Nick Bailey, Joanna L. Stewart & Jon Minton
The welfare consequences of the suburbanisation of poverty in UK cities: air pollution and school quality Urban Development Issues, vol. 61, 15–32 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2019-0003
Keywords: suburbanization, gentrification, poverty, air pollution, schools
The suburbanisation of poverty has been noted in the cities of a large number of countries, including the UK. The main drivers are labour market restructuring on the one hand, and market-driven change in the housing system on the other although social and housing policies are also factors. This paper explores the possible consequences for the welfare of low-income groups in relation to two dimensions: exposure to air pollution and access to good quality schools. Results show that, for these groups, suburbanisation has had mixed impacts on welfare. In most cities, suburbanisation is likely to bring improvements in air quality but there are only a minority where it improves access to good quality schools. Overall, it is clear that suburbanising low income households enjoy fewer of the benefits of suburban locations than middle class households.
The suburbanisation of poverty has been noted in the cities of a large number of countries, including the UK. The main drivers are labour market restructuring on the one hand, and market-driven change in the housing system on the other although social and housing policies are also factors. This paper explores the possible consequences for the welfare of low-income groups in relation to two dimensions: exposure to air pollution and access to good quality schools. Results show that, for these groups, suburbanisation has had mixed impacts on welfare. In most cities, suburbanisation is likely to bring improvements in air quality but there are only a minority where it improves access to good quality schools. Overall, it is clear that suburbanising low income households enjoy fewer of the benefits of suburban locations than middle class households.
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Bailey, N., Dong, G., Minton, J. & Pryce, G. (2018) Reconsidering the Relationship between Air Pollution & Deprivation, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(629), 1–17.
Bailey, N. & Minton, J. (2018) The suburbanisation of poverty in British cities, 2004-16: extent, processes and nature, Urban Geography, 39(6), 892–915.
Bickerstaff, K. (2004) Risk perception research: socio-cultural perspectives on the public experience of air pollution, Environment International, 30(6), 827–840.
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Hamra, G.B., Laden, F., Cohen, A.J., Raaschou-Nielsen, O., Brauer, M. & Loomis, D. (2015) Lung Cancer and Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Traffic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(11), 1107–1112.
Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M. & Watkins, D. (2015) Coping with the cuts? The management of the worst financial settlement in living memory, Local Government Studies, 41(4), 601–621.
Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Bramley, G., Croudace, R. & Watkins, D. (2013) ‘Managing’ the middle-classes: urban managers, public services and the response to middle-class capture, Local Government Studies, 40(2), 203–223.
Hulchanski, J. D., Bourne, L. S., Egan, R. , Fair, M., Maaranen, R., Murdie, R. & Walks, A. (2007) The three cities within Toronto: income polarization among Toronto’s neighbourhoods, 1970-2005, Cities Centre, Toronto.
Kim, K-H., Kabir, H., & Kabir, S. (2015) A review on the human health impact of airborne particulate matter, Environment International, 74, 136–143.
Kneebone, E. & Berube, A. (2014) Confronting suburban poverty in America, Brookings Institute, Washington.
Mattioli, G. (2017) ‘Forced car ownership’ in the UK and Germany: socio-spatial patterns and potential economic stress impacts, Social Inclusion, 5(4), 147–60.
Noble, M., Wright, G., Smith, G. & Dibben, C. (2006) Measuring multiple deprivation at the small-area level, Environment and Planning A, 38(1), 169–185.
Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2015) Methodology note on 2011 Travel-to-Work Areas, ONS, London.
Pannullo, F., Lee, D., Neal, L., Dalvi, M. Agnew, P., O’Connor, F.M., Mukhopadhyay, S., Sahu, S. & Sarran, C. (2017) Quantifying the impact of current and future concentrations of air pollutants on respiratory disease risk in England, Environmental Health (2017), 16–29.
Payne, R. A. & Abel, G. A. (2012) UK indices of multiple deprivation: a way to make comparisons across constituent countries easier, Health Statistics Quarterly, 53(Spring), 1–16.
Randolph, B. & Tice, A. (2017) Relocating Disadvantage in Five Australian Cities: Socio-spatial Polarisation under Neo-liberalism, Urban Policy and Research, 35(2): 103–121.
Robson, B. (1988) Those inner cities: reconciling the social and economic aims of urban policy, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Royal College of Physicians (2016) Every breath we take: the lifelong impact of air pollution, RCP, London.
Smith, N. (2002) New globalism, new urbanism: gentrification as global urban strategy, Antipode, 34(3), 427–450.
van Gent, W. P. C. (2013) Neoliberalization, Housing Institutions and Variegated Gentrification: How the ‘Third Wave’ Broke in Amsterdam, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(2), 503–522.
World Health Organization (2013) Health Effects of Particulate Matter. Policy implications for countries in eastern Europe, Caucasus and central Asia, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
Internet sources
Compare school performance website, UK Government: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
DEFRA website, Department for Environment Food & Rural Afairs: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
Scottish Government website, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
UK Government website, English indices of deprivation collection: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
AQEG (2005) Particulate Matter in the UK: summary, Defra, London.
Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G. & Livingston, M. (2015) How neighbourhood social mix shapes access to resources from social networks and from services, Housing Studies, 30(2), 295–314.
Bailey, N., Dong, G., Minton, J. & Pryce, G. (2018) Reconsidering the Relationship between Air Pollution & Deprivation, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(629), 1–17.
Bailey, N. & Minton, J. (2018) The suburbanisation of poverty in British cities, 2004-16: extent, processes and nature, Urban Geography, 39(6), 892–915.
Bickerstaff, K. (2004) Risk perception research: socio-cultural perspectives on the public experience of air pollution, Environment International, 30(6), 827–840.
Bramley, G. & Evans, M. (2000) Getting the smaller picture: small-area analysis of public expenditure incidence and deprivation in three English cities, Fiscal Studies, 21(2), 231–267.
Castro, A. Künzil, N. & Götschi, T. (2017) Health benefits of a reduction of PM10 and NO2 exposure after implementing a clean air plan in the Agglomeration Lausanne-Morges, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 20(5), 829–839.
Cheshire, P. & Sheppard, S. (2004) Capitalising the value of free schools: the impact of supply characteristics and uncertainty. Lincoln Institute for Land Policy Working Paper, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy Working Paper, Cambridge, MA.
Cooke, T. J. & Denton, C. (2015) The suburbanization of poverty? An alternative perspective, Urban Geography, 36(2), 300–313.
Darcy, M. & Gwyther, G. (2012) Recasting research on ‘neighbourhood effects’: a collaborative, participatory, trans-national approach, [in:] M. van Ham et al., eds., Neighbourhood effects research: new perspectives, Springer, Dordrecht, 249–267.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) (2018) Households below average incomes: an analysis of the UK income distribution 1994/5-2016/17, DWP, London.
Forrest, R. & Kearns, A. (1999) Joined-up places: social cohesion and neighbourhood regeneration, York Publishing Services, York.
Goos, M. & Manning, A. (2007) Lousy and lovely jobs: the rising polarization of work in Britain, Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(1), 118–133.
Hamra, G.B., Laden, F., Cohen, A.J., Raaschou-Nielsen, O., Brauer, M. & Loomis, D. (2015) Lung Cancer and Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Traffic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(11), 1107–1112.
Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M. & Watkins, D. (2015) Coping with the cuts? The management of the worst financial settlement in living memory, Local Government Studies, 41(4), 601–621.
Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Bramley, G., Croudace, R. & Watkins, D. (2013) ‘Managing’ the middle-classes: urban managers, public services and the response to middle-class capture, Local Government Studies, 40(2), 203–223.
Hulchanski, J. D., Bourne, L. S., Egan, R. , Fair, M., Maaranen, R., Murdie, R. & Walks, A. (2007) The three cities within Toronto: income polarization among Toronto’s neighbourhoods, 1970-2005, Cities Centre, Toronto.
Kim, K-H., Kabir, H., & Kabir, S. (2015) A review on the human health impact of airborne particulate matter, Environment International, 74, 136–143.
Kneebone, E. & Berube, A. (2014) Confronting suburban poverty in America, Brookings Institute, Washington.
Mattioli, G. (2017) ‘Forced car ownership’ in the UK and Germany: socio-spatial patterns and potential economic stress impacts, Social Inclusion, 5(4), 147–60.
Noble, M., Wright, G., Smith, G. & Dibben, C. (2006) Measuring multiple deprivation at the small-area level, Environment and Planning A, 38(1), 169–185.
Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2015) Methodology note on 2011 Travel-to-Work Areas, ONS, London.
Pannullo, F., Lee, D., Neal, L., Dalvi, M. Agnew, P., O’Connor, F.M., Mukhopadhyay, S., Sahu, S. & Sarran, C. (2017) Quantifying the impact of current and future concentrations of air pollutants on respiratory disease risk in England, Environmental Health (2017), 16–29.
Payne, R. A. & Abel, G. A. (2012) UK indices of multiple deprivation: a way to make comparisons across constituent countries easier, Health Statistics Quarterly, 53(Spring), 1–16.
Randolph, B. & Tice, A. (2017) Relocating Disadvantage in Five Australian Cities: Socio-spatial Polarisation under Neo-liberalism, Urban Policy and Research, 35(2): 103–121.
Robson, B. (1988) Those inner cities: reconciling the social and economic aims of urban policy, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Royal College of Physicians (2016) Every breath we take: the lifelong impact of air pollution, RCP, London.
Smith, N. (2002) New globalism, new urbanism: gentrification as global urban strategy, Antipode, 34(3), 427–450.
van Gent, W. P. C. (2013) Neoliberalization, Housing Institutions and Variegated Gentrification: How the ‘Third Wave’ Broke in Amsterdam, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(2), 503–522.
World Health Organization (2013) Health Effects of Particulate Matter. Policy implications for countries in eastern Europe, Caucasus and central Asia, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
Internet sources
Compare school performance website, UK Government: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
DEFRA website, Department for Environment Food & Rural Afairs: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
Scottish Government website, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016: [accessed: 01.08.2018].
UK Government website, English indices of deprivation collection: [accessed: 01.08.2018].