Katarzyna Goch, Szymon Ochota, Monika Piotrkowska, Zuzanna Kunert
Measuring dynamic public transit accessibility to local centres in Warsaw Urban Development Issues, vol. 58, 29–40 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0021
Keywords: inclusionary housing, affordability, social inclusionGTFS, accessibility, Warsaw
Over the last decade the number of studies on public transit accessibility has significantly increased. The aim of the study was to analyse the scope of application of measurements of the dynamic time accessibility in transportation systems for evaluation purposes. It was assumed that the indicator is a feasible measure for basic analysis however additional indicators are needed for reliable assessment. The study included assessing access to the global centre of Warsaw and to local and district centres in particular units. Public transit accessibility was analysed using schedule-based travel time and the population data statistic. The results of the study confirm the dynamic character of public transit time accessibility and its usefulness as a measure. Spatial and transit barriers were identified in local distribution centres and public transit operation. The work presented in the paper highlights the relevance of the in-depth evaluation of the public transit system in relation to the major congestion problems in Warsaw.
Over the last decade the number of studies on public transit accessibility has significantly increased. The aim of the study was to analyse the scope of application of measurements of the dynamic time accessibility in transportation systems for evaluation purposes. It was assumed that the indicator is a feasible measure for basic analysis however additional indicators are needed for reliable assessment. The study included assessing access to the global centre of Warsaw and to local and district centres in particular units. Public transit accessibility was analysed using schedule-based travel time and the population data statistic. The results of the study confirm the dynamic character of public transit time accessibility and its usefulness as a measure. Spatial and transit barriers were identified in local distribution centres and public transit operation. The work presented in the paper highlights the relevance of the in-depth evaluation of the public transit system in relation to the major congestion problems in Warsaw.
Benenson, I., Martens, K., Rofé, Y., & Kwatler, A. (2011) Public transport versus private car GIS-based estimation of accessibility applied to the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. Available from: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00168-010-0392-6.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Cervero, R., Ferrell, C., & Murphy, S. (2002) Transit-oriented development and joint development in the United States: A literature review, Transportation Cooperative Research Program TCRP) Report 52, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 6.
Available from: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/tcrp/tcrp_rrd_52.pdf [accessed: 8.10.2017].
Cervero, R., Murphy, S., Ferrell, C., Goguts, N., Tsai, Y-H., Arrington, G.B., Boroski, J., Smith-Heimer, J., Golem, R., Peninger, P., Nakajima, E., Chui, E., Dunphy, R., Myers, M., & McKay, S. (2004) Transit-Oriented Development in the United States: Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects, Transportation Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 102, Transportation Research Board, Washington.
Available from: https://www.valleymetro.org/sites/default/files/legacy-images/uploads/general_publications/TCRP-Report-102_TOD-in-the-US-Experiences-Challenges-and-Prospects_10-04.pdf [accessed: 8.10.2017].
Cox, W. (2012) Urban Travel and Urban Population Density, JOURNEYS. Sharing Urban Transport Solutions, 9, 19–28.
Available from: https://www.lta.gov.sg/ltaacademy/doc/JOURNEYS_Nov%202012.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Domanowska, M. (2014) Odnowa terenów zieleni w Miniprogramach Rewitalizacji Dzielnic Warszawy, Zeszyty Naukowe. Inżynieria Środowiska/Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 154 (34), 74–86 [in Polish with English abstract].
Dymek, D., & Bednorz, L. (2017) Zagospodarowanie Rodzinnych Ogrodów Działkowych (ROD) na przykładzie ROD im. Józefa Chociszewskiego w Poznaniu, Studia Miejskie, 25, 133–147 [in Polish with English abstract].
ESRI (2017) Service area analysis. Available from: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/extensions/network-analyst/service-area.htm
[accessed: 27.04.2017].
ESRI (2018) Add GTFS to a Network Dataset. Available from: https://esri.github.io/public-transit-tools/AddGTFStoaNetworkDataset.html
[accessed: 19.06.2018].
Fransen K., Neutens, T., Farber, S., De Maeyer, P., Deruyter, G., & Witloc, F. (2015) Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels, Journal of Transport Geography, 48, 176–187.
Goliszek, S. & Połom, M. (2016) The use of general transit feed specification (GTFS) application to identify deviations in the operation of public transport
at morning peak hours on the example of Szczecin, Europa XXI, 31, 51–60.
Kostelecka, A. (2015a) Warszawskie Badanie Ruchu 2015 wraz z opracowaniem modelu ruchu. Synteza.
Available from: http://transport.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/WBR%202015%20SYNTEZA%20POL.pdf [accessed 14.05.2017] [in Polish].
Kostelecka, A. (2015b) Warszawskie Badanie Ruchu 2015 wraz z opracowaniem modelu ruchu. Raport z etapu III. Opracowanie wyników badań.
Available from: http://transport.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/WBR%202015.%20Etap%20III.%20Raport.%20Wersja%2006_2016.pdf
[accessed: 27.04.2017] [in Polish].
Lei, T. L. & Church, R. L. (2010) Mapping transit‐based access: integrating GIS, routes and schedules. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24 (2), 283–304.
Majewski, B., & Beim, M. (2008) Dostępność komunikacji publicznej w Poznaniu (Series „Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna”), Biuletyn Instytutu Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 3, 115–124.
Melgaard, E., Hadjimichael, G., Almeida, & M., Verhoef, L., eds., (2007) COST C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: Needs., IOS Press, Amsterdam.
Mishra, S. & Welch, T. F. (2013) A joint travel demand and environmental model to incorporate emission pricing for large transportation networks.
Available from: http://smartgrowth.umd.edu/assets/documents/research/mishrawelch_emissionpricing_2011.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Oddział Warszawski Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich (2015) Centra Lokalne. Studium koncepcyjne dotyczące centrów lokalnych w Warszawie,
11–15 & 32–59.
Available from: http://sarp.warszawa.pl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CENTRA-LOKALNE-OW-SARP-2015-wersja-elektroniczna.pdf
[Accessed: 27.04.2017] [in Polish].
Olszewski, P., Dybicz, T., & Śleszyński, P. (2013) Proponowane miary dostępności czasowej w transporcie publicznym, Przegląd Komunikacyjny, 12, 10–17 [in Polish with English abstract].
Rada m. st. Warszawy (2006) Uchwała nr LXXXII/2746/2006 z dnia 10 października 2006 r. w sprawie studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego m. st. Warszawy ze zmianami. Urząd m. st. Warszawy, Warszawa.
Available from: http://bip.warszawa.pl/Menu_przedmiotowe/ogloszenia/plany_zagospodarowania/Studium.htm [accessed: 27.04.2017] [in Polish].
Renne, J. L. (2009) From transit-adjacent to transit-oriented development, Local Environment, 14 (1), 1–15.
Rybka, A., Kozlowski, A. & Plewako, Z. (2007) General Overview of Problems, Needs and Solutions in the Polish Urban Building Envelopes, [in:] E. Melgaard, G. Hadjimichael, M. Almeida & L. Verhoef, eds., COST C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: Needs, IOS Press, Amsterdam 109–119.
Sanchez, T. W., & Brenman, M. (2007) The Right to Transportation. Moving to Equality, APA Planners Press, Chicago.
Szczęsny, M. & Kimic, K. (2012) Możliwości adaptacji terenów ogrodów działkowych na obiekty ogólnodostępne na przykładzie rodzinnego ogrodu działkowego przy Kanale Gocławskim w Warszawie, Czasopismo Techniczne. Architektura, 109 (8-A), 179–185 [in Polish with English abstract].
Szeląg, M. (2015) Wstępne przetwarzanie i analiza danych.
Available from: http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/mszelag/Teaching/OW/wyklad_02/02_wstepne_przetwarzanie_danych.pdf
[accessed: 16.06.2018][in Polish].
Transport for London (2010) Measuring Public Transport Accessibility Levels, PTALs, Summary.
Available from: https://files.datapress.com/london/dataset/public-transport-accessibility-levels/PTAL-methodology.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Urząd m. st. Warszawy (2015) Plan zrównoważonego rozwoju transportu zbiorowego dla m. st. Warszawy z uwzględnieniem publicznego transportu
zbiorowego organizowanego na podstawie porozumień z gminami sąsiadującymi...
Available from: http://transport.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/Plan%20Transportowy_tekst%20ze%20spisem%20ter%C5%9Bci_0.pdf
Accessed 17th February 2018] [in Polish].
Urząd m. st. Warszawy (2016) Rodzinne ogrody działkowe w planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, presentation made by Architecture and City Planning Department in Warsaw, 15th April 2016.
Available from: https://architektura.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/files/ROD_w_planowaniu_i_zagospodarowaniu_przestrzennym.pdf [Accessed 30th
September 2017] [in Polish].
Vale, D. S. (2015) Transit-oriented development, integration of land use and transport, and pedestrian accessibility: Combining node-place model with pedestrian shed ratio to evaluate and classify station areas in Lisbon, Journal of transport geography, 45, 70–80.
Vesselinov, E., Cazessus, M. & Falk, W. (2007) Gated communities and spatial inequality. Journal of Urban Affairs, 29 (2), 109–127.
Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Warszawie (2017) Warszawa. Czas dojazdu do centrum.
Available from: https://www.facebook.com/wtp.warszawa/posts/1526657634040083 [accessed: 3.10.2017].
Internet sources
Geostatistics portal: https://geo.stat.gov.pl/inspire [accessed 27.04.2017].
OpenStreetMap dataset: http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/poland/mazowieckie.html [accessed: 5.10.2017].
GTFS Data Exchange: http://www.gtfs-data-exchange.com/ [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Public transport accessibility level: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_transport_accessibility_level [accessed: 27.04.2017].
TomTom Traffic Index website: http://www.tomtom.com/en_gb/trafficindex/list?citySize=LARGE&continent=ALL&country=ALL
[accessed: 22.05.2017].
Transitland website - Feed Registry: https://transit.land/feed-registry/[accessed: 27.04.2017].
Inovatica website: http://transitart.io [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Benenson, I., Martens, K., Rofé, Y., & Kwatler, A. (2011) Public transport versus private car GIS-based estimation of accessibility applied to the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. Available from: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00168-010-0392-6.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Cervero, R., Ferrell, C., & Murphy, S. (2002) Transit-oriented development and joint development in the United States: A literature review, Transportation Cooperative Research Program TCRP) Report 52, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 6.
Available from: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/tcrp/tcrp_rrd_52.pdf [accessed: 8.10.2017].
Cervero, R., Murphy, S., Ferrell, C., Goguts, N., Tsai, Y-H., Arrington, G.B., Boroski, J., Smith-Heimer, J., Golem, R., Peninger, P., Nakajima, E., Chui, E., Dunphy, R., Myers, M., & McKay, S. (2004) Transit-Oriented Development in the United States: Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects, Transportation Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 102, Transportation Research Board, Washington.
Available from: https://www.valleymetro.org/sites/default/files/legacy-images/uploads/general_publications/TCRP-Report-102_TOD-in-the-US-Experiences-Challenges-and-Prospects_10-04.pdf [accessed: 8.10.2017].
Cox, W. (2012) Urban Travel and Urban Population Density, JOURNEYS. Sharing Urban Transport Solutions, 9, 19–28.
Available from: https://www.lta.gov.sg/ltaacademy/doc/JOURNEYS_Nov%202012.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Domanowska, M. (2014) Odnowa terenów zieleni w Miniprogramach Rewitalizacji Dzielnic Warszawy, Zeszyty Naukowe. Inżynieria Środowiska/Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 154 (34), 74–86 [in Polish with English abstract].
Dymek, D., & Bednorz, L. (2017) Zagospodarowanie Rodzinnych Ogrodów Działkowych (ROD) na przykładzie ROD im. Józefa Chociszewskiego w Poznaniu, Studia Miejskie, 25, 133–147 [in Polish with English abstract].
ESRI (2017) Service area analysis. Available from: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/extensions/network-analyst/service-area.htm
[accessed: 27.04.2017].
ESRI (2018) Add GTFS to a Network Dataset. Available from: https://esri.github.io/public-transit-tools/AddGTFStoaNetworkDataset.html
[accessed: 19.06.2018].
Fransen K., Neutens, T., Farber, S., De Maeyer, P., Deruyter, G., & Witloc, F. (2015) Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels, Journal of Transport Geography, 48, 176–187.
Goliszek, S. & Połom, M. (2016) The use of general transit feed specification (GTFS) application to identify deviations in the operation of public transport
at morning peak hours on the example of Szczecin, Europa XXI, 31, 51–60.
Kostelecka, A. (2015a) Warszawskie Badanie Ruchu 2015 wraz z opracowaniem modelu ruchu. Synteza.
Available from: http://transport.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/WBR%202015%20SYNTEZA%20POL.pdf [accessed 14.05.2017] [in Polish].
Kostelecka, A. (2015b) Warszawskie Badanie Ruchu 2015 wraz z opracowaniem modelu ruchu. Raport z etapu III. Opracowanie wyników badań.
Available from: http://transport.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/WBR%202015.%20Etap%20III.%20Raport.%20Wersja%2006_2016.pdf
[accessed: 27.04.2017] [in Polish].
Lei, T. L. & Church, R. L. (2010) Mapping transit‐based access: integrating GIS, routes and schedules. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24 (2), 283–304.
Majewski, B., & Beim, M. (2008) Dostępność komunikacji publicznej w Poznaniu (Series „Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna”), Biuletyn Instytutu Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 3, 115–124.
Melgaard, E., Hadjimichael, G., Almeida, & M., Verhoef, L., eds., (2007) COST C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: Needs., IOS Press, Amsterdam.
Mishra, S. & Welch, T. F. (2013) A joint travel demand and environmental model to incorporate emission pricing for large transportation networks.
Available from: http://smartgrowth.umd.edu/assets/documents/research/mishrawelch_emissionpricing_2011.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Oddział Warszawski Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich (2015) Centra Lokalne. Studium koncepcyjne dotyczące centrów lokalnych w Warszawie,
11–15 & 32–59.
Available from: http://sarp.warszawa.pl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CENTRA-LOKALNE-OW-SARP-2015-wersja-elektroniczna.pdf
[Accessed: 27.04.2017] [in Polish].
Olszewski, P., Dybicz, T., & Śleszyński, P. (2013) Proponowane miary dostępności czasowej w transporcie publicznym, Przegląd Komunikacyjny, 12, 10–17 [in Polish with English abstract].
Rada m. st. Warszawy (2006) Uchwała nr LXXXII/2746/2006 z dnia 10 października 2006 r. w sprawie studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego m. st. Warszawy ze zmianami. Urząd m. st. Warszawy, Warszawa.
Available from: http://bip.warszawa.pl/Menu_przedmiotowe/ogloszenia/plany_zagospodarowania/Studium.htm [accessed: 27.04.2017] [in Polish].
Renne, J. L. (2009) From transit-adjacent to transit-oriented development, Local Environment, 14 (1), 1–15.
Rybka, A., Kozlowski, A. & Plewako, Z. (2007) General Overview of Problems, Needs and Solutions in the Polish Urban Building Envelopes, [in:] E. Melgaard, G. Hadjimichael, M. Almeida & L. Verhoef, eds., COST C16 Improving the Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes: Needs, IOS Press, Amsterdam 109–119.
Sanchez, T. W., & Brenman, M. (2007) The Right to Transportation. Moving to Equality, APA Planners Press, Chicago.
Szczęsny, M. & Kimic, K. (2012) Możliwości adaptacji terenów ogrodów działkowych na obiekty ogólnodostępne na przykładzie rodzinnego ogrodu działkowego przy Kanale Gocławskim w Warszawie, Czasopismo Techniczne. Architektura, 109 (8-A), 179–185 [in Polish with English abstract].
Szeląg, M. (2015) Wstępne przetwarzanie i analiza danych.
Available from: http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/mszelag/Teaching/OW/wyklad_02/02_wstepne_przetwarzanie_danych.pdf
[accessed: 16.06.2018][in Polish].
Transport for London (2010) Measuring Public Transport Accessibility Levels, PTALs, Summary.
Available from: https://files.datapress.com/london/dataset/public-transport-accessibility-levels/PTAL-methodology.pdf [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Urząd m. st. Warszawy (2015) Plan zrównoważonego rozwoju transportu zbiorowego dla m. st. Warszawy z uwzględnieniem publicznego transportu
zbiorowego organizowanego na podstawie porozumień z gminami sąsiadującymi...
Available from: http://transport.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/Plan%20Transportowy_tekst%20ze%20spisem%20ter%C5%9Bci_0.pdf
Accessed 17th February 2018] [in Polish].
Urząd m. st. Warszawy (2016) Rodzinne ogrody działkowe w planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, presentation made by Architecture and City Planning Department in Warsaw, 15th April 2016.
Available from: https://architektura.um.warszawa.pl/sites/default/files/files/ROD_w_planowaniu_i_zagospodarowaniu_przestrzennym.pdf [Accessed 30th
September 2017] [in Polish].
Vale, D. S. (2015) Transit-oriented development, integration of land use and transport, and pedestrian accessibility: Combining node-place model with pedestrian shed ratio to evaluate and classify station areas in Lisbon, Journal of transport geography, 45, 70–80.
Vesselinov, E., Cazessus, M. & Falk, W. (2007) Gated communities and spatial inequality. Journal of Urban Affairs, 29 (2), 109–127.
Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Warszawie (2017) Warszawa. Czas dojazdu do centrum.
Available from: https://www.facebook.com/wtp.warszawa/posts/1526657634040083 [accessed: 3.10.2017].
Internet sources
Geostatistics portal: https://geo.stat.gov.pl/inspire [accessed 27.04.2017].
OpenStreetMap dataset: http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/poland/mazowieckie.html [accessed: 5.10.2017].
GTFS Data Exchange: http://www.gtfs-data-exchange.com/ [accessed: 27.04.2017].
Public transport accessibility level: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_transport_accessibility_level [accessed: 27.04.2017].
TomTom Traffic Index website: http://www.tomtom.com/en_gb/trafficindex/list?citySize=LARGE&continent=ALL&country=ALL
[accessed: 22.05.2017].
Transitland website - Feed Registry: https://transit.land/feed-registry/[accessed: 27.04.2017].
Inovatica website: http://transitart.io [accessed: 27.04.2017].