Grzegorz Libor*, Stefan Bouzarovski
The socio-demographic dimensions of energy poverty: a case study from Bytom, Poland Urban Development Issues, vol. 57, 63–77. DOI: 10.2478/udi-2018-0018
Keywords: energy poverty, age categories, Poland, Bytom
Energy poverty can be understood as the inability to secure a socially- and materially-necessitated level of energy services in the home. This article presents the results of empirical research on energy poverty in Bytom. The study was carried out using a questionnaire delivered to 121 persons living in Bytom. The questionnaire consisted of 20 single and multiple-choice questions. The primary aim of the research was to achieve typological representativeness by identifying the differences between six age categories. Some of the results confirm what is already known about the relationships between the age of the head of household and energy poverty, while others are surprising. On their basis it is possible to formulate some recommendations for local anti-poverty energy policies.
Energy poverty can be understood as the inability to secure a socially- and materially-necessitated level of energy services in the home. This article presents the results of empirical research on energy poverty in Bytom. The study was carried out using a questionnaire delivered to 121 persons living in Bytom. The questionnaire consisted of 20 single and multiple-choice questions. The primary aim of the research was to achieve typological representativeness by identifying the differences between six age categories. Some of the results confirm what is already known about the relationships between the age of the head of household and energy poverty, while others are surprising. On their basis it is possible to formulate some recommendations for local anti-poverty energy policies.
Alsabry, A. (2016) Possibilities of decreasing energy consumption through thermal upgrading in selected buildings in Poland case study: The town of Zielona Góra, Energy and Buildings, 130, 811–820.
Balaras, C. A., Droutsa, K., Dascalaki, E. & Kontoyiannidis, S. (2005a) Heating energy consumption and resulting environmental impact of European apartment buildings, Energy and Buildings, 37, 429–442.
Balaras, C. A., Droutsa, K., Dascalaki, E. & Kontoyiannidis, S. (2005b) Deterioration of European apartment buildings, Energy and Buildings, 37, 515–527.
Boardman, B. (1991) Fuel Poverty: From Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth, Bellhaven, London.
Bouzarovski, S. & Petrova, S. (2015) A global perspective on domestic energy deprivation: Overcoming the energy poverty–fuel poverty binary, Energy Research & Social Science, 10, 31–40.
Bouzarovski, S. & Herrero, S. T. (2015) The energy divide: Integrating energy transitions, regional inequalities and poverty trends in the European Union, European Urban and Regional Studies, 24 (1) 69–86. DOI: 10.1177/0969776415596449.
Bouzarovski, S. & Herrero, S. T. (2016) Geographies of injustice: the socio-spatial determinants of energy poverty in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, Post-Communist Economies, 29 (1), 27–50. DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2016.1242257.
Bouzarovski, S. (2014) Energy poverty in the European Union: landscapes of vulnerability, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 3, 276–289.
Bouzarovski, S., Herrero, S. T., Petrova, S. & Ürge-Vorsatz, D. (2016) Unpacking the spaces and politics of energy poverty: path-dependencies, deprivation and fuel switching in post-communist Hungary, Local Environment, 21, 1151–1170.
Csoknyai, T., Hrabovszky-Horváth, S., Georgiev, Z., Jovanovic-Popovic, M., Stankovic, B., Villatoro, O., & Szendrő, G. (2016) Building stock characteristics and energy performance of residential buildings in Eastern-European countries, Energy and Buildings, 132, 39–52.
Eurostat (2016a), Glossary: People at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
Available from: [accessed: 20.12.2017].
Eurostat (2016b), Glossary: Material deprivation – Statistics Explained.
Available from: Material_deprivation [accessed: 20.12.2017].
Fahmy, E., Gordon, D. & Patsios, D. (2011) Predicting fuel poverty at a small-area level in England, Energy Policy, 39, 4370–4377.
Gobo, G. & Mauceri, S. (2014) Constructing Survey Data: An Interactional Approach, SAGE, Los Angeles-London-New Delhi-Singapore-Washington DC.
Healy, J. (2003) Excess winter mortality in Europe: a cross country analysis identifying key risk factors, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57, 784–789.
Healy, J. D. & Clinch, J. P. (2004) Quantifying the severity of fuel poverty, its relationship with poor housing and reasons for non-investment in energy-saving measures in Ireland, Energy Policy, 32, 207–220.
O’Sullivan K. C., Howden-Chapman P. L., Fougere G. (2011) Making the connection: The relationship between fuel poverty, electricity disconnection, and prepayment metering, Energy Policy, 39, 733–741.
Hsu, H. C. (2007) Does social participation by the elderly reduce mortality and cognitive impairment?, Aging & Mental Health, 11, 699–707.
Legendre, B. & Ricci, O. (2015) Measuring fuel poverty in France: Which households are the most fuel vulnerable?, Energy Economics, 49, 620–628.
Liddell, C. & Morris, C. (2010) Fuel poverty and human health: A review of recent evidence, Energy Policy, 38, 2987–2997.
Lis, M. & Szpor, A. (2016) Ograniczenie ubóstwa energetycznego w Polsce – od teorii do praktyki, IBS, Warsaw [in Polish].
Lis, M., Miazga, A. & Sałach, K. (2016) Location, location, location. What accounts for regional variation of fuel poverty in Poland?, IBS, Warsaw.
Moore, R. (2012) Definitions of fuel poverty: Implications for policy, Energy Policy, 49, 19–26.
Morrison, C. & Shortt, N. (2008) Fuel poverty in Scotland: Refining spatial resolution in the Scottish Fuel Poverty Indicator using a GIS-based multiple risk index, Health & Place, 14, 702–717.
Nowalska-Kapuścik, D. (2015) Poland [in:] G. Libor & D. Nowalska-Kapuścik, eds., Poor Europe. The Problem of Poverty in Chosen European Countries, Wydawnictwo UŚ, Katowice, 165–176.
O’Sullivan, K. C., Howden-Chapman, P. L. & Fougere G. M. (2015) Fuel poverty, policy, and equity in New Zealand: The promise of prepayment metering, Energy Research & Social Science, 7, 99–107.
O’Sullivan, K. C., Howden-Chapman, P. L. & Fougere, G. (2011) Making the connection: The relationship between fuel poverty, electricity disconnection, and prepayment metering, Energy Policy, 39, 733–741.
Owczarek, D. & Miazga, A., 30.06.2017, Ubóstwo energetyczne w Polsce – definicja i charakterystyka społeczna grupy.
Available from:
[accessed: 20.12.2017] [in Polish].
Santamouris, M. & Kolokotsa, D. (2015) On the impact of urban overheating and extreme climatic conditions on housing, energy, comfort and environmental quality of vulnerable population in Europe, Energy and Buildings, 98, 125–133.
Santamouris, M., Kapsis, K., Korres, D., Livada, I., Pavlou, C. & Assimakopoulos M. N. (2007) On the relation between the energy and social characteristics of the residential sector, Energy and Buildings, 39, 893–905.
Stępniak, A. & Tomaszewska, A. (2013) Ubóstwo energetyczne a efektywność energetyczna. Analiza problemu i rekomendacje, Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju, Warsaw [in Polish].
Stolarski, M., Krzyżaniak, M. & Graban, Ł. (2011) Evaluation of energy-related and economic aspects of heating a family house with dendro-mass in the north-east of Poland, Energy and Buildings, 43, 433–439.
Szamrej-Baran, I. (2014) Identification of fuel poverty causes in Poland using soft modelling, Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics, 2014, 328, 343–352.
Urząd Statystyczny w Katowicach (2017) Województwo Śląskie 2017 – Podregiony, Powiaty, Gminy.
Available from:,5,16.html [accessed: 20.12.2017 ] [in Polish].
Walker R., Liddell C., McKenzie P., Morris, C. & Lagdon, S. (2014) Fuel poverty in Northern Ireland: Humanizing the plight of vulnerable households, Energy Research & Social Science, 4, 89–99.
Walker, R., Liddell, C., McKenzie, P. & Morris, C. (2013) Evaluating fuel poverty policy in Northern Ireland using a geographic approach, Energy Policy, 63, 765–774.
Alsabry, A. (2016) Possibilities of decreasing energy consumption through thermal upgrading in selected buildings in Poland case study: The town of Zielona Góra, Energy and Buildings, 130, 811–820.
Balaras, C. A., Droutsa, K., Dascalaki, E. & Kontoyiannidis, S. (2005a) Heating energy consumption and resulting environmental impact of European apartment buildings, Energy and Buildings, 37, 429–442.
Balaras, C. A., Droutsa, K., Dascalaki, E. & Kontoyiannidis, S. (2005b) Deterioration of European apartment buildings, Energy and Buildings, 37, 515–527.
Boardman, B. (1991) Fuel Poverty: From Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth, Bellhaven, London.
Bouzarovski, S. & Petrova, S. (2015) A global perspective on domestic energy deprivation: Overcoming the energy poverty–fuel poverty binary, Energy Research & Social Science, 10, 31–40.
Bouzarovski, S. & Herrero, S. T. (2015) The energy divide: Integrating energy transitions, regional inequalities and poverty trends in the European Union, European Urban and Regional Studies, 24 (1) 69–86. DOI: 10.1177/0969776415596449.
Bouzarovski, S. & Herrero, S. T. (2016) Geographies of injustice: the socio-spatial determinants of energy poverty in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, Post-Communist Economies, 29 (1), 27–50. DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2016.1242257.
Bouzarovski, S. (2014) Energy poverty in the European Union: landscapes of vulnerability, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 3, 276–289.
Bouzarovski, S., Herrero, S. T., Petrova, S. & Ürge-Vorsatz, D. (2016) Unpacking the spaces and politics of energy poverty: path-dependencies, deprivation and fuel switching in post-communist Hungary, Local Environment, 21, 1151–1170.
Csoknyai, T., Hrabovszky-Horváth, S., Georgiev, Z., Jovanovic-Popovic, M., Stankovic, B., Villatoro, O., & Szendrő, G. (2016) Building stock characteristics and energy performance of residential buildings in Eastern-European countries, Energy and Buildings, 132, 39–52.
Eurostat (2016a), Glossary: People at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
Available from: [accessed: 20.12.2017].
Eurostat (2016b), Glossary: Material deprivation – Statistics Explained.
Available from: Material_deprivation [accessed: 20.12.2017].
Fahmy, E., Gordon, D. & Patsios, D. (2011) Predicting fuel poverty at a small-area level in England, Energy Policy, 39, 4370–4377.
Gobo, G. & Mauceri, S. (2014) Constructing Survey Data: An Interactional Approach, SAGE, Los Angeles-London-New Delhi-Singapore-Washington DC.
Healy, J. (2003) Excess winter mortality in Europe: a cross country analysis identifying key risk factors, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57, 784–789.
Healy, J. D. & Clinch, J. P. (2004) Quantifying the severity of fuel poverty, its relationship with poor housing and reasons for non-investment in energy-saving measures in Ireland, Energy Policy, 32, 207–220.
O’Sullivan K. C., Howden-Chapman P. L., Fougere G. (2011) Making the connection: The relationship between fuel poverty, electricity disconnection, and prepayment metering, Energy Policy, 39, 733–741.
Hsu, H. C. (2007) Does social participation by the elderly reduce mortality and cognitive impairment?, Aging & Mental Health, 11, 699–707.
Legendre, B. & Ricci, O. (2015) Measuring fuel poverty in France: Which households are the most fuel vulnerable?, Energy Economics, 49, 620–628.
Liddell, C. & Morris, C. (2010) Fuel poverty and human health: A review of recent evidence, Energy Policy, 38, 2987–2997.
Lis, M. & Szpor, A. (2016) Ograniczenie ubóstwa energetycznego w Polsce – od teorii do praktyki, IBS, Warsaw [in Polish].
Lis, M., Miazga, A. & Sałach, K. (2016) Location, location, location. What accounts for regional variation of fuel poverty in Poland?, IBS, Warsaw.
Moore, R. (2012) Definitions of fuel poverty: Implications for policy, Energy Policy, 49, 19–26.
Morrison, C. & Shortt, N. (2008) Fuel poverty in Scotland: Refining spatial resolution in the Scottish Fuel Poverty Indicator using a GIS-based multiple risk index, Health & Place, 14, 702–717.
Nowalska-Kapuścik, D. (2015) Poland [in:] G. Libor & D. Nowalska-Kapuścik, eds., Poor Europe. The Problem of Poverty in Chosen European Countries, Wydawnictwo UŚ, Katowice, 165–176.
O’Sullivan, K. C., Howden-Chapman, P. L. & Fougere G. M. (2015) Fuel poverty, policy, and equity in New Zealand: The promise of prepayment metering, Energy Research & Social Science, 7, 99–107.
O’Sullivan, K. C., Howden-Chapman, P. L. & Fougere, G. (2011) Making the connection: The relationship between fuel poverty, electricity disconnection, and prepayment metering, Energy Policy, 39, 733–741.
Owczarek, D. & Miazga, A., 30.06.2017, Ubóstwo energetyczne w Polsce – definicja i charakterystyka społeczna grupy.
Available from:
[accessed: 20.12.2017] [in Polish].
Santamouris, M. & Kolokotsa, D. (2015) On the impact of urban overheating and extreme climatic conditions on housing, energy, comfort and environmental quality of vulnerable population in Europe, Energy and Buildings, 98, 125–133.
Santamouris, M., Kapsis, K., Korres, D., Livada, I., Pavlou, C. & Assimakopoulos M. N. (2007) On the relation between the energy and social characteristics of the residential sector, Energy and Buildings, 39, 893–905.
Stępniak, A. & Tomaszewska, A. (2013) Ubóstwo energetyczne a efektywność energetyczna. Analiza problemu i rekomendacje, Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju, Warsaw [in Polish].
Stolarski, M., Krzyżaniak, M. & Graban, Ł. (2011) Evaluation of energy-related and economic aspects of heating a family house with dendro-mass in the north-east of Poland, Energy and Buildings, 43, 433–439.
Szamrej-Baran, I. (2014) Identification of fuel poverty causes in Poland using soft modelling, Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics, 2014, 328, 343–352.
Urząd Statystyczny w Katowicach (2017) Województwo Śląskie 2017 – Podregiony, Powiaty, Gminy.
Available from:,5,16.html [accessed: 20.12.2017 ] [in Polish].
Walker R., Liddell C., McKenzie P., Morris, C. & Lagdon, S. (2014) Fuel poverty in Northern Ireland: Humanizing the plight of vulnerable households, Energy Research & Social Science, 4, 89–99.
Walker, R., Liddell, C., McKenzie, P. & Morris, C. (2013) Evaluating fuel poverty policy in Northern Ireland using a geographic approach, Energy Policy, 63, 765–774.