Anna Mastalerz
Classification and analysis of social participation initiatives in a post-industrial city – a case study of Pabianice Urban Development Issues, vol. 61, 51–63 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2019-0002
Keywords: circular economy in the design process, sustainability, cultural heritageregeneration, post-industrial city, post-industrial heritage, social participation, urban regeneration programme
This paper deals with the transformations of (post)industrial towns in Poland, which took place during the transition from a centralised communist economy to liberal capitalism. As a consequence, a number of areas became redundant. These malfunctioning spaces represent serious spatial, social and economic problems. The complex multifaceted nature of towns means, however, that there were no simple solutions leading to immediate improvements. Investments focused on particular, isolated areas appeared to be far from sufficient interventions. Therefore, comprehensive programmes aimed at holistic urban regeneration are more common nowadays. Since local community wellbeing is one of the key factors in these renewal schemes, social participation is a crucial part of the process. This allows residents to have an influence on the regeneration of their town, which (if well carried out) is expected to improve space, economy and quality of life. The above-mentioned issues will be analysed on the basis of a case study of Pabianice, a post-industrial town in the province of Lodz. The aim of this study is to examine the social participation initiatives implemented during the preparation of the Regeneration Programme for Pabianice – to classify them and to compare them with models regarding the level of social involvement and power in the urban regeneration process described in the paper.
This paper deals with the transformations of (post)industrial towns in Poland, which took place during the transition from a centralised communist economy to liberal capitalism. As a consequence, a number of areas became redundant. These malfunctioning spaces represent serious spatial, social and economic problems. The complex multifaceted nature of towns means, however, that there were no simple solutions leading to immediate improvements. Investments focused on particular, isolated areas appeared to be far from sufficient interventions. Therefore, comprehensive programmes aimed at holistic urban regeneration are more common nowadays. Since local community wellbeing is one of the key factors in these renewal schemes, social participation is a crucial part of the process. This allows residents to have an influence on the regeneration of their town, which (if well carried out) is expected to improve space, economy and quality of life. The above-mentioned issues will be analysed on the basis of a case study of Pabianice, a post-industrial town in the province of Lodz. The aim of this study is to examine the social participation initiatives implemented during the preparation of the Regeneration Programme for Pabianice – to classify them and to compare them with models regarding the level of social involvement and power in the urban regeneration process described in the paper.
André, P. with the collaboration of Martin, P. & Lanmafankpotin, G. (2012) Citizen Participation, [in:] L. Côté & J.-F. Savard, eds., Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration, École nationale d’administration publique, Québec (Canada). Available from: [accessed: 29.07.2018].
Arnstein, S. R. (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of the American Planning Association, 35(4), 216—224.
DOI: 10.1080/01944366908977225 [accessed: 29.07.2018].
Cysek-Pawlak, M. M. (2018) Mixed use and diversity as a New Urbanism principle guiding the renewal of post-industrial districts. Case studies of the Paris Rive Gauche and the New Centre of Lodz, Urban Development Issues, 57, 53–62.
Davies, S. R., Selin, C., Gano, G. & Pereira, A. G. (2012) Citizen engagement and urban change: Three case studies of material deliberation, Cities, 29 (6), 351–357.
DeMichele T., 10.07.2018, The Different Types of Reasoning Methods Explained and Compared.
Available on: [accessed: 1.03.2019].
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McKinney, M. J. (2001) What do we mean by consensus? Some defining principles, [in:] P. Brick, D. Snow, S. Van de Wetering, eds., Across the great divide: Explorations in collaborative conservation and the American West, Island Press, Washington, D.C. & Covelo, California, 33–41.
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Program Rewitalizacji Pabianic – kompleksowa podstawa wyprowadzania zdegradowanych obszarów miasta ze stanu kryzysu, 19.09.2017, załącznik do Uchwały nr XLVI/578/17 z dnia 19.09.2017 r. Rady Miejskiej Pabianice, Urząd Miejski w Pabianicach.
Available from: [accessed: 29.07.2018] [in Polish].
Program Rewitalizacji Pabianic – Partycypacja Społeczna – RAPORT (2017), unpublished, available at Wydział Urbanistyki Urzędu Miasta w Pabianicach [in Polish].
RWE, 17.06.2015, Bottrop – modelowe miasto innowacyjne w Zagłębiu Ruhry oraz „Dom Przyszłości RWE” jako przykład zaangażowania prywatnego przedsiębiorstwa w rozwój inteligentnych miast – case study.
Available from:
[accessed: 28.08.2018] [in Polish].
Saxena, N. C. (1998) What is meant by people’s participation?, Journal of Rural Development, 17(1), 111–113.
Siemiński, W. (2007) Cele i zasady partycypacji społecznej w planowaniu przestrzennym – przegląd literatury, Człowiek i Środowisko, 1-2, 37–60 [in Polish].
Steiner, F. (2000) The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
Taylor, R. P. (2015) A Review of Industrial Restructuring in the Ruhr Valley and Relevant Points for China, Institute for Industrial Productivity.
Available from: [accessed: 20.08.2018].
Ustawa z 9 października 2015 r. o rewitalizacji, Dz.U. 2015 poz. 1777 [in Polish].
Webler, T. (1999) The craft and theory of public participation: A dialectical process, Journal of Risk Research, 2(1), 55–71.
Wiench, J. (1991) Metody i techniki konsultacji społecznych w planowaniu przestrzennym, Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunikacji w Warszawie, Warsaw [in Polish].
Internet sources
Bank Danych Lokalnych GUS: [accessed: 19.08.2018] [in Polish].
RVR website: [accessed: 20.08.2018].
The consultation website of the city of Pabianice: [accessed: 29.07.2018].
André, P. with the collaboration of Martin, P. & Lanmafankpotin, G. (2012) Citizen Participation, [in:] L. Côté & J.-F. Savard, eds., Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration, École nationale d’administration publique, Québec (Canada). Available from: [accessed: 29.07.2018].
Arnstein, S. R. (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of the American Planning Association, 35(4), 216—224.
DOI: 10.1080/01944366908977225 [accessed: 29.07.2018].
Cysek-Pawlak, M. M. (2018) Mixed use and diversity as a New Urbanism principle guiding the renewal of post-industrial districts. Case studies of the Paris Rive Gauche and the New Centre of Lodz, Urban Development Issues, 57, 53–62.
Davies, S. R., Selin, C., Gano, G. & Pereira, A. G. (2012) Citizen engagement and urban change: Three case studies of material deliberation, Cities, 29 (6), 351–357.
DeMichele T., 10.07.2018, The Different Types of Reasoning Methods Explained and Compared.
Available on: [accessed: 1.03.2019].
Glass, J. J. (1979) Citizen participation in planning: the relationship between objectives and techniques, Journal of the American Planning Association, 45(2), 180-189.
Hospers, G-J. (2004) Restructuring Europe’s Rustbelt: The Case of the German Ruhrgebiet, Intereconomics, 39(3), 147–156.
IAPP (2001) Okrągły stół. Podręcznik. Proces Okrągłego Stołu jako metoda dialogu władza-społeczeństwo na temat zrównoważonego ro-
zwoju miast, Urząd Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy, Warsaw [in Polish].
Kachniarz, T. & Niewiadomski, Z. (1995) Nowe podstawy prawne zagospodarowania przestrzennego, Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunikacji w Warszawie, Warsaw [in Polish].
Kazimierczak, J. & Kosmowsk,i P. (2017) In the shadow of the urban regeneration megaproject: Urban transitions in downtown Łódź, Poland, Urban Development Issues, 56, 41–52.
Maggi, C. (2000) Key factors of Structural Change in North Rhine-Westphalia, INEF Report Np. 45, Project Meso NRW 2000, Gerhard – Mercator University, Gesamthochshule Duisburg, Duisburg.
Markowski, T., Stawasz, D., Sikora, D. (2005) Polityka mieszkaniowa obszaru – cele i instrumenty, Urząd Miasta Łódź, Lodz [in Polish].
McKinney, M. J. (2001) What do we mean by consensus? Some defining principles, [in:] P. Brick, D. Snow, S. Van de Wetering, eds., Across the great divide: Explorations in collaborative conservation and the American West, Island Press, Washington, D.C. & Covelo, California, 33–41.
Missalowa, G., ed., (1968) Dzieje Pabianic, Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, Lodz [in Polish].
Nelkin, D. & Pollak, M. (1979) Public Participation in Technological Decisions: Reality or Grand Illusion, Technology Review, 81(8), 55–64.
Niezabitowska, E. (2014) Metody i techniki badawcze w architekturze, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice [in Polish].
Ogrodowski, J. (2017) Partycypacja społeczna i partnerstwo w rewitalizacji, Instytut Rozwoju Miast, Kraków [in Polish].
Program Rewitalizacji Pabianic – kompleksowa podstawa wyprowadzania zdegradowanych obszarów miasta ze stanu kryzysu, 19.09.2017, załącznik do Uchwały nr XLVI/578/17 z dnia 19.09.2017 r. Rady Miejskiej Pabianice, Urząd Miejski w Pabianicach.
Available from: [accessed: 29.07.2018] [in Polish].
Program Rewitalizacji Pabianic – Partycypacja Społeczna – RAPORT (2017), unpublished, available at Wydział Urbanistyki Urzędu Miasta w Pabianicach [in Polish].
RWE, 17.06.2015, Bottrop – modelowe miasto innowacyjne w Zagłębiu Ruhry oraz „Dom Przyszłości RWE” jako przykład zaangażowania prywatnego przedsiębiorstwa w rozwój inteligentnych miast – case study.
Available from:
[accessed: 28.08.2018] [in Polish].
Saxena, N. C. (1998) What is meant by people’s participation?, Journal of Rural Development, 17(1), 111–113.
Siemiński, W. (2007) Cele i zasady partycypacji społecznej w planowaniu przestrzennym – przegląd literatury, Człowiek i Środowisko, 1-2, 37–60 [in Polish].
Steiner, F. (2000) The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
Taylor, R. P. (2015) A Review of Industrial Restructuring in the Ruhr Valley and Relevant Points for China, Institute for Industrial Productivity.
Available from: [accessed: 20.08.2018].
Ustawa z 9 października 2015 r. o rewitalizacji, Dz.U. 2015 poz. 1777 [in Polish].
Webler, T. (1999) The craft and theory of public participation: A dialectical process, Journal of Risk Research, 2(1), 55–71.
Wiench, J. (1991) Metody i techniki konsultacji społecznych w planowaniu przestrzennym, Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunikacji w Warszawie, Warsaw [in Polish].
Internet sources
Bank Danych Lokalnych GUS: [accessed: 19.08.2018] [in Polish].
RVR website: [accessed: 20.08.2018].
The consultation website of the city of Pabianice: [accessed: 29.07.2018].