Wiktor Głowacki*, Janusz Komenda, Magdalena Zalasińska, Ilona Morawska, František Imrich
One more inventory or spatial planning – which better serves the goals of the Carpathian Convention in historic towns? Urban Development Issues, vol. 57, 27–39. DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0015
Keywords: historic towns, urban planning, Carpathians, cultural heritage
The paper addresses the role of local spatial planning in the implementation of the heritage related goals of Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians. The paper analyses heritage related regulations in the spatial plans of three historic Carpathian towns as compared to the results of heritage inventories made for two pilot areas in the Czech and Ukrainian Carpathians. On the basis of the analyses we conclude that local planning regulations are to a great extent in line with the declared goals of the Convention and therefore can play a more significant role in their implementation whereas the concept of a separate Carpathian Heritage Inventory, in spite of its initial intentions, is of little use for these purposes. In the end we call for the use of local spatial plans as tools for the protection of the Carpathian heritage in future activities of the countries party to the Carpathian Convention.
The paper addresses the role of local spatial planning in the implementation of the heritage related goals of Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians. The paper analyses heritage related regulations in the spatial plans of three historic Carpathian towns as compared to the results of heritage inventories made for two pilot areas in the Czech and Ukrainian Carpathians. On the basis of the analyses we conclude that local planning regulations are to a great extent in line with the declared goals of the Convention and therefore can play a more significant role in their implementation whereas the concept of a separate Carpathian Heritage Inventory, in spite of its initial intentions, is of little use for these purposes. In the end we call for the use of local spatial plans as tools for the protection of the Carpathian heritage in future activities of the countries party to the Carpathian Convention.
Bělohlav, J. (1913) Štramberk. Vlastivědný sborník České Monografie, vol. 12, Irena Bělohlavová, Prague [in Czech].
Carter, V.J, ed., (2014) The Importance of Small Towns, The European Council for the Village and Small Town [ECOVAST], Tenterden, UK.
Available from: http://www.ecovast.org/english/publications_e.htm [accessed: 14.11.2016].
Carter, V.J, ed.,(2015) The Evidence Base Supporting Document to the publication “The Importance of Small Towns” published in November 2014, The European Council for the Village and Small Town [ECOVAST], Tenterden, UK.
Available from: http://www.ecovast.org/english/publications_e.htm [accessed: 14.11.2016].
Conference of Plenipotentiaries for Adoption and Signature of The Framework Convention On The Protection And Sustainable Development Of The Carpathians [CPA] (2003) Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians, Kyiv.
Available from: http://www.carpathianconvention.org/text-of-the-convention.html [accessed: 25.10.2016].
Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians [COP] (2011) Strategic Action Plan for the Carpathian Area, Bratislava. Available from http://www.carpathianconvention.org/documents-thematic-areas.html [accessed: 26.10.2016].
Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians [COP] (2014) Ministerial Declaration on cultural heritage of the Carpathians, Mikulov. Available from: http://www.carpathianconvention.org/cop-decisions.html
[accessed: 28.10.2016].
Dimitrovska Andrews, K. (2005) Mastering the post-socialist city: Impacts on planning the built environment, [in:] F.E. Ian Hamilton, K. Dimitrovska Andrews & N. Pichler-Milanović, eds., Transformation of cities in Central and Eastern Europe. Towards globalization, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 153–188.
Drdácký, M. (2013) Telč, Czech Republic, [in:] R. Pickard, ed., Management of Historic Centres Spon Press, London, 31–52. Dvořáková, V. (2012), Ochrana pamiatkových území – beh na dlhé trate, Urbanita, 24/2, 11–15 [in Slovak].
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Fusková, V. Mičková, I. Šiřina, P., Veselá, Z. (2013) Územní Plán Štramberka, Urbanistické Středisko Ostrava, Ostrava.
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Grubbauer, M. (2012) Toward a More Comprehensive Notion of Urban Change: Linking Post-Socialistic Urbanism and Urban Theory, [in:] M. Grubbauer & J. Kusiak, eds., Chasing Warsaw; Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change, Campus Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt/M, 35–60.
Harčar, P. (2012). Mestské opevnenie v Bardejove – vývoj, obnova, prezentácia. BARDKONTAKT Problematika mestských pamiatkových center, Zborník prednášok. 20, 239–242 [in Slovak].
Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention (2010) Inputs to EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The Carpathian Region – a macro-region forming an integrated part of the Danube region Vienna. Available from: http://www.carpathianconvention.org/documents-thematic-areas.html [accessed: 12.01.2017].
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Janssen, J., Luiten, E., & Stegmeijer, E. (2017) Heritage as sector, factor and vector: conceptualizing the shifting relationship between heritage management and spatial planning, European Planning Studies, 25 (6), 1–19. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2017.1329410.
Jinghui, W. (2012) Problems and solutions in the protection of historical urban areas, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 1, 40–43.
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Harčar, P. (2012). Mestské opevnenie v Bardejove – vývoj, obnova, prezentácia. BARDKONTAKT Problematika mestských pamiatkových center, Zborník prednášok. 20, 239–242 [in Slovak].
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Kuropatnicki, E.A. (1858) Geografia albo Dokładne Opisanie Królestw Galicyi i Lodomeryi, Drukarnia Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich, Lwów.
Available from http://rcin.org.pl/dlibra/doccontent?id=34790 (Original work Published 1786) [accessed:11.01.2016] [in Polish].
Lehtimäki, M. (2006) Sustainable Historic Towns – Urban Heritage as an Asset of Development, National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki.
Licciardi, G. & Amirtahmasebi, R., eds., (2009) The Economics of Uniqueness: Investing in Historic City Cores and Cultural Heritage Assets for Sustainable Development, World Bank, Washington, DC. DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-9650-6.
Ličková, J. (2012) Obnova národných kultúrnych pamiatok v lokalite SKD – UNESCO –Historické jadro mesta Bardejov, BARDKONTAKT Problematika mestských pamiatkových center, Zborník prednášok, 20, 233–238.
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Musil, J. (2005) City development in Central and Eastern Europe before 1990; Historical context and socialist legacies [in:] F. E. Ian Hamilton, K. Dimitrovska Andrews & N. Pichler-Milanović, eds., Transformation of cities in Central and Eastern Europe. Towards globalization, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 22–43.
Næss, P., Saglie, I. L., Głowacki, W. & Dunin-Woyseth, H. (1998) Environmental considerations in physical planning under different conditions: A comparison of a Polish and a Norwegian municipality, Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 15(2), 57–77. DOI: 10.1080/02815739808730447.
Nistor, S. (2001) Romania’s Urban Architectural Heritage: between Neglect and Revitalization, paper presented at ARCCHIP Workshop A03 on Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas in June 2001, Prague/Liblice. Available from: http://www.itam.cas.cz/~arcchip/ariadne_3.shtml [accessed: 18.01.2016].
Ogilvie, M. M. (1897) Die Korallen der Stramberger Schichten, Palaeontographica 7A, 73–282 [in German].
Pirisi, G. & Trócsányi, A. (2014) Shrinking Small Towns in Hungary: The Factors Behind the Urban Decline in “Small Scale”, Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae, 58, 131–147.
Pirisi, G. Trócsányi, A. & Makkai, B. (2015) Between shrinking and blooming: the crossroad of small towns’ urbanisation in Hungary, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica, 8, 12–28.
Šarišský, M. (2001) Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas, paper presented at ARCCHIP Workshop A03 on Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas in June 2001, Prague/Liblice. Available from: http://www.itam.cas.cz/~arcchip/ariadne_3.shtml [accessed:16.05.2016].
Sjöberg, Ö. (2014) Cases onto themselves? Theory and research on ex-socialist urban environments, Geografie, 119 (4), 299–319.
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