Łukasz Drozda
The gentrification approach as an analytical tool in assessing the effects of participatory urban policy Urban Development Issues, vol. 60, 15–22 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0030
Keywords: gentrification, gentrification approach, policy evaluation, policy making, regeneration
The objective of the article is to present the assumptions of the gentrification approach, which allows one to assess the impact of public spatial actions undertaken by various actors in the process of social production of space. The study proposes a research methodology that distinguishes the social, economic and spatial dimensions of gentrification. The author makes use of source literature on the subject of gentrification and public policy theories as well as the results of the author’s gentrification research conducted in Warsaw, New York and Istanbul on examples of places that were planned using various types of participatory techniques. The study performs the operationalisation of the measurement of gentrification as a useful analytical tool in policy science.
The objective of the article is to present the assumptions of the gentrification approach, which allows one to assess the impact of public spatial actions undertaken by various actors in the process of social production of space. The study proposes a research methodology that distinguishes the social, economic and spatial dimensions of gentrification. The author makes use of source literature on the subject of gentrification and public policy theories as well as the results of the author’s gentrification research conducted in Warsaw, New York and Istanbul on examples of places that were planned using various types of participatory techniques. The study performs the operationalisation of the measurement of gentrification as a useful analytical tool in policy science.
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Billig, N. (2013) Everyday Life and Sharing of Open Space in Istanbul’s Informal Settlements, [in:] A. Madanipour, S. Knierbein & A. Degros, eds., Public Space and the challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe, Routledge, London, 155−168.
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Drozda, Ł. (2017b) Uszlachetniając przestrzeń: jak działa gentryfikacja i jak się ją mierzy, Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa, Warsaw [in Polish with English summary].
Drozda, Ł. (2018a) Waloryzacja przestrzeni wytwarzanych społecznie – wnioski dla polskiej polityki miejskiej, Thesis (PhD), Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw [in Polish].
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Lang, S. & Rothenberg, J. (2016) Neoliberal urbanism, public space, and the greening of the growth machine: New York City’s High Line Park, Environment and Planning A, 19(1), 1743−1761.
Lasswell, H.D. (1951) The policy orientation, [in:] D. Lerner & H.D. Laswell, eds., The Policy Sciences, Stanford University Press, California.
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Miessen, M. (2010) The Nightmare of Participation (Crossbench Praxis as a Mode of Criticality), New York, Sternberg Press.
Millington, N. (2015) From urban scar to ‘park in the sky’: terrain vague, urban design, and the remaking of New York City’s High Line Park, Environment and Planning A, 47(11), 2324−2338.
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Nölke, A. & Vliegenthart, A. (2009) Enlarging the varieties of capitalism: The emergence of dependent market economies in east central Europe, World Politics, 61(4), 670–702.
Pierre, J. & Peters, B.G. (2005) Governing Complex Societies: Trajectories and Scenarios, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Reichl, A.J. (2016) The High Line and the ideal of democratic public space, Urban Geography, 37(6), 904−925.
Sieverts, T. (2003) Cities Without Cities. An interpretation of the Zwischensadt, Spon Press, London.
Smith, N. (1979) Toward a Theory of Gentrification. A Back to the City Movement by Capital, not People, Journal of the American Planning Association, 45(4), 538−548.
Usta, B. (2015) Gecekondu, [in:] P. Derviş & B. Tanju, eds., Becoming Istanbul. An Encyclopedia, SALT/Garanti Kültür AŞ, Istanbul, 124−126.
Vigdor, J.L., Massey, D.S. & Rivlin, A.M. (2002) Does Gentrification Harm the Poor? [with Comments], Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 133−182.
Wedel, J.R., Shore, C., Feldman, G. & Lathrop, S. (2005) Toward an Anthropology of Public Policy, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 600(30), 30−51.
Weimer, D.L. & Vining, A.R. (2009) Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Social Policies, [in:] D.L. Weimer & A.R. Vining, eds., Investing in the Disadvantaged Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Social Policies, Georgetown University Press, Washington, 1−16.
Yusof, Y.M. & Kozlowski, M. (2015) Clients of Contemporary Urban Design: The Impact of Neoliberalism, [in:] K. Nawratek, ed., Radical Inclusivity. Architecture and Urbanism, dpr-barcelona, Barcelona, 79−109.
Zipp, S. & Strorring, N., eds., (2016) Vital Little Plans. The Short Works of Jane Jacobs, Random House, New York.
Anderson, M. (1964) Federal Bulldozer: A Critical Analysis of Urban Renewal, 1949-1962, Joint Center for Urban Studies, Cambridge.
Augé, M. (1995) Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, Verso, London.
Billig, N. (2013) Everyday Life and Sharing of Open Space in Istanbul’s Informal Settlements, [in:] A. Madanipour, S. Knierbein & A. Degros, eds., Public Space and the challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe, Routledge, London, 155−168.
Borkowski, G. (2010) Dotleniacz = Oxygenator, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw.
Bourdieu, P. (1986) The forms of capital, [in:] J. Richardson, ed., Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood, New York, 241−258.
Caro, R.A. (1974) The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, Knopf, New York.
Castells, M. (2015) Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age, Polity Press, Cambridge.
David, J. & Hammond, R. (2011) High Line. The Inside Story of New York City’s Park in the Sky, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
Davidson, J., 02.02.2014, Is Gentrification All Bad?, New York Magazine. Available from: www.nymag.com/news/features/gentrification-2014-2/
[accessed: 19.02.2018].
DeLeon, P. & Martell, Ch.R. (2006) The Policy Sciences: Past, Present, and Future, [in:] B.G. Peters & J. Pierre, eds., Handbook of Public Policy, SAGE Publications, London, 31−47.
Dellenbaugh, M., Kip, M., Bieniok, M., Müller, A.K. & Schwegman, M., eds., (2015) Urban Commons: Moving Beyond State and Market, Bauverlag, Gütersloh and Berlin and Birkhäuser, Basel.
Drozda, Ł. (2017a) Pułapka gentryfikacji? Związki „uszlachetniania” przestrzeni z programami rewitalizacji polskich miast, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 70(4), 5−22 [in Polish with English abstract].
Drozda, Ł. (2017b) Uszlachetniając przestrzeń: jak działa gentryfikacja i jak się ją mierzy, Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa, Warsaw [in Polish with English summary].
Drozda, Ł. (2018a) Waloryzacja przestrzeni wytwarzanych społecznie – wnioski dla polskiej polityki miejskiej, Thesis (PhD), Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw [in Polish].
Drozda, Ł. (2018b) “Wild reprivatization”: property restitution on the example of post-communist Warsaw, dérive, 72(3), 6–10.
Drozdowski, R. & Frąckowiak, M. (2015) The Sorrow of Concrete, [in:] M. Frąckowiak, M. Roszkowska & B. Świątkowska, eds., Smutek konkretu. Materializacja idei / Dziury w całym, Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, Warsaw, 411−414.
Erbel, J. (2012) On How Art in Public Space Became a Key Space for the Fight for a Better Life in the City and Then Ceased to Be It, [in:] J. Dominiczak, K. Wielebska & A. Szynwelska, eds., Art and Public Space, Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, 117−133.
Fainstein, S.S. & Fainstein, N.I. (1985) Economic Restructuring and the Rise of Urban Social Movements, Urban Affairs Review, 21(2), 187−206.
Farro, A.L. & Günce Demirhisar, D. (2014) The Gezi Park movement: a Turkish experience of the twenty-first-century collective movements, International Review of Sociology, 24(1), 176−189.
Fitch, R. (1993) The Assassination of New York, Verso, London.
Florida R. (2012) The Rise of The Creative Class, Revisited, Basic Books, New York.
Florida R. (2017) New Urban Crisis. How Our Cities Are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class - and What We Can Do About It, Basic Books, New York.
Glass, R. (1964) Introduction: aspects of change, [in:] London: Centre for Urban Studies, ed., Aspects of Change, MacKibbon and Kee, London.
Harvey, D. (1989) From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The Transformation in Urban Governance in Late Capitalism, Geografiska Annaler, 71(1), 3−17.
Harvey, D. (2010) The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism, Oxford University Press, New York.
Harvey, D. (2013) Rebel Cities. From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution, Verso, London.
Isanovic, H. (2014) Should the Informal become Formal: The Case of Karanfilkoy in Istanbul, Turkey, International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 7(5), 29−646.
Just, R.E., Hueth, D.L. & Schmitz, A. (2004) The Welfare Economics of Public Policy: A Practical Approach to Project and Policy Evaluation, Edward Elgar, Northampton.
Kayden, J.S. (2000) Privately Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Lang, S. & Rothenberg, J. (2016) Neoliberal urbanism, public space, and the greening of the growth machine: New York City’s High Line Park, Environment and Planning A, 19(1), 1743−1761.
Lasswell, H.D. (1951) The policy orientation, [in:] D. Lerner & H.D. Laswell, eds., The Policy Sciences, Stanford University Press, California.
Ley, D. (1986) Alternative Explanations for Inner-City Gentrification: A Canadian Assessment, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 76(4), 521−535.
Miessen, M. (2010) The Nightmare of Participation (Crossbench Praxis as a Mode of Criticality), New York, Sternberg Press.
Millington, N. (2015) From urban scar to ‘park in the sky’: terrain vague, urban design, and the remaking of New York City’s High Line Park, Environment and Planning A, 47(11), 2324−2338.
Moss, J. (2017) Vanishing New York: How a Great City Lost Its Soul, Dey Street Books, New York.
Mullins, P. (1987) Community and Urban Movements, The Sociological Review, 35(2), 347−369.
Nagel, S.S. (2002) Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
Nölke, A. & Vliegenthart, A. (2009) Enlarging the varieties of capitalism: The emergence of dependent market economies in east central Europe, World Politics, 61(4), 670–702.
Pierre, J. & Peters, B.G. (2005) Governing Complex Societies: Trajectories and Scenarios, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Reichl, A.J. (2016) The High Line and the ideal of democratic public space, Urban Geography, 37(6), 904−925.
Sieverts, T. (2003) Cities Without Cities. An interpretation of the Zwischensadt, Spon Press, London.
Smith, N. (1979) Toward a Theory of Gentrification. A Back to the City Movement by Capital, not People, Journal of the American Planning Association, 45(4), 538−548.
Usta, B. (2015) Gecekondu, [in:] P. Derviş & B. Tanju, eds., Becoming Istanbul. An Encyclopedia, SALT/Garanti Kültür AŞ, Istanbul, 124−126.
Vigdor, J.L., Massey, D.S. & Rivlin, A.M. (2002) Does Gentrification Harm the Poor? [with Comments], Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 133−182.
Wedel, J.R., Shore, C., Feldman, G. & Lathrop, S. (2005) Toward an Anthropology of Public Policy, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 600(30), 30−51.
Weimer, D.L. & Vining, A.R. (2009) Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Social Policies, [in:] D.L. Weimer & A.R. Vining, eds., Investing in the Disadvantaged Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Social Policies, Georgetown University Press, Washington, 1−16.
Yusof, Y.M. & Kozlowski, M. (2015) Clients of Contemporary Urban Design: The Impact of Neoliberalism, [in:] K. Nawratek, ed., Radical Inclusivity. Architecture and Urbanism, dpr-barcelona, Barcelona, 79−109.
Zipp, S. & Strorring, N., eds., (2016) Vital Little Plans. The Short Works of Jane Jacobs, Random House, New York.