Lidia Mierzejewska & Jerzy Parysek
A model of the analysis of the dynamics and structure of socio-economic development (an example of the set of the largest Polish cities in the years 1998–2015) Urban Development Issues, vol. 63, 25–37 DOI: 10.2478/udi-2019-0014
Keywords: multivariate statistical methods, socio-economic development, development differences, dynamic approach
The complexity of the reality studied by geographical research requires applying such methods which allow describing the state of affairs and ongoing changes in the best possible way. This study aims to present a model of research on selected aspects of the dynamics and structure of socioeconomic development. The idea was to determine whether we deal with the process of reducing or widening the differences in terms of individual features. The article primarily pursues a methodological goal, and to a lesser extent an empirical one. The methodological objective of the paper was to propose and verify a multi-aspect approach to the study of development processes. The analyses carried out reveal that in terms of the features taken into account in the set of 24 of the largest Polish cities the dominating processes are those increasing differences between cities, which are unfavourable in the context of the adopted development policies aiming at reducing the existing disparities. In relation to the methodological objective, the results of the conducted research confirm the rationale of the application of the measures of dynamics and the feature variance to determine the character (dynamics and structure) of the socio-economic development process of cities. Comparatively less effective, especially for interpretation, is the application of principal component analysis and a multivariate classification, which is mainly the result of differences in the variance of particular features.
The complexity of the reality studied by geographical research requires applying such methods which allow describing the state of affairs and ongoing changes in the best possible way. This study aims to present a model of research on selected aspects of the dynamics and structure of socioeconomic development. The idea was to determine whether we deal with the process of reducing or widening the differences in terms of individual features. The article primarily pursues a methodological goal, and to a lesser extent an empirical one. The methodological objective of the paper was to propose and verify a multi-aspect approach to the study of development processes. The analyses carried out reveal that in terms of the features taken into account in the set of 24 of the largest Polish cities the dominating processes are those increasing differences between cities, which are unfavourable in the context of the adopted development policies aiming at reducing the existing disparities. In relation to the methodological objective, the results of the conducted research confirm the rationale of the application of the measures of dynamics and the feature variance to determine the character (dynamics and structure) of the socio-economic development process of cities. Comparatively less effective, especially for interpretation, is the application of principal component analysis and a multivariate classification, which is mainly the result of differences in the variance of particular features.
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Brockwell, P. J. & Davis, R. A. (1996) Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, Springer-Verlag, New York.
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World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong.
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European Commission (2007) Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, European Urban Knowledge Network, Brussels.
European Commision (2008) Green Paper on territorial cohesion, DG Regional Policy, Brussels.
European Commision (2016) Urban Agenda for the EU. Pact of Amsterdam. Agreed at the Informal Meeting of EU Ministers Responsible for Urban Matters on 30 May 2016 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Available from: v7_WEB.pdf [accessed 21.12.2016].
European Union (2011) Cities of tomorrow. Challenges, visions, ways forward, European Union Regional Policy, Brussels.
Available from: [accessed: 26.03.2019].
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Available from: eastern/docs/riga-declaration-220515-final_en.pdf [accessed: 26.03.2019].
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Galiński, T. (1969) On the application of cluster analysis to experimental results, Proc. 37–74, Session of the Int. Statist. Instit., 2, 101–103.
Gans, J. S. (1996) Comparative statics made simple: an introduction to recent advances, Australian Economic Papers, 35(66), 81–93.
Haase, A., Grossmann, K. & Steunführer, A. (2012) Transitory urbanites: New actors of residential change in Polish and Czech inner cities, Cities, 29(5), 318–326.
Hallin, M., Paindaveine, D. & Verdebout, T. (2010) Optimal rankbased testing for principal components, The Annals of Statistics, 38(6), 3245–3299.
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Marcińczak, S., Musterd, S. & Stępniak, M. (2012) Where the grass is greener: Social segregation in the three major Polish cities at the beginning of the 21 Century, European Urban and Regional Studies, 19(4), 383–403.
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European Commision (2008) Green Paper on territorial cohesion, DG Regional Policy, Brussels.
European Commision (2016) Urban Agenda for the EU. Pact of Amsterdam. Agreed at the Informal Meeting of EU Ministers Responsible for Urban Matters on 30 May 2016 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Available from: v7_WEB.pdf [accessed 21.12.2016].
European Union (2011) Cities of tomorrow. Challenges, visions, ways forward, European Union Regional Policy, Brussels.
Available from: [accessed: 26.03.2019].
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Haase, A., Grossmann, K. & Steunführer, A. (2012) Transitory urbanites: New actors of residential change in Polish and Czech inner cities, Cities, 29(5), 318–326.
Hallin, M., Paindaveine, D. & Verdebout, T. (2010) Optimal rankbased testing for principal components, The Annals of Statistics, 38(6), 3245–3299.
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Pole`se, M. (2005) Cities and National Economic Growth: A Reappraisal, Urban Studies, 42(8), 1429–1451.
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Kołodziejczyk, D. (2014) Lokalny rozwój gospodarczy w Polsce: konwergencja czy dywergencja?, Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, Roczniki Naukowe, 15(2), 135–141 [in Polish].
Korcelli-Olejniczak, E. (2007) Berlin and Warsaw: in search of a new role in the European urban system, J. Housing Built Envir., 22(1), 51–68.
Korcelli-Olejniczak, E. (2011) Marked by dynamics: Berlin and Warsaw in the process of functional change, [in:] B. Derudder, M. Hoyler, P. J. Taylor, F. Witlox, eds., International handbook of globalization and world cities, Elgar Original Reference, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, 517–529.
Kossowski, T. (2009) Konwergencja przestrzenna – aspekty teoretyczne, [in:] P. Churski, ed., Praktyczne aspekty badań regionalnych, Biuletyn IGSEiGP UAM Poznań, Seria Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna, 9, 7–20 [in Polish].
Li, Y., Rama, M. & Zhao, Q. (2018) States Diverge, Cities Converge: Drivers of Local Growth Catch-Up in India, Policy Research Working Paper Series 8660, The World Bank.
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Malaga, K. (2007) Konwergencja a nierówności regionalne w Polsce w świetle neoklasycznych modeli wzrostu, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, Poznan [in Polish].
Marcińczak, S., Musterd, S. & Stępniak, M. (2012) Where the grass is greener: Social segregation in the three major Polish cities at the beginning of the 21 Century, European Urban and Regional Studies, 19(4), 383–403.
Markowska, M. (2014) European Capital Cities and Their Surroundings – Innovativeness Convergence or Divergence?, Zeszyty Naukowe UEK, 11(935), 79–100.
Meentemeyer, V. (1989) Geographical perspectives of space, time, and scale, Landscape Ecology, 3(3-4), 163–173.
Mierzejewska, L. (2009) Social aspects of suburbanisation (an example of Poland), [in:] G. R. Anant, ed., Multilayered cities and Urban systems, Hyderabad, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority and Osmania University, 429–448.
Mierzejewska, L. & Parysek, J. (2005) Między dezurbanizacją a reurbanizacją, [in:] I. Jażdżewska, eds., Nowe oblicze urbanizacji w Polsce, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Lodz, 47–56 [in Polish].
Mierzejewska, L. & Parysek, J. (2013) Regional differences in the age structure of Poland’s population in the years 1999–2010, A multivariate approach, Bulletin of Geography, Socio-economic Series, 19, 61–72.
Mierzejewska, L. & Parysek, J. (2014) Cities and their problems at the start of the 21st century (a Polish perspective), [in:] L. Mierzejewska, J. Parysek, eds., Cities in a complex world: Problems, challenges and prospects, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan, 15–26.
Morrison, D. F. (1967) Multivariate statistical methods, McGraw–Hill Book Company, New York.
Niezgoda, A., Markiewicz, E. & Gierczak, B. (2016) Dywergencja zachowań konsumenckich na przykładzie rynku turystycznego, Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy, 45(1), 1–8 [in Polish].
Nowak, W. (2006) Koncepcje konwergencji w teorii wzrostu gospodarczego, Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy, 8, 253–266 [in Polish].
O’Donoghue, D. & Townshend, I. J. (2005) Diversification, Specialization, Convergence and Divergence of Sectoral Employment Structures in the British Urban System, 1991–2001, Regional Studies, 39(5), 585–601.
Parysek, J. (1980) Analiza skupień jako metoda klasyfikacji w geografii, [in:] Z. Chojnicki, ed., Metody taksonomiczne w geografii, Prace Oddziału Poznańskiego PAN, Seria Geografia, 25, 87–99 [in Polish].
Parysek, J. (1982) Modele klasyfikacji w geografii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza, Poznan [in Polish].
Parysek, J. (2004) Transformacja społeczno-gospodarcza i jej konsekwencje w miastach polskich, [in:] J. Słodczyk, ed., Rozwój miast i zarządzanie gospodarka miejską, Uniwersytet Opolski, Opole, 29–46 [in Polish].
Parysek, J. (2005) Systemy lokalne w gospodarce przestrzennej, [in:] T. Czyż, H. Rogacki, eds., Współczesne problemy i koncepcje teoretyczne badań przestrzenno-ekonomicznych, Biuletyn KPZK PAN, 219, 113–129 [in Polish].
Parysek, J. (2007) Współczesne tendencje rozwoju metropolii: Aspekty globalne lokalne, [in:] J. Lach, M. Borowiec, T. Rachwał, eds., Procesy transformacji społeczno-ekonomicznych i przyrodniczych struktur przestrzennych, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie, Cracow [in Polish].
Parysek, J. (2010a) Rozwój miast a polityka miejska w Polsce po 1989 roku, [in:] S. Ciok, P. Migoń, eds., Przekształcenia struktur regionalnych. Aspekty społeczne, ekonomiczne i przyrodnicze, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego, Wroclaw, 117–132 [in Polish].
Parysek, J. (2010b) Urban policy in the context of contemporary urbanisation processes and development issues of Polish cities, Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, II(2), 33–44.
Parysek, J. (2013) Polityka miejska i współczesne problemy funkcjonowania i rozwoju miast, [in:] W. M. Gaczek, ed., Dynamiki, cele i polityka zintegrowanego rozwoju regionów. Aspekty teoretyczne i zarządzanie w przestrzeni, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan, 79–94 [in Polish].
Parysek, J. & Mierzejewska, L. (2005) Two stages in postwar urbanisation in Poland: From socialist to postmodern urbanization, [in:] Y. Murajama, G. Du, eds., Cities in global perspective: Diversity and transition, College of Tourism, Rikkyo University with IGU Urban Commision, Tokyo, 72–82.
Parysek, J. & Ratajczak, W. (1978) Analiza głównych składowych cech charakteryzujących właściwości społeczno-ekonomiczne i środowisko geograficzne Polski w 1970 roku, [in:] Z. Chojnicki, T. Czyż, J. Parysek, W. Ratajczak, eds., Badania społeczno-ekonomicznej struktury przestrzennej Polski metodami czynnikowymi, Prace Oddziału Poznańskiego PAN, Seria Geografia, 2, 83–106 [in Polish].
Parysek, J. & Ratajczak, W. (2002) Analiza składowych głównych – jej korzyści i ograniczenia z punktu widzenia badań geograficznych, [in:] H. Rogacki, ed., Możliwości i ograniczenia zastosowań metod badawczych w geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej i gospodarce przestrzennej, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan [in Polish].
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