Piotr Wróbel
Trends and development perspectives in the architectural and urban forms of development in Polish airports and their surrounding areas compared with current European trends Urban Development Issues, vol. 68(2), 91–101. https://doi.org/10.51733/udi.2020.68.20
Keywords: airport, development forms, airport city
This paper is a review of the trends and trajectories followed by the development of airports and their surrounding areas in terms of their architectural and urban forms. Air transport, which has been developing dynamically over the past three decades, generates a substantial amount of building construction and the extension of accompanying infrastructure. Striving to satisfy their own operational needs and searching for profit in commercial activity outside of air transport, airport management boards are presented with the necessity of defining long-term spatial policies. At the same time, airports have started to attract external investors who are intent on placing their buildings near runways and terminals. This leads to a level of development density and diversity that requires the defining of an effective functional and spatial structure. One of the more influential of recent ideas is the airport city, which promotes dense, quasi-urban development near transport nodes. Such features have been established in different form and scope by a range of Polish airports. It has also appeared as a part of the planned Solidarity Transport Hub. Airport city complex projects near Munich and Oslo airports were used as references for the analysis of Polish cases. This paper is based on a synthesis of primary and secondary information which is compared with empirical material collected during the author’s participatory observations.
This paper is a review of the trends and trajectories followed by the development of airports and their surrounding areas in terms of their architectural and urban forms. Air transport, which has been developing dynamically over the past three decades, generates a substantial amount of building construction and the extension of accompanying infrastructure. Striving to satisfy their own operational needs and searching for profit in commercial activity outside of air transport, airport management boards are presented with the necessity of defining long-term spatial policies. At the same time, airports have started to attract external investors who are intent on placing their buildings near runways and terminals. This leads to a level of development density and diversity that requires the defining of an effective functional and spatial structure. One of the more influential of recent ideas is the airport city, which promotes dense, quasi-urban development near transport nodes. Such features have been established in different form and scope by a range of Polish airports. It has also appeared as a part of the planned Solidarity Transport Hub. Airport city complex projects near Munich and Oslo airports were used as references for the analysis of Polish cases. This paper is based on a synthesis of primary and secondary information which is compared with empirical material collected during the author’s participatory observations.
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Centralny Port Komunikacyjny / Solidarity Transport Hub (2020) Strategiczne Studium Lokalizacyjne Inwestycji Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego (SSL), Warszawa. Available from: https://www.cpk.pl/pl/inwestycja/o-ssl [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
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IATA & SOIF (2018) Future of the Airline Industry 2035. Available from: https://www.iata.org/policy/Documents/iata-future-airline-industry.pdf [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Kasarda, J.D., Lindsay, G. (2011) Aerotropolis. The Way We’ll Live Next, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
Kasarda, J., 18.05.2020, Keynote address at the Third China International Conference on High-End Economic Development, Beijing–Langfang. Available from: http://aerotropolisbusinessconcepts.aero/video-daxing/ [accessed: 16.08.2020]
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Koncepcja przygotowania i realizacji inwestycji Port Solidarność – Centralny Port Komunikacyjny dla Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (2017) Załącznik do Uchwały nr 173/2017 Rady Ministrów z dnia 7 listopada 2017 r. Available from: https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/uchwala-rady-ministrow [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Krakow Airport, 2.07.2020, Statystyki – czerwiec. Available from: https://www.krakowairport.pl/pl/lotnisko,c94/aktualnosci,c120/statystyki-czerwiec-2020-r,a3636.html [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
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Sobolewska, M. (2017) Controlling region’s development through modern architecture on example of Rzeszow and the airport area, [in:] W. Seruga, M. Jagiełło-Kowalczyk, eds., Smart Project, Building and City, Housing Environment, Wydawnictwo Katedry Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego. Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej, 2017/19, Kraków, 97–104.
Stangel, M. (2019) AIRPORT CITY - An Urban Design Question, Helion, Gliwice.
Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur (n.d.) Airport Munich Air Site. Available from: https://www.studiovulkan.ch/en/projects/large-scale/detail/airport-munich-air-site [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Sweco (2019) Strategisk plan for Gardermoen Næringspark, Oslo. Available from: https://www.ullensaker.kommune.no/virksomheter/gardermoen-naringspark/strategisk-plan-for-gardermoen-naringspark/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Norwegian].
Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego (2020) Liczba obsłużonych pasażerów oraz wykonanych operacji w ruchu krajowym i międzynarodowym - regularnym i czarterowym w latach 2017 – 2019. Available from: https://www.ulc.gov.pl/pl/statystyki-analizy/statystyki-i-analizy-rynku-transportu-lotniczego/3724-statystyki-wg-portow-lotniczych [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Wiedemann, M., 13.05.2020, Airport cities and aerotropolises after the COVID-19 pandemic, International Airport Review. Available from: https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/116784/airport-cities-aerotropolises-covid-19/ [accessed: 16.08.2020]
Wróbel, P. (2020) Kraków Airport – a case study. Architectural and urban transformations Builder Science, 270(1), 36–39. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6476. Available from: https://builderscience.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=205877 [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Internet sources & databases
Airport City Gdańsk ACG: https://www.airport.gdansk.pl/b2b/airport-city-gdansk-p61.html [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Miasteczko lotniskowe Chopin Airport City: https://www.arup.com/pl-pl/projects/chopin-aiport-city [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Munich Airport, LabCampus, Interdisciplinary innovation site at Munich Airport: https://www.munich-airport.com/labcampus-3716644 [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Nordic Office of Architecture, Oslo Airport City OAC: https://nordicarch.com/project/oalo-airport-city [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Oslo Airport City OAC: https://osloairportcity.no/en [accessed: 2020-08-16].
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu na koncepcję urbanistyczną planu regulacyjnego "Chopin Airport City" w Warszawie: http://www.a-ronet.pl/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Baca, B. et al. (2017) Warunki realizacji przedsięwzięcia systemowego: Uruchomienie Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego wraz z towarzyszącą infrastrukturą biznesową, Instytut Sobieskiego, Warszawa. Available from: https://www.cpk.pl/pl/inwestycja/baza-wiedzy [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Baker, D. and Freestone, R. (2011) Spatial Planning Models of Airport-Driven Urban Development, Journal of Planning Literature, 26(3), 263–279. https://doi.org/10.1177/0885412211401341.
Charles, M. B., Barnes, P., Ryanb, N. and Clayton, J. (2007) Airport Futures: Towards a Critique of the Aerotropolis Model, Futures, 39, 1009–1028. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2007.03.017.
Centralny Port Komunikacyjny / Solidarity Transport Hub (2020) Strategiczne Studium Lokalizacyjne Inwestycji Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego (SSL), Warszawa. Available from: https://www.cpk.pl/pl/inwestycja/o-ssl [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Chopin Airport City (2009) Regulamin konkursu na koncepcję urbanistyczną planu regulacyjnego Chopin Airport City w Warszawie, organized by PP „Porty Lotnicze” in cooperation with SARP Warszawa, November 2009, Chopin Airport City CAC. Available from: http://www.chopinairportcity.com/o-projekcie/koncepcja [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Designhĺndbok - Gardermoen Naringspark II B og C (2010) Available from: https://www.ullensaker.kommune.no/siteassets/10-tekstbibliotek/planer/regulering/gardermoen-naringspark/designhandbok_komprimert.pdf [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Norwegian].
Dybiński, R., 12.08.2020, Monorailem do portu Katowice-Pyrzowice? Odpowie na to studium Kolei Metropolitalnej, Rynek lotniczy. Available from: https://www.rynek-lotniczy.pl/wiadomosci/monorailem-na-lotnisko-odpowie-na-to-studium-kolei-metropolitalnej-9292.html [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Garreau, J. (1992) Edge City: Life on the New Frontier, Anchor Books, New York.
McKinley Conway, H. (1993) The Airport City. Developmnet Concepts for the 21st Century, Conway Publications, Inc., Atlanta.
Güller, M. (2008) Miasta-lotniska i regiony-lotniska, [in:] A. Prusakiewicz-Bech, A. Stein, eds., Aeropolis. Skutki przestrzenne funkcjonowania lotnisk oraz zarządzanie nimi. Materiały pokonferencyjne, 13-14 października 2008, Genshagen, Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie, Warszawa, 81–88.
IATA & SOIF (2018) Future of the Airline Industry 2035. Available from: https://www.iata.org/policy/Documents/iata-future-airline-industry.pdf [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Kasarda, J.D., Lindsay, G. (2011) Aerotropolis. The Way We’ll Live Next, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
Kasarda, J., 18.05.2020, Keynote address at the Third China International Conference on High-End Economic Development, Beijing–Langfang. Available from: http://aerotropolisbusinessconcepts.aero/video-daxing/ [accessed: 16.08.2020]
KCAP, LabCampus Airsite West Munich, Masterplan for cross-sector innovation hub at Munich Airport. Available from: https://www.kcap.eu/en/projects/v/labcampus_airsite_west/> [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet (1997) Estetikk i plan- og byggesaker. Brosjyre/veiledning. Available from: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/estetikk-i-plan-og-byggesaker/id87432/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Norwegian].
Koncepcja przygotowania i realizacji inwestycji Port Solidarność – Centralny Port Komunikacyjny dla Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (2017) Załącznik do Uchwały nr 173/2017 Rady Ministrów z dnia 7 listopada 2017 r. Available from: https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/uchwala-rady-ministrow [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Krakow Airport, 2.07.2020, Statystyki – czerwiec. Available from: https://www.krakowairport.pl/pl/lotnisko,c94/aktualnosci,c120/statystyki-czerwiec-2020-r,a3636.html [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Ministry of Territorial Government and Labour of Norway (1997) Estetikk i plan- og byggesaker. Brosjyre/veiledning. Available from: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/estetikk-i-plan-og-byggesaker/id87432/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Norwegian].
Program CPK. Definicja portu lotniczego, Port Solidarność. Available from: https://www.cpk.pl/pl/inwestycja/lotnisko [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Retningslinjer (2016) retningslinjer-for-krav-til-kvalitet-og-estetikk. Available from: https://www.ullensaker.kommune.no/virksomheter/gardermoen-naringspark/strategisk-plan-for-gardermoen-naringspark/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Norwegian].
Sobolewska, M. (2017) Controlling region’s development through modern architecture on example of Rzeszow and the airport area, [in:] W. Seruga, M. Jagiełło-Kowalczyk, eds., Smart Project, Building and City, Housing Environment, Wydawnictwo Katedry Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego. Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej, 2017/19, Kraków, 97–104.
Stangel, M. (2019) AIRPORT CITY - An Urban Design Question, Helion, Gliwice.
Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur (n.d.) Airport Munich Air Site. Available from: https://www.studiovulkan.ch/en/projects/large-scale/detail/airport-munich-air-site [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Sweco (2019) Strategisk plan for Gardermoen Næringspark, Oslo. Available from: https://www.ullensaker.kommune.no/virksomheter/gardermoen-naringspark/strategisk-plan-for-gardermoen-naringspark/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Norwegian].
Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego (2020) Liczba obsłużonych pasażerów oraz wykonanych operacji w ruchu krajowym i międzynarodowym - regularnym i czarterowym w latach 2017 – 2019. Available from: https://www.ulc.gov.pl/pl/statystyki-analizy/statystyki-i-analizy-rynku-transportu-lotniczego/3724-statystyki-wg-portow-lotniczych [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Wiedemann, M., 13.05.2020, Airport cities and aerotropolises after the COVID-19 pandemic, International Airport Review. Available from: https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/116784/airport-cities-aerotropolises-covid-19/ [accessed: 16.08.2020]
Wróbel, P. (2020) Kraków Airport – a case study. Architectural and urban transformations Builder Science, 270(1), 36–39. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6476. Available from: https://builderscience.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=205877 [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Internet sources & databases
Airport City Gdańsk ACG: https://www.airport.gdansk.pl/b2b/airport-city-gdansk-p61.html [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Miasteczko lotniskowe Chopin Airport City: https://www.arup.com/pl-pl/projects/chopin-aiport-city [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].
Munich Airport, LabCampus, Interdisciplinary innovation site at Munich Airport: https://www.munich-airport.com/labcampus-3716644 [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Nordic Office of Architecture, Oslo Airport City OAC: https://nordicarch.com/project/oalo-airport-city [accessed: 16.08.2020].
Oslo Airport City OAC: https://osloairportcity.no/en [accessed: 2020-08-16].
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu na koncepcję urbanistyczną planu regulacyjnego "Chopin Airport City" w Warszawie: http://www.a-ronet.pl/ [accessed: 16.08.2020] [in Polish].