Adam Radzimski
Spatial distribution of urban policy funds in Germany and its determinants Urban Development Issues, vol. 57, 15–26. DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0014
Keywords: craft breweries, adaptive reuse, neighborhood, revitalization, American citiesurban policy, urban regeneration, spatially disadvantaged areas, Germany, geographically weighted regression
Area-based interventions are one of the ways of addressing problems of disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods. In this paper we take the example of the German urban development support scheme (Städtebauförderung) with the purpose of determining the factors behind the spatial distribution of funds from this policy. The results show a positive association with unemployment rate, and a negative one with the dynamics of population and jobs. This suggests that the allocation of funds to a large extent resembled the distribution of structurally weak areas in Germany. Using geographically weighted regression, we found spatial differences in the goodness of fit of the model as well as in coefficients of explanatory variables. Finally, we also point out some differences between specific programmes forming part of the urban development support scheme.
Area-based interventions are one of the ways of addressing problems of disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods. In this paper we take the example of the German urban development support scheme (Städtebauförderung) with the purpose of determining the factors behind the spatial distribution of funds from this policy. The results show a positive association with unemployment rate, and a negative one with the dynamics of population and jobs. This suggests that the allocation of funds to a large extent resembled the distribution of structurally weak areas in Germany. Using geographically weighted regression, we found spatial differences in the goodness of fit of the model as well as in coefficients of explanatory variables. Finally, we also point out some differences between specific programmes forming part of the urban development support scheme.
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Internet sources
INKAR website (Indikatoren und Karten zur Raum- und Stadtentwicklung): [accessed: 20.09.2017] [in German].
Statistisches Bundesamt website (Die Regionaldatenbank Deutschland): on
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Bivand, R. & Yu, D. (2017) spgwr: Geographically Weighted Regression. R package version 0.6-31.
Available from: [accessed: 15.12.2017].
Brennan, A., Rhodes, P. & Tyler, P. (1999) The Distribution of SRB Challenge Fund Expenditure in Relation to Local-area Need in England, Urban Studies, 36(12), 2069–2084.
Brundson, C., Fotheringham, S. & Charlton, M. (1996) Geographically Weighted Regression: a Method for Exploring Spatial Nonstationarity, Geographical Analysis, 28(4), 281–298.
Cochrane, A. (2007) Understanding urban policy: a critical approach, Blackwell Publishing, Malden.
Darcy, M. (2007) Place and disadvantage: the need for reflexive epistemology in spatial social science, Urban Policy and Research, 25(3), 347–361.
de Dekker, P., Vranken, J., Beaumont, J. & van Nieuwenhuyze, I. V., eds., (2003) On the origins of urban development programmes in nine European countries, Garant Publishers, Antwerp.
Fotheringham, S., Charlton, M. & Brundson, C. (2001) Spatial Variations in School Performance: a Local Analysis Using Geographically Weighted
Regression, Geographical & Environmental Modelling, 5(1), 43–66.
Frank, S. (2008) Stadtentwicklung durch die EU: Europäische Stadtpolitik und URBAN-Ansatz im Spannungsfeld von Lissabon-Strategie und Leipzig Charta, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 2, 107–177 [in German].
Glaeser, E. L. (2012), The challenge of urban policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 31(1), 111–122.
van Gent, W. P. C., Musterd, S. & Ostendorf, W. (2009) Disentangling neighbourhood problems: area-based interventions in Western European cities, Urban Research & Practice, 2(1), 53–67.
Göddecke-Stellmann, J. & Wagener, T. (2009) Städtebauförderung – Investitionen für die Zukunft der Städte, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 3/4, 181–192 [in German].
Huang, B., Wu, B. & Barry, M. (2010) Geographically and temporally weighted regression for modeling spatio-temporal variation in house prices, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(3), 383–401.
Lawless, P. (2006) Area-based Urban Interventions: Rationale and Outcomes: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England, Urban Studies, 43(11), 1991–2011.
Lee, P. (1999) Where are the socially excluded? Continuing debates in the identification of poor neighbourhoods, Regional Studies, 33(5), 483–486.
Pawson, H. & Herath, S. (2015) Dissecting and tracking socio-spatial disadvantage in urban Australia, Cities, 44, 73–85.
Radzimski, A. (2016). Changing policy responses to shrinkage: The case of dealing with housing vacancies in Eastern Germany, Cities, 50, 197–205.
Rae, A. (2012) Spatially Concentrated Deprivation in England: An Empirical Assessment, Regional Studies, 46(9), 1183–1199.
Silver, H. (2010) Obama’s urban policy: a symposium, City & Community, 9(1), 3–12.
Tunstall, R. & Lupton, R. (2003) Is Targeting Deprived Areas an Effective Means to Reach Poor People? An assessment of one rationale for area-based funding programmes (CASEpaper, 70), London School of Economics, London.
Walter, K. (2001) Das Bund-Länder-Städtebauförderung – ein Erfolgsmodell vertikaler Politikverflechtung, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 9/10, 517–525 [in German].
Waterhout, B., Othengrafen, F. & Sykes, O. (2013), Neo-liberalization Processes and Spatial Planning in France, Germany, and the Netherlands: An Exploration, Planning, Practice and Research, 28(1), 141–159.
Wheeler, B. W., Rigby, J. E. & Huriwai, T. (2006) Pokies and poverty: problem gambling risk factor geography in New Zealand, Health & Place, 12 (1), 86–96.
Internet sources
INKAR website (Indikatoren und Karten zur Raum- und Stadtentwicklung): [accessed: 20.09.2017] [in German].
Statistisches Bundesamt website (Die Regionaldatenbank Deutschland): on
[accessed: 15.09.2017] [in German].