Małgorzata Pietrzak*, Marek Angiel
The symbolic dimension of the city – the presence of a dragon in the urban space of Krakow Urban Development Issues, vol. 57, 41–52. DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0016
Keywords: iconosphere, symbol in the city space, Krakow, the dragon as a symbol, the identity of a place, symbolic functions of the iconosphere
The paper deals with the issues of the symbolic dimension of a city created from the urban and social subsystems. The city and its landscape are understood here as a system of signs functioning in two distinct orders of reality, yet still dependent on each other, i.e. the material order and the imaginary one. In the paper, we ask questions about the role of the symbol in the contemporary process of creating the specificity of a place. We also speak about the identity of a place, about endowing a place with features of familiarity, about the social need to recognise the symbol. The presence of a dragon, a creature born in the human imagination, in the urban space of Krakow was chosen as an example of the symbolic dimension of the city. Krakow is a historic city, the former capital of Poland, a city rich in diverse symbolic capitals. The dragon is a symbol of Krakow. It is present in the legend about the city’s origins, and is also commonly present in the material space of Krakow. It is part of the city’s identity.
The paper deals with the issues of the symbolic dimension of a city created from the urban and social subsystems. The city and its landscape are understood here as a system of signs functioning in two distinct orders of reality, yet still dependent on each other, i.e. the material order and the imaginary one. In the paper, we ask questions about the role of the symbol in the contemporary process of creating the specificity of a place. We also speak about the identity of a place, about endowing a place with features of familiarity, about the social need to recognise the symbol. The presence of a dragon, a creature born in the human imagination, in the urban space of Krakow was chosen as an example of the symbolic dimension of the city. Krakow is a historic city, the former capital of Poland, a city rich in diverse symbolic capitals. The dragon is a symbol of Krakow. It is present in the legend about the city’s origins, and is also commonly present in the material space of Krakow. It is part of the city’s identity.
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Dobrowolski, T. (1978) Sztuka Krakowa, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow [in Polish].
‘Entire streets’ of Roman London uncovered in the City, 9.04.2013, BBC News.
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Geography Open Textbook Collective (2014) British Columbia in a Global Context. Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography, BCcampus, Vancouver, British Columbia. Available from: [accessed: 10.09.2017].
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Jones, D. E. (2000) An Instinct for Dragons, Routledge, New York.
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Kubera, J. & Rogowski, Ł., eds., (2015) Miasto w oczach ludzi: wizualność współczesnej ikonosfery miejskiej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznan [in Polish].
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Pawłowska, K. (1996) Idea swojskości w architekturze i urbanistyce miejskiej (Seria Architektura, Monografia 203), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej, Krakow [in Polish].
Porębski, M. (1972) Ikonosfera, Biblioteka Myśli Współczesnej, PIW, Warsaw [in Polish].
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Sapkota, K. (2017) Humanistic Geography: How it blends with human geography through methodology, The Geographical Journal of Nepal, 10, 121–140. Available from: [accessed: 10.09.2017].
Szczepański, M., Ślęzak-Tazbir, W. & Świątkiewicz-Mośny, M. (2006) Ikony miastosfery, Nauka, 3, 101–115.
Available from: [accessed: 23.03.2015].
Szetelnicki, W. (2004) Wpływ apokaliptycznej symboliki św. Jana w detalach architektonicznych gotyckich obiektów sakralnych – rzygulce, Perspectiva, Legnickie Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne, III (2), 242–270 [in Polish with English summary].
Tuan, Y.-F. (1976) Humanistic Geography, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 66 (2), 266–276.
Tuan, Y.-F. (1987) Przestrzeń i miejsce, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warsaw [in Polish].
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Internet sources
Allegro Charytatywni website: [accessed: 10.09.2017].
Wielka Parada Smoków website: [accessed: 10.09.2017] [in Polish].
Krakow Film Festival website: [accessed: 10.09.2017].
Krakowski Szlak Modernizmu, Instytut Architektury website: [accessed: 10.09.2017] [in Polish].
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Krakowie website: [accessed: 10.09.2017] [in Polish].