Justyna Kleszcz
A transgressive approach towards agritectural space - the idea of agricultural-urban use settlements Urban Development Issues, vol. 54, 15–26. DOI: 10.1515/udi-2017-0008
Keywords: agritecture, agrihood, agrarian urbanism, agropolis, zoopolia, urban farming, urban agriculture
The article aims at presenting the phenomenon of transgression of the modern urban space through the formation of new spatial units defining the city in relation to its productive sphere. Due to the gradual departure from the notion of an enclosed city to one that is open and connected to the form of the surrounding countryside, the problem of defining a new notion of modern urban-rural space emerged. One of the first manifestations of this phenomenon is the emergence of new forms of housing that combine urban features with food production. Analysis of examples such as EVA-Laxmeer in Culemborg, Agromere in Almere, Cannery in Davis, Detroit and Philadelphia allowed for the verification of architectural and planning concepts related to urban values as a form of urban development of new agricultural forms. These phenomena can be understood both as a process of tearing the compact tissue of a city or, in the case of a less orthodox approach towards the built environment, as a process of network layering towards self-sufficiency of various structural, functional, energy-related and food production related characters within the unfavourable external conditions.
The article aims at presenting the phenomenon of transgression of the modern urban space through the formation of new spatial units defining the city in relation to its productive sphere. Due to the gradual departure from the notion of an enclosed city to one that is open and connected to the form of the surrounding countryside, the problem of defining a new notion of modern urban-rural space emerged. One of the first manifestations of this phenomenon is the emergence of new forms of housing that combine urban features with food production. Analysis of examples such as EVA-Laxmeer in Culemborg, Agromere in Almere, Cannery in Davis, Detroit and Philadelphia allowed for the verification of architectural and planning concepts related to urban values as a form of urban development of new agricultural forms. These phenomena can be understood both as a process of tearing the compact tissue of a city or, in the case of a less orthodox approach towards the built environment, as a process of network layering towards self-sufficiency of various structural, functional, energy-related and food production related characters within the unfavourable external conditions.
Ackerman, K. (2012) The potential for urban agriculture in New York City. Growing capacity, food, security & green infrastructure, Columbia University Press, Columbia.
Albright, M.B. (23.06.2014) It’s a beautiful day in the Agrihood. Available from: http://theplate.nationalgeographic.com/2014/06/23/its-a-beautiful-day-in-the-agrihood/ [accessed: 29.04.2017].
America’s First Sustainable Urban Agrihood Debuts in Detroit. The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative to open new community center and café (30.11.2016). Available from: http://www.miufi.org/america-s-first-urban-agrihood [accessed: 29.04.2017].
Bakker, N., Dubbeling, M., Guendel, S., Sabel-Koshchella, U. & de Zeeuw, H., eds., (2000) Growing Cities, Growing Food: Urban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda, Die Stifung für Internationale Entwicklung, Feldading.
Bellissimo Inc. (28.01.2013) Bucking Horse. Design guidelines, Fort Collins. Available from: http://www.bellisimoinc.com/sites/default/files/attach-
ments/bh_design_guidelines_final_web.pdf [accessed:10.10.2017].
Bucking Horse (n.d.). Available from: http://www.bellisimoinc.com/projects/bucking-horse [accessed: 30.04.2017].
Caetshage urban farm, EVA-Lanxmeer, Culemborg, The Netherlands (n.d.).
Available from: http://www.urbangreenbluegrids.com/projects/caet-shage-urban-farm-eva-lanxmeer-culemborg-the-netherlands/ [accessed: 20.10.2016].
City of Davis (2013) Agreement by and between the City of Davis, Conagra Foods Packaged Foods, LLC and TNHC Land Company, LLC Relating
to the Development of the Property Commonly Known as the Cannery. Available from: http://cityofdavis.org/ [accessed: 10.04.2017].
City of Davis (2016) The Cannery Marketplace Narrative Cannery Commerce District 3/14/2016. Available from: http://cityofdavis.org/ [accessed:
Crocket, L. (31.08.2016) Innovative Self-Sustaining Village Model Could Be the Future of Semi-Urban Living. Available from: http://www.archdaily.com/794167/innovative-self-sustaining-village-model-could-be-the-future-of-semi-urban-living [accessed: 11.11.2016].
Crowdfunding campaign launched for ‘America’s First Sustainable Urban Agrihood’ (20.02.2017). Available from: http://www.sustainablebrands.com/press/crowdfunding_campaign_launched_america%E2%80%99s_first_sustainable_urban_agrihood%E2%80%99
[accessed: 29.04.2017].
Danso, G., Drechsel, P., Akinbolu, S. & Gyiele, L. (2003) Unpublished Document for FAO. Review of studies and literature on the profitability and
Sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture, IWMI-FAO, Accra.
Deelstra, T. & Girardet, H. (2008) Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Cities, Thematic Paper 2 Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Cities, Resource
Center on Urban Agriculture and Forestry, Leusden.
Donaldson, S. & Kymlicka, W. (2011) Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ellis, F. & Sundberg, J. (1998) Food production, urban areas and policy responses, World Development, 26, 213–255.
EFFECT (2016) ReGen Villages. Available from: http://www.effekt.dk/regenvillages/ [accessed 02.10.2017].
EVA-Lanxmeer: Results (n.d.). Available from: http://www.urbangreen-bluegrids.com/projects/eva-lanxmeer-results/ [accessed: 20.10.2016].
Final development plan – site submittal. Bucking Horse second filing – urban estate zone district (2012). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/
[accessed: 10.03.2016].
Final Environmental Impact Report for the Cannery Project SCH#2012032022 (2013) De Novo Planning Group, Sacramento, 7.
Garnett, T. (1996) Growing Food in Cities, National Food Alliance, London.
Giseke, U., Gerster-Bentaya, M., Helten, F., Kraume, M., Scherer, D., Spars, G., Adidi, A., Amraoui, F., Berdouz, S., Chlaida, M., Mansour, M. & Mdafai, M. (2015a) The UAC Research Approach, [in:] U. Giseke, ed., Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions. Connecting Urban – Rural Spheres in Casablanca, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Giseke, U., Kasper, C., Mansour, M. & Moustanjidi, Y. (2015b) Nine urban – rural morphologies, [in:] U. Giseke, ed., Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions. Connecting Urban – Rural Spheres in Casablanca, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Guidebook of Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Europe (2008). Available from: http://www.energy-cities.eu/IMG/pdf/ademe_sustainable_districts_en.pdf [accessed: 01.11.2016].
Henning, J. (1999) Cities Feeding People: An Overview. Available at: http://eap.mcgill.ca/CPUG1.htm, [accessed: 08.08.2017].
Hilbersheimer, L. (1944) The City in the Landscape, The New City, Ludwig Hilberseimer Papers, Ryerson & Burnham Library Archives, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.
Histoire du jardin (n.d.). Available from: http://jardin-aqueduc.fr/histoire-du-jardin/ [accessed: 29.04.2017].
Hodgson, K., Caton Campbell, M. & Bailkey, M. (2011) Urban Agriculture: Growing Healthy Sustainable Places. American Planning Association (Plan-
ning Advisory Service Report No. 563), American Planning Association.
Hoornweg, D. & Munro-Faure, P. (2008) Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and Food Security, FAO. Available from: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/FCIT/PDF/UPA_-WBpaper-Final_Octo-ber_2008.pdf [accessed: 11.11.2016].
Howard, E. (1902, 1946) Garden Cities of To-Morrow, F.J. Osborn, ed., Faber and Faber, London.
Howe, J., Wheeler, P. (1999) Urban food growing: the experience of two UK cities, Sustainable Development, 70(1), 29–31.
Hynes, P. (1996) A patch of Eden. America’s inner city gardeners, White River Junction, Chelsea Green.
Jardin de l’Aqueduc (n.d.). Available from: http://www.jardinons-ensemble.org/spip.php?article196 [accessed: 29.04.2017] [in French].
Jégou F. & Carey J. (2016) Handbook: Creating space for sustainable food systems in urban communities. Practical approaches and examples for
cities, Strategic Design Scenarios Publishing. Available from: http://www.sustainable-everyday-project.net/urbact-sustainable-food/the-
handbook/ [accessed: 20.10.2016].
Klein Miller, L. (1904) Children’s Gardens for School and Home. A Manual of Cooperative Learning, D. Appleton and Company, New York.
Krawiec, A. & Stasiak, P. (2016) Proekologiczne rozwiązania w zespołach zabudowy miejskiej. Analiza na wybranych przykładach, [in:] J. Szrek,
ed., Interdyscyplinarność badań naukowych, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 225–230 [in Polish].
Louv, R. (2016) Ostatnie dziecko lasu, Relacja/Mamania, Warszawa, 580–582.
Millenersi wolą farmy, niż pola golfowe (29.03.2016). Available from: http://www.miasto2077.pl/millenialsi-wola-farmy-od-pol-golfowych/ [accessed: 25.04.2017].
Mougeot, L.J.A. (2000) Urban agriculture: definition, presence, potential and risks, [in:] N. Bakker, ed., Growing cities, growing food: urban ag-
riculture on the policy agenda. A reader on urban agriculture, German Foundation For International Development, Feldafing, 99–117.
Mougeot, L.J.A. (2005) Agropolis. The social, political and environmental dimensions of urban agriculture, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa-Cairo-Dakar-Montevideo-Nairobi-New Delhi-Singa-pore, XII–XIV.
Philo, C. (1995) Animals. Geography and the city, Environment and planning D, 13, 655–681.
Philips, A. (2013) Designing Urban Agriculture. A complete guide to Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Management of Edible Landscapes, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.
Poulsen, M. & Spiker, M. (2014) Integrating urban farms into the social landscape of cities. Recommendations for strengthening the relationship between urban farms and local communities, Baltimore Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health, Baltimore.
Preliminary development plan – site submittal. Bucking Horse second filing – urban estate zone district (2012a). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Preliminary development plan submittal – site plan. Bucking Horse – Jessup Farm Artisan Village (Being a Replat of Outlot C, Sidehill – Filling Two)
Fort Collins, Colorado (2012b). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Preliminary development plan – site submittal. Bucking Horse Townhomes (2012c). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Proksch, G. (2017) Creating Urban Agricultural Systems An Integrated Approach to Design, Routletge, Taylor & Francis Group New York.
Pulido, L. (2000) Rethinking Environmental Racism, Association of American Geographers, 90(1), 12–40.
Reumer, J. (2011) De mierenmens – een evolutiesparadox, Historische Uitgeverij Groningen, Groningen [in Dutch].
Rice, L. & Littlefield, D. (2015) Transgression. Towards an expanded field of architecture, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 1–4.
Sroka, W. (2014) Definitions and forms of urban agriculture – a reason for discussion, Wieś i Rolnictwo, 164 (3), 88–104 [in Polish].
Tschumi, B. (1976) Transgression in architecture, MA: MIT Press, Cambridge.
Utility plans for Bucking Horse filing two (2012a). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Utility plans for Bucking Horse Residences (2012b). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Utility plans for Bucking Horse. Second filing (2012c). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Wiskerke, J. S. (2015) Urban food systems, [in:] H. de Zeeuw, P. Drechsel, eds., Cities and Agriculture – Developing Resilient Urban Food Systems,
Earthscan Food and Agriculture, Routledge, New York, 11–25.
Wolch, J. (1998) Zoopolia, [in:] J. Wolch, J. Emel, eds., Animal Geographies: Place, Politics, and Identity in the Nature-Culture Borderlands, Verso
Books, London, New York, 119–138.
Wolch, J. (2013) Anima Urbis, [in:] A. L. Harrison, ed., Architectural Theories of the Environment: Posthuman Territory, Routledge, New York, 233.
Wolch J. & Owens M. (2017) Animals in Contemporary Architecture and Design, Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies, 8 (2), 1–26.
Wright, F. L. (1932) The disappearing city, William Farquhar Payson, New York.
Veenhuizen, R. van, ed. (2006) Cities Farming for the Future – Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities, RUAF Foundation, IDRC and IIRR Publishing, Ottawa-Cairo-Dakar-Montevideo-Nairobi- NewDelhi-Singapore.
Veenhuizen, R. van & Danso, G. (2007) Profitability and sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture, [in:] Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper, 19, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, Rome, 1.
Viljoen, A. (1997) Low-Energy Dwellings and Their Environmental Impact, [in:] European Directory of Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building, James and James (Science Publishers) Ltd, London, 47–52.
Viljoen, A., Bohn, K. & Howe, J. (2005) Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities, Architectural Press, Oxford.
Viljoen, A. & Bohn, K. (2009) Continous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL): Essential Infrastructure and Edible Ornament, Open House International, 2(34), 50–60.
Ackerman, K. (2012) The potential for urban agriculture in New York City. Growing capacity, food, security & green infrastructure, Columbia University Press, Columbia.
Albright, M.B. (23.06.2014) It’s a beautiful day in the Agrihood. Available from: http://theplate.nationalgeographic.com/2014/06/23/its-a-beautiful-day-in-the-agrihood/ [accessed: 29.04.2017].
America’s First Sustainable Urban Agrihood Debuts in Detroit. The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative to open new community center and café (30.11.2016). Available from: http://www.miufi.org/america-s-first-urban-agrihood [accessed: 29.04.2017].
Bakker, N., Dubbeling, M., Guendel, S., Sabel-Koshchella, U. & de Zeeuw, H., eds., (2000) Growing Cities, Growing Food: Urban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda, Die Stifung für Internationale Entwicklung, Feldading.
Bellissimo Inc. (28.01.2013) Bucking Horse. Design guidelines, Fort Collins. Available from: http://www.bellisimoinc.com/sites/default/files/attach-
ments/bh_design_guidelines_final_web.pdf [accessed:10.10.2017].
Bucking Horse (n.d.). Available from: http://www.bellisimoinc.com/projects/bucking-horse [accessed: 30.04.2017].
Caetshage urban farm, EVA-Lanxmeer, Culemborg, The Netherlands (n.d.).
Available from: http://www.urbangreenbluegrids.com/projects/caet-shage-urban-farm-eva-lanxmeer-culemborg-the-netherlands/ [accessed: 20.10.2016].
City of Davis (2013) Agreement by and between the City of Davis, Conagra Foods Packaged Foods, LLC and TNHC Land Company, LLC Relating
to the Development of the Property Commonly Known as the Cannery. Available from: http://cityofdavis.org/ [accessed: 10.04.2017].
City of Davis (2016) The Cannery Marketplace Narrative Cannery Commerce District 3/14/2016. Available from: http://cityofdavis.org/ [accessed:
Crocket, L. (31.08.2016) Innovative Self-Sustaining Village Model Could Be the Future of Semi-Urban Living. Available from: http://www.archdaily.com/794167/innovative-self-sustaining-village-model-could-be-the-future-of-semi-urban-living [accessed: 11.11.2016].
Crowdfunding campaign launched for ‘America’s First Sustainable Urban Agrihood’ (20.02.2017). Available from: http://www.sustainablebrands.com/press/crowdfunding_campaign_launched_america%E2%80%99s_first_sustainable_urban_agrihood%E2%80%99
[accessed: 29.04.2017].
Danso, G., Drechsel, P., Akinbolu, S. & Gyiele, L. (2003) Unpublished Document for FAO. Review of studies and literature on the profitability and
Sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture, IWMI-FAO, Accra.
Deelstra, T. & Girardet, H. (2008) Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Cities, Thematic Paper 2 Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Cities, Resource
Center on Urban Agriculture and Forestry, Leusden.
Donaldson, S. & Kymlicka, W. (2011) Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ellis, F. & Sundberg, J. (1998) Food production, urban areas and policy responses, World Development, 26, 213–255.
EFFECT (2016) ReGen Villages. Available from: http://www.effekt.dk/regenvillages/ [accessed 02.10.2017].
EVA-Lanxmeer: Results (n.d.). Available from: http://www.urbangreen-bluegrids.com/projects/eva-lanxmeer-results/ [accessed: 20.10.2016].
Final development plan – site submittal. Bucking Horse second filing – urban estate zone district (2012). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/
[accessed: 10.03.2016].
Final Environmental Impact Report for the Cannery Project SCH#2012032022 (2013) De Novo Planning Group, Sacramento, 7.
Garnett, T. (1996) Growing Food in Cities, National Food Alliance, London.
Giseke, U., Gerster-Bentaya, M., Helten, F., Kraume, M., Scherer, D., Spars, G., Adidi, A., Amraoui, F., Berdouz, S., Chlaida, M., Mansour, M. & Mdafai, M. (2015a) The UAC Research Approach, [in:] U. Giseke, ed., Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions. Connecting Urban – Rural Spheres in Casablanca, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Giseke, U., Kasper, C., Mansour, M. & Moustanjidi, Y. (2015b) Nine urban – rural morphologies, [in:] U. Giseke, ed., Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions. Connecting Urban – Rural Spheres in Casablanca, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Guidebook of Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Europe (2008). Available from: http://www.energy-cities.eu/IMG/pdf/ademe_sustainable_districts_en.pdf [accessed: 01.11.2016].
Henning, J. (1999) Cities Feeding People: An Overview. Available at: http://eap.mcgill.ca/CPUG1.htm, [accessed: 08.08.2017].
Hilbersheimer, L. (1944) The City in the Landscape, The New City, Ludwig Hilberseimer Papers, Ryerson & Burnham Library Archives, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.
Histoire du jardin (n.d.). Available from: http://jardin-aqueduc.fr/histoire-du-jardin/ [accessed: 29.04.2017].
Hodgson, K., Caton Campbell, M. & Bailkey, M. (2011) Urban Agriculture: Growing Healthy Sustainable Places. American Planning Association (Plan-
ning Advisory Service Report No. 563), American Planning Association.
Hoornweg, D. & Munro-Faure, P. (2008) Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and Food Security, FAO. Available from: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/FCIT/PDF/UPA_-WBpaper-Final_Octo-ber_2008.pdf [accessed: 11.11.2016].
Howard, E. (1902, 1946) Garden Cities of To-Morrow, F.J. Osborn, ed., Faber and Faber, London.
Howe, J., Wheeler, P. (1999) Urban food growing: the experience of two UK cities, Sustainable Development, 70(1), 29–31.
Hynes, P. (1996) A patch of Eden. America’s inner city gardeners, White River Junction, Chelsea Green.
Jardin de l’Aqueduc (n.d.). Available from: http://www.jardinons-ensemble.org/spip.php?article196 [accessed: 29.04.2017] [in French].
Jégou F. & Carey J. (2016) Handbook: Creating space for sustainable food systems in urban communities. Practical approaches and examples for
cities, Strategic Design Scenarios Publishing. Available from: http://www.sustainable-everyday-project.net/urbact-sustainable-food/the-
handbook/ [accessed: 20.10.2016].
Klein Miller, L. (1904) Children’s Gardens for School and Home. A Manual of Cooperative Learning, D. Appleton and Company, New York.
Krawiec, A. & Stasiak, P. (2016) Proekologiczne rozwiązania w zespołach zabudowy miejskiej. Analiza na wybranych przykładach, [in:] J. Szrek,
ed., Interdyscyplinarność badań naukowych, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 225–230 [in Polish].
Louv, R. (2016) Ostatnie dziecko lasu, Relacja/Mamania, Warszawa, 580–582.
Millenersi wolą farmy, niż pola golfowe (29.03.2016). Available from: http://www.miasto2077.pl/millenialsi-wola-farmy-od-pol-golfowych/ [accessed: 25.04.2017].
Mougeot, L.J.A. (2000) Urban agriculture: definition, presence, potential and risks, [in:] N. Bakker, ed., Growing cities, growing food: urban ag-
riculture on the policy agenda. A reader on urban agriculture, German Foundation For International Development, Feldafing, 99–117.
Mougeot, L.J.A. (2005) Agropolis. The social, political and environmental dimensions of urban agriculture, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa-Cairo-Dakar-Montevideo-Nairobi-New Delhi-Singa-pore, XII–XIV.
Philo, C. (1995) Animals. Geography and the city, Environment and planning D, 13, 655–681.
Philips, A. (2013) Designing Urban Agriculture. A complete guide to Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Management of Edible Landscapes, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.
Poulsen, M. & Spiker, M. (2014) Integrating urban farms into the social landscape of cities. Recommendations for strengthening the relationship between urban farms and local communities, Baltimore Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health, Baltimore.
Preliminary development plan – site submittal. Bucking Horse second filing – urban estate zone district (2012a). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Preliminary development plan submittal – site plan. Bucking Horse – Jessup Farm Artisan Village (Being a Replat of Outlot C, Sidehill – Filling Two)
Fort Collins, Colorado (2012b). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Preliminary development plan – site submittal. Bucking Horse Townhomes (2012c). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Proksch, G. (2017) Creating Urban Agricultural Systems An Integrated Approach to Design, Routletge, Taylor & Francis Group New York.
Pulido, L. (2000) Rethinking Environmental Racism, Association of American Geographers, 90(1), 12–40.
Reumer, J. (2011) De mierenmens – een evolutiesparadox, Historische Uitgeverij Groningen, Groningen [in Dutch].
Rice, L. & Littlefield, D. (2015) Transgression. Towards an expanded field of architecture, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 1–4.
Sroka, W. (2014) Definitions and forms of urban agriculture – a reason for discussion, Wieś i Rolnictwo, 164 (3), 88–104 [in Polish].
Tschumi, B. (1976) Transgression in architecture, MA: MIT Press, Cambridge.
Utility plans for Bucking Horse filing two (2012a). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Utility plans for Bucking Horse Residences (2012b). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Utility plans for Bucking Horse. Second filing (2012c). Available from: http://citydocs.fcgov.com/ [accessed: 10.03.2016].
Wiskerke, J. S. (2015) Urban food systems, [in:] H. de Zeeuw, P. Drechsel, eds., Cities and Agriculture – Developing Resilient Urban Food Systems,
Earthscan Food and Agriculture, Routledge, New York, 11–25.
Wolch, J. (1998) Zoopolia, [in:] J. Wolch, J. Emel, eds., Animal Geographies: Place, Politics, and Identity in the Nature-Culture Borderlands, Verso
Books, London, New York, 119–138.
Wolch, J. (2013) Anima Urbis, [in:] A. L. Harrison, ed., Architectural Theories of the Environment: Posthuman Territory, Routledge, New York, 233.
Wolch J. & Owens M. (2017) Animals in Contemporary Architecture and Design, Humanimalia: a journal of human/animal interface studies, 8 (2), 1–26.
Wright, F. L. (1932) The disappearing city, William Farquhar Payson, New York.
Veenhuizen, R. van, ed. (2006) Cities Farming for the Future – Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities, RUAF Foundation, IDRC and IIRR Publishing, Ottawa-Cairo-Dakar-Montevideo-Nairobi- NewDelhi-Singapore.
Veenhuizen, R. van & Danso, G. (2007) Profitability and sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture, [in:] Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper, 19, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, Rome, 1.
Viljoen, A. (1997) Low-Energy Dwellings and Their Environmental Impact, [in:] European Directory of Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building, James and James (Science Publishers) Ltd, London, 47–52.
Viljoen, A., Bohn, K. & Howe, J. (2005) Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities, Architectural Press, Oxford.
Viljoen, A. & Bohn, K. (2009) Continous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL): Essential Infrastructure and Edible Ornament, Open House International, 2(34), 50–60.