, eds., Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Macmillan Education: Basingstoke, 1988, 271–313.
Stanilov, K. (2007) Taking stock of post-socialist urban development: A recapitulation, [in:] K. Stanilov, ed., The Post-Socialist City, Springer, Dordrecht. Tsai, K. (2007) Capitalism without Democracy: The private sector in contemporary China, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London.
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Ward, K. & Jonas, A. (2004) Competitive City-Regionalism as a Politics of Space: A Critical Reinterpretation of the New Regionalism, Environment and Planning A, 36(12), 2119–2139.
Wu, F. (2003) The (Post-) Socialist Entrepreneurial City as a State Project: Shanghai’s Reglobalisation in Question, Urban Studies, 40(9), 1673–1698.
Wu, F. (2009) Globalization, the Changing State and Local Government in Shanghai, [in:] X. Chen, ed., Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Wu, F. (2015) Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China, Routledge, New York and London.
Yaqing, D. (2014) A trio bands together, Beijing Review, 28 May, 2014.
Available from:–04/28/content_615585_3.htm [accessed: 13.06.2018].
Yang, C. & Li, S. (2013) Transformation of cross-boundary governance in the Greater Pearl River Delta, China: Contested geopolitics and emerging conflicts, Habitat International, 40, 25–44.
Zhang, J. & Fu, Y. (2009) Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta: A revolving relationship, [in:] S. Swee-Hock & J. Wong, eds., Regional Economic Development in China, ISEAS Publishing, Singapore, 123–154.
Addie, J. & Keil, R. (2015) Real Existing Regionalism: The Region between Talk, Territory and Technology, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(2), 407–417.
Adelman, J. (1999) Introduction: The Problem of Persistence in Latin American History, [in] J. Adelman, eds., Colonial Legacies: The Problem of Persistence in Latin American History, Routledge, New York, 1–14.
Ballard, R., Dittgen, R., Harrison, P. & Todes, A. (2017) Megaprojects and urban visions: Johannesburg’s Corridors of Freedom and Modderfontein, Transformation, 95, 111–139.
Banerjee, T. (1996) Role of Indicators in Monitoring Growing Urban Regions The Case of Planning in India’s National Capital Region, Journal of the American Planning Association, 62(2), 222–235.
Banerjee-Guha, S. (2009) Neoliberalising the ‘Urban’: New Geographies of Power and Injustice in Indian Cities, Economic and Political Weekly, 44(22), 95–107.
Banerjee, A. & Lakshmi, I. (2005) History, Institutions, and Economic Performance: The Legacy of Colonial Land Tenure Systems in India, American Economic Review, 95(4), 1190–1213.
Bhabha, H. (1994) The Location of Culture, Routledge, London and New York.
Biekart, K. (2015) Guillermo O’Donnell’s ‘Thoughtful Wishing’ about Democracy and Regime Change, Development and Change, 46(4), 913–933.
Bratton, M. & Van der Walle, N. (1994) Neopatrimonial Regimes and Political Transitions in Africa, World Politics, 46(4), 453–489.
Brenner, N. (1999) Beyond state-centrism: space, territoriality, and geographical scale in globalization studies, Theory and Society, 28, 39–78.
Cameron, R. (1993) Regional Services Councils in South Africa: Past, Present and Future, Public Administration, 71, 417–439.
Cartier, C. (2015) Fire 火: The City That Ate China — Restructuring & Reviving Beijing, The China Story.
Available from:火-the-city-that-ate-china-restructuring-reviving-beijing/
[accessed: 28.09.2018].
Chakrabarty, D. (1992) Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for ‘Indian’ Pasts?, Representations, 37, 1–26.
Colton, T. (1995) Moscow: Governing the Socialist Metropolis, The Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, London, England & Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Ding, X. & Li, J. (2015) Incentives for Innovation in China: Building an Innovative Economy, Routledge, London & New York.
Filtzer, D. (2006) Standard of living versus quality of life: struggling with the urban environment in Russia during the early years of post-war reconstruction, [in] J. Fürst, eds., Late Stalinist Russia: Society between reconstruction and reinventions, Routledge, London and New York, 81–102.
Gel’man, V. (2015) Authoritarian Russia: Analyzing post-Soviet regime changes, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh.
Golubchikov, O. (2010) World-city-entrepreneurialism: globalist imaginaries, neoliberal geographies, and the production of new St. Petersburg, Environment and Planning A, 42, 626–643.
Golubchikov, O. & Phelps, N. (2011) The political economy of place at the post-socialist urban periphery: Governing growth on the edge of Moscow, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36(3), 425–440.
Government of the Russian Federation (2011) Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 15, 82.
Greenberg, G. (2010) The political economy of the Gauteng City Region, GCRO Report.
Available from: [accessed: 14.06.2017].
Hahn, G. (2002) Russia’s Revolution from Above, 1985–2000: Reform, Transition and Revolution in the Fall of the Soviet Communist Regime, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Hagopien, F. (1996) Traditional Politics and Regime Change in Brazil, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Harrison, J. (2010) Networks of connectivity, territorial fragmentation, uneven development: The new politics of city-regionalism, Political Geography, 29, 17–27.
Ho, B. (2008) The role of local government in China›s economic development, PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom.
Jain, M. & Siedentop, S. (2014) Is spatial decentralization in National Capital Region Delhi, India effective? An intervention-based evaluation, Habitat International, 42, 30–38.
Joseph, R. (1997) Democratization in Africa after 1989: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives, Comparative Politics, 29(3), 363–382.
Kooiman J., Bavinck, M., Chuenpagdee, R., Mahon, R. & Pullin, R. (2008) Interactive governance and Governability: an introduction, The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 7(1), 1–11.
Limonov, L. (2013) St. Petersburg Metropolitan Region: Problems of Planning Coordination and Spatial Development, 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 27–31 August 2013, Palermo, Italy.
Mabin, A. (2013) The Map of Gauteng: evolution of a city-region in concept and plan, Gauteng City – Region Observatory Occasional Papers, 5, 1–58.
Marais, H. (2001) South Africa: Limits to Change: The Political Economy of Transition, Zed Books, London.
Mukherji, R. (2009) The State, Economic Growth, and Development in India, India Review, 8(1), 81–106.
Na, Z. (2014) The City Network and the Regional Evolution in Yangtze River Delta, China, Doctoral Dissertation, Politecnico Milano.
Available from: [accessed: 20.06.2018].
Nath, V. (1988) Regional Planning for Large Metropolitan Cities: A Case Study of the National Capital Region, Economic and Political Weekly, 23(5), 201–214.
O’Donnell, G. (2002) In Partial Defense of an Evanescent ‘Paradigm’, Journal of Democracy, 13(3), 6‒12.
O’Donnell, G. & Schmitter, P. (1986) Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Peck, J. & Zhang, J. (2013) A variety of capitalism...with Chinese characteristics, Journal of Economic Geography, 13(3), 357–396.
Pillay, U. (2004) Are globally competitive ‘city regions’ developing in South Africa? Formulaic aspirations or new imaginations?, Urban Forum, 15(4), 340–64.
Pillay, U., Tomlinson, R., & du Toit, J. (2006) Introduction, [in:] U. Pillay, R. Tomlinson & J. du Toit, eds., Democracy and Delivery: Urban Policy in South Africa, HSRC Press, Cape Town.
Ren, X. (2013) Urban China, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Ribeiro, L., & dos Santos Junior, O. (2010) Large Cities and the Brazilian Social Question: Reflections about the ‘State of Exception’ in Brazilian Metropolises, [in:] T. McGee & E. Castro, eds., Inclusion,
Collaboration and Urban Governance: Challenges in Metropolitan Regions of Brazil and Canada, The University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver.
Salet, W., Thornley, A. & Kreukels, A. (2003) Institutional and spatial coordination in European metropolitan regions, [in:] W. Salet, A. Thornley & A. Kreukels, eds., Metropolitan Governance and Spatial Planning: Comparative case-studies of European city-regions, Spon Press, London and New York, 3–19.
Scott, A., ed., (2001) Global City Regions: Trends, Theory, Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Selcher, W. (1989) A New Start toward a More Decentralized Federalism in Brazil?, Pubius, 19(3), 167–183.
Sengupta, M. (2008) How the State Changed its Mind: Power, Politics and the Origins of India’s Market Reforms, Economic and Political Weekly, 43(21), 35–42.
Shaw, A. & Satish, M.K. (2007) Metropolitan restructuring in post-liberalized India: Separating the global and the local, Cities, 24(2), 148–163.
Shilowa, M. (2006) Developing Gauteng as a global competitive city region, Umrabulo, 3rd Quarter.
Available from: [accessed: 12.03.2019].
Sivaramakrishnan, K.C (2013) Revisiting the 74th Constitutional Amendment for Better Metropolitan Governance, Review of Urban Affairs, XLVIII(13), 86–94.
Spivak, G.C. (1988) Can the Subaltern Speak?, [in:] C. Nelson & L. Grossberg, eds., Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Macmillan Education: Basingstoke, 1988, 271–313.
Stanilov, K. (2007) Taking stock of post-socialist urban development: A recapitulation, [in:] K. Stanilov, ed., The Post-Socialist City, Springer, Dordrecht. Tsai, K. (2007) Capitalism without Democracy: The private sector in contemporary China, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London.
Wallace, J. (2014) Cities and Stability: Urbanization, Redistribution and Regime Survival in China, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ward, K. & Jonas, A. (2004) Competitive City-Regionalism as a Politics of Space: A Critical Reinterpretation of the New Regionalism, Environment and Planning A, 36(12), 2119–2139.
Wu, F. (2003) The (Post-) Socialist Entrepreneurial City as a State Project: Shanghai’s Reglobalisation in Question, Urban Studies, 40(9), 1673–1698.
Wu, F. (2009) Globalization, the Changing State and Local Government in Shanghai, [in:] X. Chen, ed., Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Wu, F. (2015) Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China, Routledge, New York and London.
Yaqing, D. (2014) A trio bands together, Beijing Review, 28 May, 2014.
Available from:–04/28/content_615585_3.htm [accessed: 13.06.2018].
Yang, C. & Li, S. (2013) Transformation of cross-boundary governance in the Greater Pearl River Delta, China: Contested geopolitics and emerging conflicts, Habitat International, 40, 25–44.
Zhang, J. & Fu, Y. (2009) Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta: A revolving relationship, [in:] S. Swee-Hock & J. Wong, eds., Regional Economic Development in China, ISEAS Publishing, Singapore, 123–154.