Dorota Murzyn
Urban development under EU cohesion policy - an example of major cities in Poland Urban Development Issues, vol. 53, 27–35. DOI: 10.1515/udi-2017-0003
Keywords: urban development, cohesion policy, smart growth, sustainable growth, inclusive growth
One of the objectives of Poland’s accession to the European Union was to accelerate modernisation and development processes both nationally and locally. Cohesion policy measures provide a way to support these modernisation processes, and cities, especially large ones, play a particular role in this regard. The study aims to assess the role of EU cohesion policy funds in urban development in Poland (with the example of major cities – cities with poviat status). The expenditure on the implementation of projects financed with EU funds accounts for more than half of the investment expenditure of cities with poviat status. Placing it in the context of the full spectrum of public intervention, as well as investments by businesses and other actors on the territories of cities, those cities are the largest beneficiaries of EU cohesion funds in Poland. In the light of the results of quantitative research it can be said that the implementation of cohesion policy is important for large cities and has had an impact on the improvement of their economic situation. By analysing the thematic structure of the projects that have been carried out and co-financed with EU funds we can see that they have contributed to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, but the scale of this impact should be the subject of further research.
One of the objectives of Poland’s accession to the European Union was to accelerate modernisation and development processes both nationally and locally. Cohesion policy measures provide a way to support these modernisation processes, and cities, especially large ones, play a particular role in this regard. The study aims to assess the role of EU cohesion policy funds in urban development in Poland (with the example of major cities – cities with poviat status). The expenditure on the implementation of projects financed with EU funds accounts for more than half of the investment expenditure of cities with poviat status. Placing it in the context of the full spectrum of public intervention, as well as investments by businesses and other actors on the territories of cities, those cities are the largest beneficiaries of EU cohesion funds in Poland. In the light of the results of quantitative research it can be said that the implementation of cohesion policy is important for large cities and has had an impact on the improvement of their economic situation. By analysing the thematic structure of the projects that have been carried out and co-financed with EU funds we can see that they have contributed to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, but the scale of this impact should be the subject of further research.
Anand, R. A., Mishra S. & Peiris Sh. J. (2013) Inclusive growth: Measurement and determinants, IMF Working Paper, 13/135, available from: [accessed: 30.06.2017]
Atkinson, R. & Zimmermann, K. (2016) Cohesion policy and cities: An ambivalent relationship? [in:] S. Piattoni & L. Polverari, eds., Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Edward Elagar, Cheltenham, 413–426.
Bachtler, J. Begg, I., Polverari, L. & Charles D. (2016) EU Cohesion Policy in Practice: What Does It Achieve?, Rowan & Littlefield International, London-New York.
Barca F. (2009) An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy: A Place-based Approach to Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations, Independent Report prepared at the request of Danuta Hubner, Commissioner for Regional Policy, DG Regional Policy, Brussels.
Baun, M. & Marek, D. (2008), EU cohesion policy after enlargement (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Becattini, G. (1990) The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-Economic Concept, [in:] F. Pyke, G. Becattini G. & W. Sengenberger, eds., In-
dustrial Districts and Inter-firm Cooperation in Italy, IILS, Geneva.
Berg, A. & Ostry, J. D. (2011), Inequality and Unsustainable Growth: Two Sides of the Same Coin?, IMF Staff Discussion Note 11/08, Interna-
tional Monetary Fund, Washington.
Boldrin, M. & Canova, F. (2001) Inequality and convergence in Europe’s regions: reconsidering European regional policies, Economic Policy, 16 (32), 205–253.
Brenner, N., Peck, J. & Theodore, N. (2010) Variegated neoliberalization: Geographies, modalities, pathways, Global Networks, 10 (2), 182–222.
Buck, N., Gordon, I., Harding, A. & Turok, I. (2005) Changing Cities: rethinking competitiveness, cohesion and governance, Palgrave Publishers
Limited, Basingstoke and New York.
Central Statistical Office (2016) Area and population in the territorial profile in 2016, Statistical Information and Elaborations, Warsaw.
Commission of the European Communities (2006) Cohesion Policy and cities: the urban contribution to growth and jobs in the regions, Communication from the Commission to the Council and Parliament, COM(2006) 385 final, 13.7.2006, Brussels.
Daniels, T. (2001) Smart growth: a new American approach to regional planning, Planning Practice & Research, 16 (3/4/2001), 271–279.
Ederveen, S., De Groot, H. & Nahuis, S. (2006) Fertile soil for Structural Funds? A panel data analysis of the conditional effectiveness of Euro-
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European Commission (2010), Europe 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Communication from the Commission, COM(2010) 2020 final, 3.3.2010, Brussels.
European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) (1999) Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
European Union (2010) Investing in Europe’s future, Fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, Publications Office of the Euro-
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Gorzelak, G. (2017) Cohesion Policy and regional development, in: J. Bachtler, P. Berkovitz, S. Hardy & T. Muravska, eds., EU Cohesion Policy. Reassessing performance and direction, Routledge, Abingdon-Oxford, 33–54.
Hadjimichalis, C. (2011) Uneven geographical development and sociospatial justice and solidarity: European regions after the 2009 financial crisis, European Urban and Regional Studies, 18 (3), 254–274.
Hadjimichalis, C. & Hudson, R. (2014) Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories, Regional Studies, 48 (1),
Hamza, C., Frangenheim, A., Charles, D. & Miller, S. (2014) The Role of Cities in Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, study requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development, European Union.
Harrison, L. E. & Huntington, S.P., eds., (2000) Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, Basic Books, New York.
Haughton, G. & Hunter, C. (2004) Sustainable cities, Routledge, London.
Instytut Badań Strukturalnych (2011) Evaluation of benefits to the EU-15 countries resulting from the implementation of the Cohesion Policy in the Visegrad Group countries, Instytut Badań Strukturalnych, Warsaw.
Jacobs, J. (1969) The economy of cities, Vintage, New York.
Lang, T. & Török, I. (2017) Metropolitan region policies in the European Union: following national, European or neoliberal agendas?, International Planning Studies, 22 (1), 1–13.
Marshall, A. (1961) Principles of Economics, Variorum edition overseen by C. Guillebaud, Macmillan, London.
McCann, P. (2015) The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union: Cohesion, Results – Orientation and Smart Specialisation, Edward Elgar,
McCann, P. & Ortega-Argilés, R. (2013) Smart specialization, regional growth and applications to European Union Cohesion Policy, Regional
Studies, 49 (8), 1291–1302.
Midelfart, K. & Overman, H. (2002) Delocation and European integration: is structural spending justified?, Economic Policy , 17 (35), 321–359.
Ministerstwo Finansów, Sprawozdania z wykonania budżetu państwa, Informacje o wykonaniu budżetów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego
za lata 2004–2015, Warszawa [in Polish].
Murzyn, D. (2013) Building an economy based on knowledge and in novation in the Visegrad Group countries using the EU structural funds, [in:] J. Dyduch, M. Michalewska-Pawlak, R. Murphy, eds.,
European Union development: challenges and strategies, Aspra, Warsaw, 139–159.
Nijkamp, P. & Perrels, A. (1994) Sustainable cities in Europe, Earthscan, London.
Ocena wpływu polityki spójności na rozwój miast polskich (w ramach ewaluacji ex post NPR 2004–2006), 2010, Badanie wykonane na zlecenie
Ministerstwa Rozwoju Regionalnego przez Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych EUROREG Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa [in Polish].
OECD (2013) OECD Regions at a Glance, OECD, Paris.
OECD (2016) Making Cities Work for All Data and Actions for Inclusive Growth, OECD,
Parkinson, M. & Meegan, R. (2013) Economic place making: policy messages for European cities, Policy Studies, 34 (3), 377–400.
Perroux, F. (1950) Economic Space, Theory and Applications, Quartely Journal of Economics, 64 (1), 89–104.
Rada Ministrów (2016) Sprawozdanie z wykonania budżetu państwa za okres od 1 stycznia do 31 grudnia 2015 r., Informacja o wykona-
niu budżetów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, Warszawa [in Polish].
Sapir, A., Aghion, P., Bertola, G., Hellwig, M., Pisani-Ferry, J., Rosati, D., Viñals, J. & Wallace, H. (2003) An Agenda for a Growing Europe: Making the EU Economic System Deliver, Report of an Independent High Level Study Group to the President of the European Commission, available from: [accessed: 30.06.2017].
Smętkowski, M. (2011) Wpływ polityki spójności na dyfuzję procesów rozwojowych w otoczeniu dużych polskich miast, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, Wydanie Specjalne 2011, 123–154.
Smętkowski, M. & Płoszaj, A. (2011) Duże miasta Polski – wyzwania rozwojowe a interwencja w ramach Polityki Spójności 2004–2006, Studia
Regionalne i Lokalne, Wydanie Specjalne 2011, 8–30.
Schumpeter, J. A. (1934) The theory of economic development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Ustawa z dnia 13 listopada 2003 r. o dochodach jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, DzU 2003, poz. 1966 [in Polish].
Ustawa z dnia 6 grudnia 2006 r. o zasadach prowadzenia polityki rozwoju, DzU 2006, poz. 1658 [in Polish].
Ustawa z dnia 27 sierpnia 2009 r. o finansach publicznych, DzU 2009, poz. 1240 [in Polish].
Zaucha, J. & Komornicki, T. (2017) The place-based approach within development policy. A comparative analysis of Polish and EU space, [in:] J.
Bachtler, P. Berkovitz, S. Hardy & T. Muravska, eds., EU Cohesion Policy. Reassessing performance and direction, Routledge, Abingdon,
Oxford, 297–310.
Zaucha, J. & Świątek, D. (2013) Place-based territorially sensitive and integrated approach, Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw.
Anand, R. A., Mishra S. & Peiris Sh. J. (2013) Inclusive growth: Measurement and determinants, IMF Working Paper, 13/135, available from: [accessed: 30.06.2017]
Atkinson, R. & Zimmermann, K. (2016) Cohesion policy and cities: An ambivalent relationship? [in:] S. Piattoni & L. Polverari, eds., Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Edward Elagar, Cheltenham, 413–426.
Bachtler, J. Begg, I., Polverari, L. & Charles D. (2016) EU Cohesion Policy in Practice: What Does It Achieve?, Rowan & Littlefield International, London-New York.
Barca F. (2009) An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy: A Place-based Approach to Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations, Independent Report prepared at the request of Danuta Hubner, Commissioner for Regional Policy, DG Regional Policy, Brussels.
Baun, M. & Marek, D. (2008), EU cohesion policy after enlargement (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Becattini, G. (1990) The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-Economic Concept, [in:] F. Pyke, G. Becattini G. & W. Sengenberger, eds., In-
dustrial Districts and Inter-firm Cooperation in Italy, IILS, Geneva.
Berg, A. & Ostry, J. D. (2011), Inequality and Unsustainable Growth: Two Sides of the Same Coin?, IMF Staff Discussion Note 11/08, Interna-
tional Monetary Fund, Washington.
Boldrin, M. & Canova, F. (2001) Inequality and convergence in Europe’s regions: reconsidering European regional policies, Economic Policy, 16 (32), 205–253.
Brenner, N., Peck, J. & Theodore, N. (2010) Variegated neoliberalization: Geographies, modalities, pathways, Global Networks, 10 (2), 182–222.
Buck, N., Gordon, I., Harding, A. & Turok, I. (2005) Changing Cities: rethinking competitiveness, cohesion and governance, Palgrave Publishers
Limited, Basingstoke and New York.
Central Statistical Office (2016) Area and population in the territorial profile in 2016, Statistical Information and Elaborations, Warsaw.
Commission of the European Communities (2006) Cohesion Policy and cities: the urban contribution to growth and jobs in the regions, Communication from the Commission to the Council and Parliament, COM(2006) 385 final, 13.7.2006, Brussels.
Daniels, T. (2001) Smart growth: a new American approach to regional planning, Planning Practice & Research, 16 (3/4/2001), 271–279.
Ederveen, S., De Groot, H. & Nahuis, S. (2006) Fertile soil for Structural Funds? A panel data analysis of the conditional effectiveness of Euro-
pean Cohesion policy, Kyklos , 59 (1), 17–42.
European Commission (2010), Europe 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Communication from the Commission, COM(2010) 2020 final, 3.3.2010, Brussels.
European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) (1999) Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
European Union (2010) Investing in Europe’s future, Fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, Publications Office of the Euro-
pean Union, Luxembourg.
Ferry, M. (2013) Implementing Regional Policy in Poland: A New Era? Europe-Asia Studies, 65 (8), 1578–1598.
Florida, R., Adler, P. & Mellander C. (2017) The city as innovation machine, Regional Studies, 51 (1), 86–96.
Gorzelak, G. (2004) The poverty and wealth of regions (assumptions, hypotheses, examples), [in:] H. Karl & P. Rollet, eds., Employment and regional development policy: Market efficiency versus policy intervention, Verl. der ARL, Hannover, 101–120.
Gorzelak, G. (2017) Cohesion Policy and regional development, in: J. Bachtler, P. Berkovitz, S. Hardy & T. Muravska, eds., EU Cohesion Policy. Reassessing performance and direction, Routledge, Abingdon-Oxford, 33–54.
Hadjimichalis, C. (2011) Uneven geographical development and sociospatial justice and solidarity: European regions after the 2009 financial crisis, European Urban and Regional Studies, 18 (3), 254–274.
Hadjimichalis, C. & Hudson, R. (2014) Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories, Regional Studies, 48 (1),
Hamza, C., Frangenheim, A., Charles, D. & Miller, S. (2014) The Role of Cities in Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, study requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development, European Union.
Harrison, L. E. & Huntington, S.P., eds., (2000) Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, Basic Books, New York.
Haughton, G. & Hunter, C. (2004) Sustainable cities, Routledge, London.
Instytut Badań Strukturalnych (2011) Evaluation of benefits to the EU-15 countries resulting from the implementation of the Cohesion Policy in the Visegrad Group countries, Instytut Badań Strukturalnych, Warsaw.
Jacobs, J. (1969) The economy of cities, Vintage, New York.
Lang, T. & Török, I. (2017) Metropolitan region policies in the European Union: following national, European or neoliberal agendas?, International Planning Studies, 22 (1), 1–13.
Marshall, A. (1961) Principles of Economics, Variorum edition overseen by C. Guillebaud, Macmillan, London.
McCann, P. (2015) The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union: Cohesion, Results – Orientation and Smart Specialisation, Edward Elgar,
McCann, P. & Ortega-Argilés, R. (2013) Smart specialization, regional growth and applications to European Union Cohesion Policy, Regional
Studies, 49 (8), 1291–1302.
Midelfart, K. & Overman, H. (2002) Delocation and European integration: is structural spending justified?, Economic Policy , 17 (35), 321–359.
Ministerstwo Finansów, Sprawozdania z wykonania budżetu państwa, Informacje o wykonaniu budżetów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego
za lata 2004–2015, Warszawa [in Polish].
Murzyn, D. (2013) Building an economy based on knowledge and in novation in the Visegrad Group countries using the EU structural funds, [in:] J. Dyduch, M. Michalewska-Pawlak, R. Murphy, eds.,
European Union development: challenges and strategies, Aspra, Warsaw, 139–159.
Nijkamp, P. & Perrels, A. (1994) Sustainable cities in Europe, Earthscan, London.
Ocena wpływu polityki spójności na rozwój miast polskich (w ramach ewaluacji ex post NPR 2004–2006), 2010, Badanie wykonane na zlecenie
Ministerstwa Rozwoju Regionalnego przez Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych EUROREG Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa [in Polish].
OECD (2013) OECD Regions at a Glance, OECD, Paris.
OECD (2016) Making Cities Work for All Data and Actions for Inclusive Growth, OECD,
Parkinson, M. & Meegan, R. (2013) Economic place making: policy messages for European cities, Policy Studies, 34 (3), 377–400.
Perroux, F. (1950) Economic Space, Theory and Applications, Quartely Journal of Economics, 64 (1), 89–104.
Rada Ministrów (2016) Sprawozdanie z wykonania budżetu państwa za okres od 1 stycznia do 31 grudnia 2015 r., Informacja o wykona-
niu budżetów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, Warszawa [in Polish].
Sapir, A., Aghion, P., Bertola, G., Hellwig, M., Pisani-Ferry, J., Rosati, D., Viñals, J. & Wallace, H. (2003) An Agenda for a Growing Europe: Making the EU Economic System Deliver, Report of an Independent High Level Study Group to the President of the European Commission, available from: [accessed: 30.06.2017].
Smętkowski, M. (2011) Wpływ polityki spójności na dyfuzję procesów rozwojowych w otoczeniu dużych polskich miast, Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, Wydanie Specjalne 2011, 123–154.
Smętkowski, M. & Płoszaj, A. (2011) Duże miasta Polski – wyzwania rozwojowe a interwencja w ramach Polityki Spójności 2004–2006, Studia
Regionalne i Lokalne, Wydanie Specjalne 2011, 8–30.
Schumpeter, J. A. (1934) The theory of economic development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Ustawa z dnia 13 listopada 2003 r. o dochodach jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, DzU 2003, poz. 1966 [in Polish].
Ustawa z dnia 6 grudnia 2006 r. o zasadach prowadzenia polityki rozwoju, DzU 2006, poz. 1658 [in Polish].
Ustawa z dnia 27 sierpnia 2009 r. o finansach publicznych, DzU 2009, poz. 1240 [in Polish].
Zaucha, J. & Komornicki, T. (2017) The place-based approach within development policy. A comparative analysis of Polish and EU space, [in:] J.
Bachtler, P. Berkovitz, S. Hardy & T. Muravska, eds., EU Cohesion Policy. Reassessing performance and direction, Routledge, Abingdon,
Oxford, 297–310.
Zaucha, J. & Świątek, D. (2013) Place-based territorially sensitive and integrated approach, Ministry of Regional Development, Warsaw.